Notices for week 12th June 2017

Wednesday 14/6/17
End of Year Reports will be emailed.  A hard copy of the booklist with class teacher’s name will issued in Wednesday also.
5th and 6th classes will go orienteering in Donadea Forest.

Thursday 15/6/17:
Kidstuff uniform supplier will visit the school between 12pm to 1pm.
Junior Infants for September 2017 will have their Induction Day @ 1pm.  Normal home time for both Junior Infant classes.

6th Class Photographs:
If you have any photographs of the present 6th class, can you send in to the office to be scanned or email a copy to the class teacher on  These are for the end of school  Photostory for 6th Class.

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Notices for week 6th June 2017

Fire Safety:
The Fire Safety Officer came to talk to Third Class today about fire safety in the home.

Thursday 8/6/17:
Junior and Senior Infants will be going on their school tour to “Imaginosity”.  Details have already been emailed to each parent/guardian.

Wednesday 14/6/17:
5th & 6th Class pupils are going orienteering to Donadea Forest Park.  This ties in with the Outdoor and Adventure activities strand of the Primary P.E. Curriculum.  All other classes will enjoy orienteering activities on the school grounds.

Thursday 15/6/17:
The Junior Infants Induction day is scheduled @ 1pm.  Junior Infants will be going home at the normal home time.

End of Year school reports:
These will be emailed to parents/guardians next week.  They will include the results from the annual Standardised Test.  If you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s report, please make an appointment with your child’s class teacher.

R.S.E. Lessons:
These will be delivered in school by class teachers this week.

Talent Show:
Congratulations to all the wonderful pupils who performed at our school talent show last week.

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Trocaire: A Thank You


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Talent Show 2017

Just a small taste of the talent here in the school.  Well done to all who auditioned.

Thanks also to Ms. Conroy and Ms. Poole who organised the show today.

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Notices for week 29th May 2017

Tuesday, 30/5/17:
The Parish Sports is being hosted by Allenwood B.N.S. in Allenwood G.A.A. @ 5:30pm.  Please have your raffle tickets into the school by tomorrow, sold or unsold.
Friday, 2/6/17:
All photograph money is to be in, as it is being collected by the company County Photos on the day.  Any orders after this day will not be catered for.
Tuesday, 6/6/17:
1st & 2nd classes are going to “Let’s Go Camp”
5th & 6th classes are going to “Clara Lara”

Thursday, 8/6/17:
Junior and Senior Infants are going to “Imaginosity”
Book Rental Scheme:
Don’t forget to return the Book Rental Scheme form.  Payment can be made online or sent into the class teacher.
Chicken Pox:
There is an outbreak of Chicken Pox in the school.  Children should not attend school until the all the spots have crusted over.

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Talk on Biodiversity:

Some photographs from a visit from Eanna Ni Lamhna. She gave a talk/workshop to 5th & 6th Classes today on Biodiversity, which is part of our Green Schools.

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Tip For Parents – Your child in primary school

This might be useful if you have a child starting primary school.

2017_Tips_for Parents. Your child in the Primary School

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Dates for your Diary:

Please find the following upcoming events in the school:
Thursday, 25th May: Sports Day in Robertstown G.A.A.
Monday, 29th May: 3rd & 4th Class Tour
Tuesday, 30th May: Parish Sports in Allenwood G.A.A. @ 5:30pm
Monday, 5th June: School closed for bank holiday
Tuesday, 6th June: Final date for Book Rental Scheme payment.  1st & 2nd Class Tour.  5th & 6th Class Tour.
Thursday, 8th June: Junior & Senior Infants Class Tour
Thursday, 15th June: Incoming junior infants Induction Day @ 1pm
Thursday, 22nd June: 6th Class production
Tuesday, 27th June: 6th Class graduation ceremony @ 12pm

Start of School Year 2017

Sports Day 2017 Information
Calendar 17 18

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Anti-Bullying Ambassadors meet the Dublin Lord Mayor

Well done to the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who showcased their work today at the Mansion House to an audience including T.D. Joan Burton and the Lord Mayor of Dublin Mr. Brendan Carr.

Anti Bullying meets Dublin Lord Mayor 2017

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U10 Football Champions 2017

Congratulations to our u10 Cumann na mBunscol champions 2017 and to team mentors Mr.McHale and Mr.Brennan. What a match ! Well done to all. (Ryan Bagnall was absent today for photo, but we are also including Ryan in our celebrations of success.)

Photo to follow . . . .

U10 Football Champions 2017

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