Second Class Shadow Puppets

In Second Class Art we made shadow puppets and displayed our work in our shadow theatre

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Shoe Box Appeal


Sixty-seven fantastic Christmas boxes were delivered to Prosperous Parish Office. They were delighted to receive them.
Some good news for anyone who still wishes to donate a shoebox is that we have another week in which to do so. We would like to thank all the children who brought in their beautifully covered boxes and remember you’ve one more week to get some more in. Thanks again for your generousity and support. (Just leave Christmas Boxes on the corridor beside main entrance of school).

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Christmas Shoe Box Appeal

Dear Parents/Guardians,
The closing date for the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal is Monday 10th November 2014.
Suggested Items include:
TO WRITE – Items for school – like a pen, pencil, copy book, paper, colouring book, felt pens, sharpener, eraser, solar calculator.

TO WASH – Some hygiene items – toothbrush and toothpaste, soap (wrapped please), facecloth, hairbrush, comb, bobbins & clips (for girls).

TO WEAR – Small clothing items (new) – a hat, scarf, gloves, socks or underwear

WOW ! – A treat – sunglasses, game, small Irish gift, a photo of yourself, sweets (must be in date until at least March 2015), make up, a small musical instrument, toys like a doll, a car, cuddly toy, skipping rope, yo-yo, a finger puppet.

Don’t forget to put on the label outside and place €4 in the envelope and put into the box!!
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Stray Dog in School

We are aware that a stray dog was on the school grounds this morning.  We are doing our best to prevent this but sometimes its impossible to stop dogs from entering school grounds. The dog is a black/brown and white Jack Russell if anybody has any information about the dog, as our priority is keeping the children safe.

We have contacted Kildare & West Wicklow SPCA, Naas Garda Station, Dog Warden and Kildare Animal Foundation about the dog and are awaiting confirmation that they are sorting something for us.
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Enrolment for September 2015

Enrolment for September 2015 will be closed on Wednesday 26th November 2014. Please be sure to have your child’s Enrolment Form in by this date.  We cannot guarantee a place for your child for the coming school year.


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Happy Halloween from Junior Infants!!

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Second Class Autumn Art

In Second Class we used our fingers and print equipment to create some lovely autumn trees!

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Second Class Halloween Art

In Second Class Art we created some Halloween posters using our feet!! The children had great fun and the results were very impressive!!

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Robertstown Community Amenities Association Ltd (RCCA Ltd)

Hallowe'en Disco

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Parent Association Cake/Book Sale & Hallowe’en Walk

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Cake/Book Sale:
Your Parents Association is holding a Book and Cake Sale next Thursday 23rd October and is looking for donations of baked goods and children’s books.
We still have lots of adult books to sell from our last book sale so are mainly looking for donations of children’s books. These can be dropped in to the school from Monday. A collection box will be available in the lobby outside the office. To all our wonderful bakers, remember to stock up on your baking ingredients. We really do appreciate all your support. Donations for the Cake Sale can be dropped into the Hall on Thursday morning.
REMINDER: When you are baking please remember that there is a ban on nuts in the school.
Hallowe’en Walk:
It is also time to put together your costumes. The Annual Hallowe’en Costume walk will be held on the morning of Friday 24th October. More details will be sent out early next week.
Regards,Parent’s Association
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