Elections Friday, 4th October 2013



Reminder:  The school will be closed next Friday, 4th October 2013 to facilitate the elections!!!!Vote

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Junior Infants busy in the morning!!!!

20130924_09204420130924_09202820130924_092002Junior Infants busy in the shop!


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Dental Nurse Aoife visits all classes to discuss healthy eating and hygiene


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Senior Infant Maths

Strand:Number /Algebra

Strand Unit:Counting /Extending patterns

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Parent’s Association AGM

Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Robertstown National School Parent’s Association will hold their Annual General Meeting this Wednesday evening, September 25th at 8:30pm in the school. All parents of children at Robertstown National School are automatically members of the Parent’s Association.  It is an important meeting for your Parent’s Association, and the greater Parent Body of the school, as it is an opportunity for Parents to hear about the work the Parent’s Association Committee has been carrying out.
The current Parent’s Association Committee will be dissolved at the AGM and a new Committee will be elected.  It is important for as many parents as possible to attend and to vote in a new Committee.   We realize not all parents have the time to serve on the Committee and/or have responsibility for the day to day running of the Parent’s Association. But even if you feel you cannot commit to being on the Committee, come and join us at the AGM, meet the new Committee Members and check out what the Committee does and hopes to do in the future. Your Parent’s Association plays an important role in your children’s school.
The agenda for the AGM will cover:
  • Minutes of 2012 AGM
  • Chairperson’s Report on the work of the Parent’s Association
  • Treasurer’s Report
Every parent is welcome and you might even find that there is some other way you could help the Committee without committing a great deal of your precious time. For those parents who cannot make the AGM but would like to get involved in some way with the Parent’s Association, let one of the current Committee know or drop us a quick email at rnsparentsassociation@gmail.com.
We look forward to meeting new and old parents on Wednesday evening, at 8:30pm.
RNS Parent’s Association Committee
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Senior Infants Art

Strand: Paint and Colour

Strand Unit: Painting/ Making drawings

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Introducing the new Student Council 2013-2014 . Chairperson – Maria Price, Assistant Chair – Miriam McDermott, Secretary Mollie Murphy, Treasurers Tarah Cassidy and Kenneth McDermott and the P.R. Team – Daniel Smal, Anna Murphy, Caoilinn Byrne, Anna Price and Seán Wren


Posted in General | Comments Off on Introducing the new Student Council 2013-2014 . Chairperson – Maria Price, Assistant Chair – Miriam McDermott, Secretary Mollie Murphy, Treasurers Tarah Cassidy and Kenneth McDermott and the P.R. Team – Daniel Smal, Anna Murphy, Caoilinn Byrne, Anna Price and Seán Wren

Senior Infants Music


Strand Unit: Early literacy, Playing instruments

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U11 Boys Match

U11 Boys Football:
The U11 boys football match V Rathcoffey in Robertstown GAA @ 3pm on               Monday, 23rd September. Leaving the school @ 2:25pm.
Mr. Donovan

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Girls U11 Football Match

U11 Girls Match:
The U11 girls match is on this Thursday, 19th September in Allenwood GAA. Leaving the school @ 12:40pm. All lifts appreciated.
Ms. Ennis

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