Congratulations to our new Student Council!!! :)


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Senior Infants SPHE


Strand: Myself

Strand Unit: Self Identity


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Boys U11 Match

U11 Boys training is on Monday, 16th September @ 2:45pm – 3:45pm.

U11 Boys football match:
The U11 boys have a football match V Ardclough on Tuesday, 17th September @ 3pm in Robertstown GAA. Leaving the school @ 2:25pm. All players mush have correct gear for match including gum shields, as these must be worn.

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5km Sponsored Walk on 27th of September!!

3rd to 6th class will take part in the 5km walk on Friday the 27th of September. The children decided on this fund – raising activity themselves, designed their own sponsorship cards and are busy finding sponsors!!! There is great excitement in the classrooms…The walk is in aid of Princess Leah 🙂

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Autumnal Painting

4th Class

4th Class

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Robertstown National School…Geography..local studies in 4th Class

Katie Connolly

Katie Connolly


Ava Thompson

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Our Junior Infants Enjoying Maths

Strand: Early Childhood MathematicsStrand Unit: Sorting and Counting

Strand: Early Childhood Mathematics
Strand Unit: Sorting and Counting

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Welcome Information

Welcome Back

Dear Parents/Guardians

On behalf of all the staff we would like to welcome you all back to school, it’s great to see everyone again.  We would also like to thank parents for having the children so well prepared for school.  The staff appreciates the effort you have put into buying books, getting uniforms ready, labelling items, shopping to ensure children have healthy lunches, getting children up in the morning, helping with homework etc.   We would like to welcome our new Junior Infants who are settling in beautifully and we would also like to take this opportunity to  give a special mention and welcome our three new staff members, Ms. Clare Magrane (1st class) Ms. Claire Hendrick (1st class classroom assistant), Mr. William O’Donoghue (2nd class),  Mr.  Edward Fitzgerald (3rd class) and Sandra McNamee who is acting as school assistant.  We really hope they will enjoy their time with us.

Indoor slippers are used when the ground is muddy or wet outside.  Junior Infants do not use slippers, Senior Infants use slippers when it is wet on yard or boggy in Jungle Gym area.  Slippers are compulsory for those children from 3rd – 6th as the senior yard tends to get particularly muddy on wet or damp days.

Dropping in Lunches

To ensure the smooth running of the school we would ask parents not to enter the school when dropping in lunches, please leave your child’s lunch in the porch area of main entrance.  All lunches are collected before lunch and delivered to the various classrooms.  (Please ensure lunchboxes are clearly labelled).

Meeting Teachers

If you wish to speak with a teacher an appointment must be made with Mona.  Mornings and afternoons  are very busy times in the school and it is disruptive if parents are trying to gain a teacher’s attention on the corridors or are entering the classroom.  Teachers are very accommodating when an appointment is made and can then give you their attention and time.   For minor issues, re collecting children etc write a note in your child’s Homework Diary, or if your child is in an infant class drop a note into their homework folder.


Full uniform at all times, black shoes/runners compulsory.  Uniforms will be checked regularly by all teachers.  School tracksuit on P.E. days.  Please note that there is no relaxed uniform day on Fridays.

Please see the Parents Association news letter for details of suppliers.


Swimming will commence for all children in 2nd and 3rd classes from Friday 2nd of May until Friday 6th of June (6 sessions).  More details nearer the time.

Election Day

The school will be closed on Friday 4th of October to facilitate the elections.

Football Training

U11 Girls & Boys training starts Tuesday, 10th September in Robertstown GAA from 2:45pm – 3:45pm.  Please be on time to collect your child/children promptly.

Walk On Wednesday

Children are asked to join in with the Walk On Wednesday this Wednesday, leaving the hotel @ 8:40am.  All are welcome to join.

Staff Meeting

All children will be going home at 1:35pm on Wednesday, 25th September 2013 t0 facilitate staff meeting.  Please be on time to collect your child/children.

Priness Leah Sponsored Walk

Sponsorship Cards will be sent home during the week for a 5km walk on Friday, 27th September 2013 for Leah.  Please support this worthy cause.  Sponsorship can be brought back on the day.

Contact numbers/emails should be up to date for your child.

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School Uniforms

The Uniforms are supplied by Farrells. Uniforms can be ordered online or from the factory shop. They will also visit the school on selected days before the end of the school year for fittings and ordering. Uniforms ordered on these days will avail of an additional 10% discount. Price List attached.

Contact details:

O,Neills Factory Shop
Longmile Road,
Walkinstown, Dublin 12
Ph 01-4293548.

Robertstown N.S Uniform Price List
Kidstuff in Newbridge have agreed to be an additional supplier for the school. They will hold a small amount of stock and offer a service for parents to pay in instalments throughout the year. They also offer an online ordering service. Price List attached. They are offering a discount of 10% on all goods paid for in full, from today until the end of June 2013.

Contact details:

31 Georges Street,
Newbridge, Co. Kildare
Ph 045-486445


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