Fun Day – Thank You!!

Thanks to all parents, students & families who donated baked goods and supported the Fun Day event, your generosity & time is greatly appreciated and certainly made the day a huge success. A special thanks to all the volunteers who helped out on the day & beforehand, without your help we could not have held the event.

Thanks to all the teachers, students and staff who also helped out on the day.

Raffle Results

Football – Signed by the Kildare Team = Seanie Whyte
Killashee Leisure Voucher – 3 months = Arabella Smal
Tickets for Curragh Races = Ben Watson
Day Break Voucher – €30 = Ruby & Mary Noone
Maze Vouchers – 1 Family pass = Liviana O’Connor
Maze Vouchers – 1 Family pass = Ellen Fitzgerald
Lullymore – 2 passes = Pat Kavanagh
Lullymore – 2 passes = Ethan Downey
Kbowl Voucher = Jacob Smal
Playbarn Vouchers = Judy McMullan
Playbarn Vouchers = Liviana O’Connor
Brian’s Fitness Classes – Newbridge = Luke McIntyre
Sweets = Linda Casey
Candle Set = Catherine Fitzgerald
Maccarron Making Kit = Sarah O’Reilly

The prizes that have not been collected yet can be picked up from the school office from Monday 23rd June.

Thanks to all our local sponsors & businesses who donated both goods & prizes for the raffle and the Fun Day, their generosity is much appreciated.  

Thanks again & enjoy the forthcoming well-earned summer break.

RNS Parent Association Committee

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Fun Day Iternary

A quick reminder to you all that the school Fun Day Fundraiser is on this Friday 20th June.  It is set to be a fun packed day for all with great weather!  The school gates will open at 12noon, from which time all parents, families & friends are very welcome, all U16’s must be accompanied by an adult.

To all of the wonderful children, parents and bakers around the village who kindly donated last year, we need your help again.  You can drop in your baked goods to the school from 8.50am on the morning of the Fun Day. We would also love donations of sandwiches, pies and savoury bakes as well.

Our Fun Day Fundraiser Raffle is a big one this year with many great prizes from Killashee Leisure Centre Membership, Curragh Races Ticket, Family passes for Lullymore, The Maze, Stonebrook Pet Farm, Daybreak Voucher and much more. 

Tickets will be available all day Friday to purchase.  The raffle will take place at 3.00 pm.

A brief description of events on the day

9.30am                     All school children will have a period of time with their class on the inflatable obstacle course.

12noon                     Gates Open for parents, families & friends.Tea, Coffee, Cakes, Craft Stalls, Plant Stalls, Games, Rockers, Penalty Shoot Out, Face painting, Nails Tattoos

2:00                           Annual Parent/Teacher Match

3:00                           Raffle (ticket prices are 50c per ticket, 5 tickets for €2)

On Friday children can be collected from their classrooms from 1pm onwards. If you are collecting your child before the end of their normal school day you will need to do so from the class teacher. The teacher will ask you to sign out your child so that they have a clear picture at all times of which children they are responsible for. Once you have signed out your child you will then be responsible for their supervision.

If you wish your child to be signed out by another parent please send a note in with your child on Friday morning. All children must be collected by their normal school finish times. There will be no supervision of children available after this time.

For parents who are unable to attend but would like their children to enjoy the amusements after 12pm, the children will be able to buy tickets themselves for the stalls and activities. The ticket prices are 50c per ticket, 5 tickets for €2 or 25 tickets for €10.

We are looking for parent volunteers for the Annual Parent / Teacher match.  If you are interested, let us know by email at or text Suzanne on 086 3782739.

We are also looking for the following in addition to the baked goods:

•   Crafts for the craft stall

•   Spot prizes/donations (do you have any unwanted gifts you might like to find a new home?)

•   Plant donations for the plant stall

Any donations can now be dropped in to the school or if you drop us an email to we can come and collect them.

