Football Training

Football Training:
U11 Girls and Boys football training starts tomorrow Tuesday, 10th September from 2:45pm – 3:45pm in Robertstown GAA. Please collect your child promptly.
Ms. Ennis & Mr. Donovan

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Visual Art Senior Infants

Strand: Paint and Colour

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Senior Infants PE

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New School Copies

Thank you to Online Design for our new customised school copies



They are now for sale from the office

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Senior Infants Geography

Strand: Human environments

Strand Unit: Living in my local community

Drawing our school

Drawing our school

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Senior Infants Maths

Strand: Early Mathematical Activities

Strand Unit: Classifying

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Book List 2013 – 2014

Full Book List for those not availing of the Book Rental Scheme                                       Junior Infants to Sixth Class

1 Junior Infants

2 Senior Infants

3 First 4 Second

5 Third

6 Fourth CP

6 Fourth D OG

7 Fifth DOG

7 Fifth SD

8 Sixth

Book Rental Scheme Booklist                                                                                                     First Class to Sixth Class

3 First BRS

4 Second BRS

5 Third BRS

6 Fourth CP BRS

6 Fourth D OG BRS

7 Fifth DOG BRS

7 Fifth SD BRS

8 Sixth BRS

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National Cycle On Wednesday

Wednesday 19th June is National Cycle On Wednesday so we are asking that as many cycle to school as they can. Cycle safely!!!

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June – Rang a dó

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We had beautiful weather in June and took a lot of our lessons outside! We looked at pointillism in Art this month, and created our own paintings in this style.

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The wind kept blowing our paintings away but it was fun and we got the job done – eventually!

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This year, we went on our turas scoile to Dublin zoo. Many of us got very little sleep the night before, because we were so excited!!

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Here are some photos of us on the bus.

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Here we are at the petting farm. We saw pigs, goats, chickens and sheep there.

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We spent some time looking at the elephants.

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Dominic’s aunt Mel works as a zoo keeper, and was kind enough to let us get up close to the giraffes. We learned loads of interesting facts about giraffes from her, including the fact that they love spinach!


Here we are looking at the gorillas. We got a bit of a fright when they banged on the window though!


The children’s behaviour on the school tour was outstanding. The teachers were so proud of them!

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May – Rang a dó

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We went outside for quite a few lessons during May as the weather was lovely. Here you can see us carrying out a Maths lesson. We were comparing the weight  of various different items, making estimates and then getting an exact weight.

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We also made our own jigsaw puzzles this month, as we were looking at construction in Art. We chose a simple design, some were abstract and some were pictures, and coloured them in.

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Some of us chose to stick on materials with different textures. This made our puzzles interesting, but difficult to cut out!


Aidan made a highly detailed jigsaw and laminated it.

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