Monthly Archives: May 2011

Digital School Award

The digital school evaluation report has been received by the school. The full report can be viewed under the About Us tab.   The following is a synopsis of the report ‘The seamless use of ICT in class is most impressive … Continue reading

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First Holy Communion 2011

Congratulations to Mrs. Killeen’s and Mr. Flangan’s second classes on receiving their First Holy Communion on Sunday, 29th May in Allen Church.

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Studying the Canal

5th and 6th Class have been studying the vegetation around canal. They carefully collected, photographed and recorded the different types of flora and fauna living near the canal. They studied the cross section of the canal using reference books to … Continue reading

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Visit to Tutankhamun

5th and 6th Class went to the RDS to visit the Tutankhamun Exhibition. We viewed real artefacts from Tutankhamun’s Tomb and original hieroglyphics. They thoroughly enjoyed learning all about this ancient King. We finished off the day with a visit … Continue reading

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Fun Day

The Fun Day held on Thursday, 14th and Friday 15th April raised €393.

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Log Habitat

4th and 5th class exploring log habitats in our school yard.

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Book lists 2011/2012

Please note next year’s book lists will be on this website under the parents link from early next week. Details of the rental scheme will be sent out shortly. If you are interested in taking part in this scheme please … Continue reading

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Classes for next year

As we are awaiting notification from the Department of Education & Skills regarding new posts, we are not in a position to make final decisions with regard to classes for next year until later in the year.

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Crisis Intervention Course

The school will be closed on Thursday, 19th May 2011 as all the staff will be attending a “Crisis Intervention Course”.

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Allen Parish Sports

It is Robertstown N.S. turn to host the Allen Parish Sports this year!!                                   We are holding it on Wednesday, 25th May 2011 in … Continue reading

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