Thank you also to the many parents who have volunteered to help on the day. If you would like to volunteer there is still plenty of help needed. Please let us know what you would like to volunteer for and how much time you can commit. The types of jobs we need help with on the day are:

•       Setting up tables, stalls etc.

•       Manning the stalls

•       Refereeing games/activities,

•       Supervising the obstacle course.

Finally, a huge thank you to all the parents who support each and every school event. We are looking forward to seeing you all on the Day and hoping that the sunshine remains with us for Friday.

Don’t forget your child’s sunblock!

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday & thanks again.

RNS Parent Association

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Fun Day 20/6/14

FunDay 2014

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u10 Leinster Athletic Winners

Well done to Orlaith O Mahony and Tara Whyte at the recent Leinster Athletics competition. Orlaith and Tara teamed up to win first place in the Paired Long Jump, while Orlaith was also picked to run in the relay race where her team finished an impressive Third. Well done girls!

Orlaith Tara Athletics

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School Mural

Dear Parents,

We are very lucky to have been chosen by the ‘Down to Earth Theatre Company’ to be the recipients of a mural painted by Séan who works for the company. The Theatre Company promotes environmental awareness to school children between the ages of 5 and 12 years. Their aim is to help young people understand why, and how, environmental problems affect them and to encourage them to look at ways in which they can help protect the environment.

Before the mural can be painted on the 18th of June we need to whitewash part of the fence on the Junior Infant yard, we hope to start this weather permitting Friday afternoon. All children in Ms O’Grady’s class and Mr. Donovan’s 5th class have been chosen to help out with this. Children will work on a rota basis. If you do not wish your child to partake please inform the class teacher. If you’re happy for your child to paint just ensure they have some kind of overalls or old shirt they can put on over their uniforms. They will not be permitted to paint without these.

We have no brushes, so please if you have any rollers, brushes, anything suitable for painting a fence can you send them in with your child before Friday, we will supply the whitewash.

Apologies for the short notice and many thanks in advance for your help with this. Here’s the link is you feel like checking out the company and all the wonderful work they do.

Kind regards,

Fidelma Murphy.

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Recycling Clothes Bank on School Grounds

When you are putting clothes in the recycling bin please bring home the plastic bags used to transport these clothes. There have been lots of old plastic bags left lying around this area and one of our SNAs tidied the area, it is unacceptable to leave this kind of rubbish around for others to clean up. Many thanks for your co-operation.

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Uniform Details

Uniform Details
The school uniform is as follows:
The girls’ uniform consists of a white/grey shirt, wine tie, and one of two options:
a) wine/grey skirt/pinafore with grey/wine jumper/cardigan ;
b) grey slacks with wine jumper/cardigan.

The boys’ uniform consists of a grey/white shirt, wine tie, wine jumper and grey slacks.
We recommend that jumpers are crested. In order to keep the cost down, individual crests will be available for purchase from the school. This will enable parents to purchase generic jumpers and sew crests on themselves.

The sports uniform is a wine tracksuit with crested top. For boys, a grey polo t-shirt should be worn and for girls, a white/grey polo t-shirt. The school tracksuit is only to be worn on P.E. days, on school outings or on occasions designated by principal/teacher.


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Robertstown Festival

This is being held on Sunday, 22nd June 2014 @ 1pm. Children from the school are asked to take part in the parade dressed in the favourite character, which will start from the Hotel. There will be a T.V. crew there doing a documentary too.


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Dulux Project


Please keep voting 🙂DuluxPoster

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Book Fair

We are having a Book Fair in the school on Thursday, 22nd May until Thursday, 29th May. 60% of sales are returned to the school in books.  The Book Fair will be open to parents/guardians on 26th, 27th, 28th May from 1:45pm to 2:15pm.

Book Fair

“We Are Writers”

This book has stories, poems and jokes written by your child/children in it.  Orders for the book will be taken during the Book Fair @ €8 per book.  We Are Writers



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