3rd & 4th Class School Tour


Dear Parents/Guardians,

 3rd and 4th classes will be going on their school tour to the National Sports Campus in Blanchardstown on Monday 29th of May.  See link for more information http://www.nationalsportscampus.ie/school-tours

Please ensure your child brings swimming gear and a packed lunch. ( your child also needs a €1 coin for their locker).  The bus will depart Robertstown at  8.30am sharp, children must be in school at 8.20am.  We will return to the school  at  3.15pm.   The price of the tour is €25 and we need a €5 cash deposit from each child on Monday 24th of April to confirm our booking.   Please ensure all monies are  given to class teacher only or you may pay the balance of the tour online by following the link sent by e-mail.


Kind regards,

F. Murphy.

W O’Donoghue.

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Notices for week 3rd April 2017

Monday 3/4/17:
No football training for Senior girls.
Senior Boys training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:40pm to 3:30pm

Tuesday 4/4/17:
Senior Girls football match in Scoil Naomh Uilig, Newbridge @ 1:30pm.  Leaving the school @ 12:55pm.  Lifts appreciated.
U10 boys and girls football training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:40pm to 3:30pm.
Senior Boys football match in Robertstown G.A.A. against Johnstownbridge @ 2:30pm.  Leaving the school @ 2:15pm.

Wednesday 5/4/17:
U10 football match away to Cooleragh @ 3pm. (Venue to be confirmed)

Thursday 6/4/17:
No hurling training today.
Senior Boys football match away to Coill Dubh (venue to be confirmed) @ 2:45pm.
Cross Country in Hawkfield, leaving the school @ 10am.  Lifts appreciated.
Dental Nurse:  The Dental Nurse is visiting the school to give a talk to Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st Class, 3rd Class and 5th Class.

Friday 7/4/17:
Trocaire: If you have any spare coins floating around your house, there will be a Trocaire collection.
Half Day: The Junior and Senior Infant classes with older siblings will finish @ 12pm.  The rest of the school will finish @ 12:15pm.  This should be sufficient time between collections to ease traffic congestion.
Return to school after the Easter Holidays on Monday, 24/4/17.
R.S.A. Workshop:  There will be a workshop for every class and it will be age appropriate.

Football Coaching:
Coaching will continue on Tuesdays and Thursday.

Monday 24/4/17:
This will be an Active School week.  All children are to wear their tracksuit for this week only.

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Notices for week 27th March 2017:

Monday 27/3/17:
Senior Girls football training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:40pm to 3:30pm.  There will be a match during the week.  When details are confirmed, these will be notified to you.

Tuesday 28/3/17:
U10 Boys & Girls football training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:40pm to 3:30pm.  There is a match during the week.  When details are confirmed, these will be notified to you.
Senior Boys match in Allen @ 2pm.  Lifts would be appreciated @ 1:40pm.  Don’t forget gum shields.

Wednesday 29/3/2017:
There is a confirmation practice for the candidates in Allenwood Church @ 10am.  If you can offer a lift please let Mr. Enright know.

Thursday 30/3/2017:
Hurling training (4th to 6th classes) in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:40pm to 3:30pm.  If you have a helmet and hurl please bring them.

Friday 31/3/2017:
The Confirmation is being held in Allenwood Church @ 2pm.  Please be there in plenty of time.  The choir will be leaving the school @ 1:30pm, if you can offer a lift please let Ms. Magrane know.

Friday 7/4/17:
The school will close for the Easter Holidays. Junior and Senior Infants with their older siblings will finish @ 12pm and the rest of the school will finish @ 12:15pm. Hopefully this will relieve some of the traffic congestion.

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Egg and Nut Allergy!!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It has come to our attention that a child in our school has a severe allergic reaction to eggs and nuts. This allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) can occur through ingestion of egg or nut products, cross contamination and breathing egg or nuts in the air.

Since this condition can be life threatening, we are asking for your help in minimising the risk to this child by:

  1. Avoiding giving children eggs or nuts in school lunches
  2. Avoiding giving peanut butter sandwiches, other spreads containing nuts such as Nutella and snacks/bars containing nuts or labelled “may contain nut traces” in school lunches
  3. Avoiding giving egg sandwiches, mayonnaise, coleslaw fresh pasta or any others foods containing eggs in school lunches
  4. Asking children not to share their lunches.

Due to the severity of the problem, it is important that all parents carry out the suggested measures and reduce the risk of allergic reaction to this child.

We thank you for your co-operation.

Marion Sherlock

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Notices for week 20th March 2017:

Tuesday 21/3/17:
Senior Girls football training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:40pm – 3:40pm
U10 Boys and Girls football training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:40pm – 3:40pm

Wednesday 22/3/17:
Senior Girls match V Ballymore in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 1:45pm.  Leaving school @ 1:35pm, lift appreciated.  Don’t forget Gum Sheilds.
Senior Boys hurling training (4th – 6th classes) in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:45pm to 3:30pm.

