Senior Girls Game

Senior Girls game this Wednesday at 3pm in Rathcoffey vs Rathcoffey NS. Children leave straight after school to meet in Rathcoffey pitch. Please make sure your child has a lift to and from the game.

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Camogie training will be starting tomorrow (Thursday 16th April) for girls from 3rd – 6th class. Training will be on Thursdays from 2.45 until 3.30 on the GAA pitch. The girls will need lifts to and from the pitch as usual. Our first match is on Monday April 27th, time and venue to be decided.

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Girls Senior Football

Girls Senior football training continues Tuesday 14th April after school. There is a game in Robertstown on Wednesday 15th vs Cooleragh after school. Girls to be togged out and at pitch for 2.45pm. Throw in at 3pm.

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Swimming Information



 Swimming begins for all children in 2nd and 3rd classes this Friday.  Here’s a few tips and pointers on what they’ll need.

All children attending swimming lessons should wear appropriate clothing.  School tracksuits to be worn on Fridays. (Swimming togs may be worn under tracksuits coming to school). Each child must have a suitable bag to carry his/her swimming gear (Sports bag or similar with secure zip or other fastening).

 All items brought to the pool should where possible be clearly labelled with the child’s name. This includes the bag, tracksuit, socks, underwear and shoes. The school cannot accept any responsibility for the loss of these types of personal possession.

 Each child must have their own togs (without pockets), towel, hair brush and swim cap, all of which must also be marked. Swim cap absolutely compulsory. Normal school rules regarding jewellery apply.  No jewellery should be worn in the pool.  No shampoo,  shower gel, hair gel, talcum powder or aerosols are permitted.

 Many thanks for your co-operation on this,

F. Murphy.

W. O’Donoghue.




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Navan Choral Festival

In May the choir will be taking part in the Navan Choral Festival. They will be competing against dozens of other schools from all over the country so it’s very exciting! This is the first time the choir has competed in a competition in a number of years and it is because of their hard work and dedication that we have decided to enter them into this competition. Best of luck guys! : )

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School Tour 1st, 2nd & 3rd Classes

bus image

1st, 2nd and 3rd classes will be going on their school tour to Fort Lucan on Monday 15th of June.  The cost of the tour is €15 per child.  All monies must be paid in full prior to Friday 12th of June.

All children are to  bring a packed lunch (treats are permitted on tour days), rain gear and sun cream if necessary.  Children are not to bring any pocket money. All children will need a spare change of clothes as they get one go on the ‘Waterfall’ and they will get wet.  They are to wear their school tracksuits on the day.

If you happen to have family passes for Fort Lucan please  note  that these are invalid  on group tours.

Children will return to the school by 2.30pm.



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Aistear in Junior Infants

Every morning in junior infants the children take part in Aistear. Aistear is a framework for play where we have a different theme every few weeks for the children to focus their play on. There are five areas of play and the children, in groups, play at one area each day. So far this year some of our themes have been the restaurant, school, the mechanics, the vets and the farm!
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Senior Girls Training/ Match

Senior girls training every Tuesday 2.40pm – 3.40pm. Match this Wednesday 25th March vs Allenwood in Allenwood GAA at 2.00pm. Leaving school @ 1.35pm sharp

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Swimming for 2nd & 3rd Classes


Swimming commences for all children in 2nd and 3rd classes on Friday the 17th of April.  Venue K-Leisure, Naas.  There will be seven sessions in all. ( Friday 17th of April to Friday  May 29th inclusive). Swimming lessons are during school hours, their session starts at 11.45am and last about an hour.  The cost per child is €45 .  We do appreciate this is short notice, it could not be helped as we were awaiting a response for a cancellation booking.  You may pay in instalments before swimming commences, it is crucial that all monies must be paid in full before, or at the very latest by Friday 17th.  The school is not in a position to make up the cost if all monies is not collected.

Please send money in an envelope with your child’s  name, class and amount to Ms Murphy and Mr O’Donoghue only.  Receipts for instalments or full payment will be issued for your records so please check your child’s  bag for these.


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Second Class Irish Dancing Workshop

Second Class loved participating in the Irish Dancing Workshop as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge!!

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