Notices for week 22nd May 2017:

Tuesday 23/5/17:
The J.E.P. (5th class) are going to Tayto Park as a treat for their hard work on their class project.  We hope you have a great time.

Wednesday 24/5/17:
5th and 6th classes have a workshop.

Thursday 25/5/17:
Our school sports day is being held in Robertstown G.A.A.  We will be leaving the school @ 10:45am.  Please be sure to pack a lunch and plenty of water.  Also make sure your child has sun crème on if it is going to be a sunny day.

There will be no Homework Club today.

Monday 29/5/17:
3rd and 4th classes are going on their school tour to the National Sports Centre @ €25 with €1 for a locker.

Tuesday 30/5/17:
The Parish Sports is being hosted by Allenwood B.N.S. in Allenwood G.A.A. grounds @ 5:30pm.  Don’t forget to return your raffle tickets to the office by Friday 26th May 2017.

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Prosperous Area Community Games Track & Field 2017:

St. Farnans Secondary School field Fri 19th May @ 7pm for U8 – U16. Entry form outside school office, please return by Thurs 18th May, €3 per child.
List of events on our FB Page ‘Prosperous Community Games’ also. All ages relevant to 31st July i.e. must be under the age on 31st July 2017.

Comm Games Athletics

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Notices for week 15th May 2017:

Monday, 15/5/17:
There is no girls football training today.  They will have a football match V Kilshanroe this week.  Details will be given when this is arranged.

Tuesday 16/5/17:
U10 football match in Coill Dubh @ 2:40pm.  Leaving the school @ 2:15pm.

Wednesday 17/5/17:
Hurling match in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:15pm V Tiermahon.
No hurling training this week.

Thursday 18/5/17:
All children are finishing @ 1pm to facilitate a Staff Meeting.  There is no Homework Club.  Playball will still be going ahead from 1pm to 2pm on the day.

Tuesday 23/5/17:
5th class will be going to Tayto Park as a treat for all their hard work on the Junior Entrepreneur Programme.

Thursday 25/5/17:
The school will be holding their Sports Day in Robertstown G.A.A.  We will be leaving the school @ 11am and walking to the pitch.  At the end of the day children are to be collected from the pitch at their relevant going home times.

Tuesday 30/5/17:
The Parish Sports are being held by Allenwood Boys N.S. in Allenwood G.A.A. grounds @ 5:30pm.  Sponsorship cards for the Raffle will be sent home during this week and will need to be returned to the office by Friday 26th May.

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Staff Meeting

All children will be going home @ 1pm on next Thursday, 18th May 2017 to facilitate a Staff Meeting.

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Notices for Week: 8th May 2017

Tuesday 9/5/17:
County Photos: All children are to wear their full school uniform, no tracksuits are to be worn.  They will be taking individual/family and class photos.  There will be no football training during school tomorrow.

Congratulations to our 5th class pupils and Ms. Poole who organised the Trocaire non uniform day on Friday 5th May.  In total including the Trocaire boxes was raised.  A representative from Torcaire will visit the school to collect the cheque.

10 pupils from 5th and 6th classes will represent Robertstown N.S. at the Algebra Maths Jamboree in Kildare Community School on Wednesday.  We hope they will have lots of fun a  the event.  Thank you to Mr. Brennan and Mr. Enright for organising the event.

We send our best wishes to the pupils of 2nd class as they prepare to receive their First Holy Communion on this Saturday, 13th May.  We would like to thank Mr. McHale, Fr. Kavanagh and Fr. Willie and the parents on the Communion Committee who have worked hard to prepare the children for this special day.

The U10 football team won their first game against Coill Dubh/Timahoe.  The team have been busy training every Tuesday and have their next match this Wednesday against St. Patrick’s, Celbridge.  We wish them all the best.

Well done to the boys senior footballers.  They trained really hard and were desperately unlucky to miss out on qualification from their group.  They showed great heart and tremendous skills.  Well done lads.

Well done to the girls senior football team for their success in their division so far.  They have one more match to play (V Ballymore this Thursday) and are hopeful they might make it to the semi-final.  Best of luck girls.

Kildare Ladies U12 team:
A special congratulations to Anna Price and Orlaith O’Mahony for making the Kildare U12 county team.  A fantastic achievement!!

Training every Wednesday after school.  We have one win so far V Allen N.S.  Our next game this week V Straffan.

Cross Country:
Well done to the children who took part in the Cumann an mBunscoil Cross Country Competition in Hawkfield.  Children trained hard and had to run a though 1600m race.  Competition was tough and we are now in intermediate level.