Thursday 23/3/17:
Cross Country training after school.  Don’t forget extra water and rain gear.

Wednesday 29/3/17:
J.E.P. will showcase their project to the school.  We look forward to this.

Friday 31/3/17:
Confirmation will take place in Allenwood Church @ 2pm.  The choir are leaving the school @ 1:30pm, lifts would be appreciated.

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Robertstown G.A.A. Easter Camp:


Registration Forms are available from the office.

GAA Easter Camp

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Notices for week 13th March 2017:

Seachtain Na Gaeilge:
Táimid go léir ag tnúth leis an ceolchoirm atá ar súil inniú.  Tá gach rang gnóthach ag ullmhú amhrán, rann nó dráma don ocáid.
Tá múinteoir rince gaeilge ag teacht ar schoil ar an Déardaoin.
Beidh tráth na gceist ag na hardranganna freisin ar an gCéadaoin.
Lá Fhéile Pádraig shona daoibh go leir.

We are all looking forward to the concert are expected today. Each class is busy preparing a song, rhyme or play for the event.
An Irish dance teacher is coming school on Thursday.
A Table Quiz for the senior classes is also on Wednesday.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day everybody.

Monday 13/3/17:
Senior Boys and Girls football training in Robertstown G.A.A. pitch @ 2:40pm to 3:30pm.

Tuesday 14/3/17:
U10 Boys and Girls football training in Robertstown G.A.A. pitch @ 2:40pm to 3:30pm.

Dancing with Carla:
Thank you to the Parent Association for sponsoring Carla.
Parents are invited to watch their child dance with Carla.
Senior Infant pupils dance at 9:15am to 9:30am, Junior Infant pupils dance at 9:45am to 10am and 1st and 2nd class pupils dance at 1:45pm to 2pm for their parents.  We hope you enjoy the performances.

Wednesday 15/3/17:
Training for the Cross Country will take place in the school @ 2:40pm to 3:15pm.  Please bring extra water and rain gear.

A showcase of 5th Class Junior Entrepreneur Project will take place on Thursday 23rd March 2017.  A timetable will be set up and communicated to parents/guardians when it becomes available.

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U10 Football Training:

Training for boys and girls does not start until Tuesday 14th March.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
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Dancing with Carla:

Parents of pupils in Senior Infants are invited in next Tuesday, 14th March @ 9:15am to 9:30am to watch their dance class, in the hall with Carla.  Then parents of pupils in Junior Infants are invited in @ 9:45am to 10am to watch their class.  First and Second Classes are dancing from 1:45pm to 2pm for their parents also.

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Notice for week 6th March 2017:

Monday 6/3/17:
Football training for Senior Boys in Robertstown G.A.A. astro turf @ 2:40pm to 3:30pm.  Girls training has been cancelled this week.

Tuesday 7/3/17:
U10 football training for girls and boys in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:40pm to 3:30pm.  This could be subject to change due to the weather.

Dancing continues with Carla.  All pupils are to wear school tracksuit with runners.

Wednesday 8/3/17:
W.O.W. :
The Golden Boot Award will be presented at the next assembly to the winning class.  There is now W.O.W. this week due to the weather.

Well done to all students who have taken an Active Schools Lenten Promise.  It is not too late to start.  More forms are available from your class teacher or Ms. Conroy.

Thursday 9/3/17:
Cross country training for 5th and 6th classes will take place from 2:40pm to 3:15pm at school.  Please bring extra water and rain gear.

First Confession:
This takes place in Allen Church @ 7:30pm.  Good luck to all the boys and girls in Second Class as they take this big step in their faith journey.

Friday 10/3/17:
Four children from fifth class (2 Student Council reps and 2 Anti-Bullying Committee reps) attended a Trocaire workshop in Solas Bhride last week.  They will deliver the information they received at a special assembly.  They have some proposals for helping our school become more aware of global issues e.g. poverty, lack of clean water etc.

Seachtain Na Gaeilge:
We will be celebrating Seachtain Na Gaeilge in the school next week.  We have lots of exciting activities planned for the week.

Bedtime Stories:
On World Book Day local librarian Geraldine from Naas Library visited our school to read bedtime stories to Junior and Senior Infants.  this was a very special event because the children came back to school @ 18:30pm in their P.J.’s with their teddies for hat chocolate with cookies and stories from Geraldine.  Geraldine read “10 Dinosaurs” and “Dr. Seuss”.  Children and parents really enjoyed the lovely evening.

Shrove Tuesday:
Many thanks to the members of the Parent Association who took the time last Tuesday to arrange pancakes for all the children in the school.

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