Nuachtlitir Cásca 2014 – Beannachtaí Na Cásca Daoibh Go Léir


Dear Parents,
What a busy term we’ve had! It’s been most eventful, action packed term with both rewarding days for both staff and pupils.

Some of our Easter art

Lent started on Ash Wednesday March 5th. During Lent people give up something or take up something good like a sport. Some children and staff made Lenten promises to give up sweets. No mean feat considering it’s all too easy succumb to temptation every so often! Well done everyone you’re nearly there and on Easter Sunday you’ll enjoy the eggs all the more!

bunnies in eggs

World Book Day Thursday 6th of March.

Children dressed up as their favourite character from their favourite book, or brought in their favourite book. It was a great success and there were some amazing and creative costumes. All monies raised will go towards The Princess Leah Bench.

Seachtain na Gaeilge 10th – 14th March

D’éirigh go hiontach le Seachtain na Gaeilge an bhliain seo. Bhí Trath na gCeist ag ranganna 4, 5 agus 6. Bhuaigh Foireannan Nikita Trant, Evan Swords, Katie Balfe agus Joshua McNamara, i dara áit foireann Aoife Donohoe, Cillian Reidy, Caoimhe Howard agus Tristan O’Connor Deltour, i triú áit foireann Hannah O’Grady, Jordan Taaffe, Thom Graham agus Scott Dempsey. Bhí craic agus spóirt ag gach duine. All classes thoroughly entertained with their medley of songs/poems/dances to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge and St. Patrick’s Day, an sproai agus craic!

The ‘Cube Challenge’

The ‘Cube Challenge’ took place on Saturday 29th of March in The Hamlet Hotel. Our very own Mr. O’Donoghue bravely took on the challenge. We really have to say a big well done to him, he did brilliantly and both staff and parents really enjoyed an entertaining and nail biting night.


Easter Bake and Book Sale

book and bake
The Easter Bake and Book sale was held on Thursday 10th April. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents association for organising this event. Many thanks also to those who donated books and baked all those scrumptious cakes!!!! We all really appreciate this support. As usual the cakes went down a treat with teachers, parents and children. As you can see below there were some very happy customers. All monies will go towards school notice boards.



We’re on a roll this year with our footballers. Excuse the pun!! The U10 boys won their first match by 8 points against Kilshanroe. The senior girls football team are currently undefeated in their league. They’ve won all three matches so far. They also got into the semi-finals at the mini 7’s blitz earlier in March. We’re all very proud of you, may we continue to win many more matches!!!

Book Rental Scheme
We are assuming you will be taking up the Book Rental Scheme for the coming school year 2014/2015. If you want to opt out of the scheme, please contact Ms. Stynes through email: or a written letter.

First Class €15: Religion, History/Geography/Science, S.P.H.E., Music

Second Class €25: Irish, English, Religion, History/Geography/Science, S.P.H.E., Music

Third Class – 6th Class €35: Irish, English, Maths, History/Geography/Science, Religion Music

We decided to keep the price the same as last year as we have to purchase a new English Scheme and Novels. No children from 3rd to 6th class will be allowed to write in any text books. It is best practice that they will be writing in copies. 2nd class will be allowed to write in their Busy At Maths book only.

Following payment of money to the Book Rental Scheme, a booklist for the coming school year will be issued by Ms. Stynes. All money must be sent into Ms. Stynes in an envelope with your child’s name and class for next year, on or before Wednesday, 7th May 2014. This is to ensure we have funds to purchase books required for the coming school year.

The Student Council

We would like to thank the Student Council for all their hard work. They raised €734 on last bake sale. An amazing achievement. The children suggested their ideas for yard equipment. The Student Council ordered €200 worth of resources, these are currently being enjoyed on the yard and the sensory balls have been a big hit with all children so we may consider buying more in the future.

Our School Choir
We would like to say a huge thank you and well done to the choir for all their hard work. They are currently very busy preparing hymns for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Ms. Ennis and M.s Magrane would like to thank all in the choir for their dedication and hard work. Well done also to Ms. Ennis and Ms. Magrane, they have been working very hard with the children.

Finally all staff in Robertstown National School would like to wish all children and parents a very Happy Easter, be safe and we will see you all again on Monday 28th April.

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Easter Holidays

There is a half day this Friday, 11th April for the Easter Holidays. Allchildren will be going home at 12pm. We will be returning on Monday, 28th April.

Wishing you all a great Easter break

Happy Easter


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2nd Class Science

We have been looking at how materials react when mixed together. We added water to some haribo’s, as well as carrying out how different liquids react with an egg!! Ask the children about the results and which liquids they would/would not recommend for the health of our teeth. We also made a volcano with baking soda and a fountain with diet coke and menthos!!




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2nd Class Character Profiles

We have been busy making Character profiles for our friends to see just how well we know each other for our ‘Profile Wall’!!!

IMG_1547 IMG_1546 IMG_1545 IMG_1544 IMG_1543 IMG_1542

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Reminder: Book & Bake Sale


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Solar System

In third class we have been exploring all about the Solar System. We d=researched the planets and presented our findings in this display.


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Upcoming Matches!!!!

Senior Boys Football:
Training on Monday 7/4/14 @ 2:40pm – 3:40pm. Match away to Johnstownbridge on Tuesday, 8/4/14, leaving the school @ 2:15pm and return to the school for 4:15pm. All lifts appreciated, please let Mr. Donovan know about lifts tomorrow Friday, 4/4/14.

Senior Girls Football:
Match @ 2:15pm on Tuesday, 8/4/14 in St. Kevins GAA V Timahoe, leaving school @ 1:35pm.
Match @ 2:30pm on Wednesday, 9/4/14 in Robertstown GAA V Rathcoffey, leaving school @ 2:15pm.

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Easter Bake & Book Sale

Bake & Book Sale

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Rethink Your Drink!

In third class we have been learning all about healthy and unhealthy foods. We decided to carry out an experiment to investigate exactly how much sugar is in the drinks we consume. The results were very interesting! Have a look at the picture below to see!Rethink Your drink

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day From Junior Infants


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