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Assembly on Friday 5th May



Our school choir performing the songs they sang at the Navan Choral Festival this morning at assembly.
They sang “Beauty and the Beast” and “Wonder” by Emili Sande,


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Yoga Workshops – Active Week





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Notices for week 2nd May 2017:

Active School Week:
Congratulations to the Active School Committee along with Ms. Conroy and Ms Poole who organised and extremely successful and fun-filled Active School Week.

Wednesday 3/5/17:
The choir will be attending the Navan Choral Competition.  This will take place during normal school hours.  Please return permission slip and €5 for bus.

Thursday 4/5/17:
Cross Country training is cancelled due to the fall in numbers attending training.
Football training will continue today are normal.

Friday 5/5/17:
Swimming will commence this week for 1st and 2nd classes.
Trocaire Jersey Day @ €1 per child.  Children can wear their school tracksuit bottoms with Jersey/Sports top.
Assembly will be held and we intend to celebrate all active achievements and start our Active “Wall of Fame”.

Tuesday 9/5/17:
Country Photos will be attending the school.  A flyer to remind you will be sent home today (Tuesday 2nd May).

Standardised Tests:
We ask you to ensure your children are at school unless they are medically unfit over the coming weeks as we will be conducting our annual standardised tests (Sigma T, Micra T, etc).

Please ensure you send in a note explaining all absences.  This is a Department of Education and Skills requirement.

School Sports Day 25/5/17:
This year the Fun Day will be relocated to Robertstown G.A.A. pitch.  The day will run as a sports day which will be organised by the teachers.  The Parent Association will assist with refreshments and sponsor the medals for each child.  All parents are invited to come along and attend.  Incoming infants are also very welcome on the day.
We plan to depart the school walking to the pitch at 11am.  Events will start at 11:45am and conclude at 1:20pm from infants and 2:20pm for all other pupils.
All pupils should be collected from the pitch at home time on the day.  We request the assistance of parents to walk with the children to the pitch.  Parents should wear hi-vis vests to be visible.  The Gardai will also drive ahead of the children to ensure their safety on the road.
We are looking forward to a fun-filled sporting afternoon.

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Active Week Soccer Final


Well Done to all who took part in the Soccer League during Active Week.

Thank you John Gray for taking photos of the final.  Congratulations to team 2B on your great win.

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Notices for week 24th April 2017:

Welcome back after the Easter holidays.  I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful break.  The next term is very busy with lots of plans for exciting activities for all classes.

Friday, 28th April:
Swimming starts for 1st and 2nd classes.  Please ensure all fees are paid this week.

Cross Country:
Training will continue every Thursday.

Start time:
The school gate opens at 8:50am until 9am.  School starts at 8:55am.  As children are not insured before 8:50am, please ensure they are not on the school grounds before this time.

Our school is a nut-free and egg-free zone.  Please remember to send safe lunches to school with your children.  This is to guarantee the health and safety of a number of children in the school who have severe food allergies.

Algebra Maths Project:
5th and 6th class are participating in the Algebra Project that is based on number theory.  They are studying prime and composite numbers to enhance their ability to factorise numbers.  They will then use their new knowledge to play a maths game that is played in an obstacle course.  As part of this activity we will be sending a team of 10 children to a special jamboree day in which they will represent the school and compete against teams from other schools.

Code of Behaviour:
We are in the process of reviewing our school’s Code of Behaviour.  The draft copy is on the school website.  Please review and email any comments prior to 15th May2017.  We hop to complete the review process this term.

May Bank Holiday:
The school will be closed next Monday, 1st May as it is a bank holiday.

Navan Choral Fest:
The school choir have been preparing to take part in the Navan Choral Festival next Wednesday, 3rd May.  Robertstown Choir will compete against a number of other school choirs in Leinster by singing 2 songs of contrasting styles.  They will be performing the “Beauty and the Beast” theme song and “Wonder” by Emilie Sande.  It is a fantastic opportunity for the children and we wish them the very best of luck.

Friday, 5th May:
Trocaire Jersey Day, please bring in €1 if you want to wear a jersey.  If you have no jersey you can wear any sports top.  School tracksuit bottom is to be worn on the day.

County Photos:
A school photographer will be visiting the school on Tuesday, 9th May.  More details to follow.

Active Schools Week:
Upcoming events for the week are –
“Wake Up  Shake Up” will take place every morning for 10 minutes.  Ms. Poole will be doing Yoga workshops all week.  All teachers will be including something that is active homework.  There will be the usual soccer and football coaching during the school day, during the week.

This is cancelled due to a drop in numbers attending.


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