When I Grow Up…….

In Second Class wee have been discussing all about growing up and what we will be doing at ages 12, 18, 25 and 30!! There were some very interesting predictions!!

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Communion Class

Well done to all the children who made their First Holy Communion!! The children were brilliant on the day and hopefully despite the weather everyone had a brilliant day!! Thanks to all those who helped make the day so special for the children.


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Community Games – Talent Competition

The Community Games Talent Competition will be held in Prosperous Drama Hall on Wednesday, 28th May.  Registration is @ 5:45pm and will start at 6:15pm sharp.  Entry fee of €2 can be paid on the night.  Please let Ms. Poole know by Monday, 26th May if your child is interested.   Second Class to Sixth Class.

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Lullymore Tour

Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class went on their school tour to Lullymore on Monday 12th of May. We had a great day and we were very lucky, we missed the rain!!!! We visited the Three Little Bears House, The Fairy Village, travelled on the train through the bog, met all the friendly animals, played in the outdoor and indoor play areas and ate lots of treats!!
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First Holy Communion

Our 2nd class celebrated their First Holy Communion on Saturday 10th of May. It was a very exciting and special day for the children and their parents. The ceremony was lovely and the children looked fantastic in their beautiful dresses and smart suits, parents looked great too. Fr. Willie Byrne had a little chat with all children and their families, all the children felt very special. The children have worked very hard with Mr. O’Donoghue over the past few months in preparing for their Communion and this hard work was evident during the ceremony. We would like to say a big thank you to the parents who helped out, they did a great job and we all admired the beautiful artwork in the church. The choir were fantastic, everyone enjoyed the singing, we would like to say a special thanks to Ms. Ennis and Ms. Magrane for all their hard work with the choir. Ms. O’Grady accompanied on the accordian. Ms. Ennis and Ms. Magrane would like to take this opportunity to thank the choir for their hard work and dedication over the past few months.
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Dulux Project

From your Facebook Page enter “Dulux” and you will be brought to the first page


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Then select “Vote – Let’s Colour Project”

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Wait for all projects to load, then find the page with Robertstown National School.  You can hover the mouse over each frame and the names of each project will be shown.


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Click on the link for Robertstown National School and wait for video to load.  A “Vote” button will also be on the same “pop-up”, press this and you have voted for your child’s school

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Staff Meeting


There is a change to the staff meeting, it is now on next Thursday, 15th May. All children will be going home @ 1:35pm on the day to facilitate meeting. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

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Wildlife Workshop with Dale Treadwell

Dale Treadwell visted our school on Friday 2nd of May and did an all day wildlife workshop with all classes. We did activities on bugs, butterflies, bees, bats and birds and their relationship to trees. Dale also helped us plant trees for our school and many thanks to Dale for supplying the trees. Check out his website http://www.naturallywild.ie/

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Tayto Park School Tour 2nd & 3rd Classes

The children in 2nd & 3rd classes (Mr. O’Donoghue/Mr. Fitzgerald) will be going on their school tour to Tayto Park on Thursday 22nd May. The bus will depart the school at 8.45am so please ensure your child is in school early. We expect to return to school at about 2.30pm. Children are to wear school tracksuits, runners and please pack raingear/suncream should the need arise. Please ensure your child has a packed lunch and treats are allowed. Children are not permitted to bring spending money. The cost of the tour is €20 and a deposit of €10 must be paid by Friday 9th May . All monies must be paid in full by Monday 19th May, monies to be given to class teachers only. Please note that Tayto Park family passes are not valid on school tours.

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Thank you to Ms. O’Grady’s Class

Ms. O’Grady had a great surprise yesterday (10/4/14) morning.  Her class surprised her with Birthday Cakes & Cards.  Thank you class!!!!

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