Christmas Raffle


Don’t forget to get your tickets!!!

Christmas Raffle 2014

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Head Lice !!

Please find attached a clip from You Tube which explains how to remove head lice from hair.  This needs to be done by ALL families in the school, at least twice a week on every family member.  Long hair needs to be tied up during the school day.  Do not allow your child to share hair brushes/hats/scarfs etc.  

You can use hair conditioner to remove the eggs and lice.  Leave conditioner in the hair and then comb out hair with a fine tooth comb.  Using conditioner at the end of hair washing aids the head lice to not grip onto the hair shaft.  Tee Tree Shampoo is also used as a preventative.  Or you can watch the attached clip for tips on how to comb out the hair after treatment.  
Head lice removal combing techniques:
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Ellen Mongey Walsh’s mum is collecting warm men’s clothes to give out to the homeless. If you have any men’s warm clothes to spare, please send in to 4th Class, Many Thanks!

brixton_mens_jacket_verso_olv jumper_navy NMN2PVW_mk

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Parent Association Committee Meeting

The Parent Association Committee will hold their December meeting on Tuesday 2nd December @ 8.30pm in the school. 

All parents are welcome to attend. As a reminder if you wish to contact the committee with suggestions or comments please do so via the following email:
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St. Vincent De Paul Food Appeal



St V De Paul 2014

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Bring A Bauble – Friday, 5th December 2014

Bring A Bauble

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Junior Infants have started using the iPads!

There was great excitement in junior infants as we started using the iPads last week! At the moment we are using them to read and write sounds and simple words on the Jolly Phonics app. As you can see, the concentration during iPad time is fantastic! 🙂IMG_4887





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4th Class celebrated USA day in honour of Dominic who is emigrating there soon..we learned about the states…ate hot dogs and danced to New York New York..great fun











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Congratulations to Ellen Mongey Walsh who won a prize in the Coill Dubh Credit Union Art Competition


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Credit Union Art Competition!

Well done to Ellen Mongey Walsh as she is one of the winners in the Credit Union Art Competiton!!!

CU Art Comp EMW

Keep up the good work.


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