Notices for week 15th February 2016:

There will be no swimming this week due to the mid-term.
Wed, 17/2/16:
The school will be closing at normal times for the mid-term and reopen on Monday, 22/2/16.
Sat, 20/2/16:
There will be mass for the Communion Class @ 6:30pm in Allen Church.
Operation Healthy Lunch Box:
We will soon be receiving packs where the children will be able to plant and grow their own food in the school. This will also help encourage more healthy eating when they see how different foods grow.
The Big Travel Challenge:
We would like to encourage more pupils to walk to school for the next two mornings of the Big Travel Challenge. It has been a great success so far.
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Notices for week 8th February 2016:

RDS Peace Proms:
Thank you to the school choir who gave a great performance at the Peace Proms. Also to all those who gave lifts to children to the RDS, it is gratefully appreciated. It was very enjoyable for everyone.

Operation Healthy Lunch Box:
We are focusing on replacing fruit juices with milk or water this week. Prizes will be given out for the healthiest lunch box on Friday!!

The Big Travel Challenge:
Can we ask parents not to stop on the corner at the hotel, as it is very dangerous for both drivers and pedestrians.

Tuesday, 9th February 2016:
The Parent Association will be in with Pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. Each child is asked to bring in €1 per pancake, per child. If your child has any allergies, please contact the school.

Wednesday, 10th February 2016:
Ashes will be given for Ash Wednesday. If you do NOT wish your child to receive them, please contact your child’s teacher.

Friday, 12th February 2016:
The last session of swimming for 2nd and 3rd classes is on this Friday. All children had a wonderful time and enjoyed their swimming lessons.
The swimming lessons will take place after the Easter Holidays on Friday, 8th April for 4th and 5th classes.

Thursday, 18th and Friday 19th February 2016:
The school will be closed on these two days for the mid-term and will re-open on Monday, 22nd February 2016.

Wednesday, 24th February 2016:
There will be a staff meeting. All children will be going home @ 1:35pm to facilitate this meeting.

Thursday, 25th February 2016:
There is an assembly and the presentation of the Buddy Bench. ALL children are asked to wear one item of head wear (beanies, hats, scarfs, ribbons, bows etc) on the day. It is for “Colours of the Rainbow”.

Wednesday, 15th March 2015:
The Ireland flag will be raised in the school. This is also Grandparents Day for Junior Infants, First Class and Sixth Classes, more information will be given at a later date.
We are asking for photographs of Grandparents who cannot attend on the day, from the above classes. There will also be a Cake Sale on the day.

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Easter Camp

Children will be bringing home a form today for an Easter Camp being held in the school. Places will be given on first come, first served basis as there is only a limited number of places.
Direct any queries to Mr. Donovan
ThanksEaster Camp 2016

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Notices for week 1st February 2016:

The Big Travel Challenge (Active Schools):

This will be taking place on Wednesday, 3rd, 10th and 17th of February from the Hotel @ 8:45am.  All children are asked to take part.

Wednesday 3rd February 2016:

There is no French Class.

Saturday, 6th February 2016:

The Confirmation Candidates will be taking their Pledge on this Saturday in Allenwood Church @ 6:30pm.

Wednesday, 10th February 2016:

Ashes will be given out to the children for Ash Wednesday.  If you do NOT wish to receive ashes please contact your child’s teacher.

February Mid-Term:

The school will be closed on Thursday, 18th and Friday, 19th February 2016 and will re-open on Monday, 22nd February 2016.

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The Big Travel Challenge

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Thank you all for your help and encouragement so far with the Active School’s programme, there has been a brilliant response to Super Troopers so far.  Our next endeavour for the Active Schools  is competing in “The Big Travel Challenge”, a competition to promote sustainable travel to school, in our case, walking.  This is a nationwide competition, with great prizes available to the schools who increase their chosen travel method the most.

Obviously, it is not possible for everyone to walk to school from home, so, for the 2 weeks the competition runs, a teacher will be waiting at the Hotel in Robertstown every morning, to walk any child who wishes to partake down to the school at 8.45am.  We are also running our own in school competition, with the most committed individuals and classes receiving prizes.

We are going to start “The Big Travel Challenge” on Wednesday the 3rd of February, and will finish on Wednesday the 17th of February, the day we get our mid-term break.  The children will get cards in school to record their progress, and I will be posting updates on our numbers on Facebook.

Thanks again for the support so far, and I hope we will have a great response to this next effort.  If you require any more information you can contact Mr. Eyres Active Schools co-ordinator on

Mr. Eyres

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Operation Healthy Lunch Box

Operation Healthy Lunch Box
We are part-taking in this, this year. As always there is a Healthy Lunch Policy in the school and this will help to reinforce this. A reminder that there is only one small treat on Fridays only!!

The following is a link to a PDF for more information.

Healthy Lunch Box 


Just some of the healthy lunches in the school.  Don’t they look yummy?

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Notices for week 25th January 2016

Operation Healthy Lunch Box:

Please keep an eye out for more information in the coming weeks!!

RDS Peace Proms 2016:

Any pupils in the choir, who have not yet returned their slip of paper stating if they have a lift or can give a lift to the RDS Peace Proms on Sunday, 7th February 2016, could you return it to Ms. Magrane.

Tuesday 26/1/16:
The 6th Classes retreat takes place in the Resurrexit House, Kilmeague.

Wednesday 27/1/16:

There is a talk for Confirmation Candidates and Parents/Guardians on Drugs and Alcohol Addiction in Allen Church @ 8pm.  All welcome!!

Friday 29/1/16:

Swimming takes place for 2nd and 3rd classes this week.

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4th Class ‘Famine Broth’

In Fourth Class we have been reading ‘Under the Hawthorn Tree’ and how Soup Kitchens worked during the famine. The class teacher used a recipe from a Soup Kitchen to make a famine broth which the children tasted and MOST enjoyed

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P.J. Day Fundraiser for New Buddy Benches

Thank you to all the children for the superb effort they made today in order to raise money for our two Buddy Benches. €232 was raised and we would like to thank O’Neills Coach Hire for their generous offer to sponsor one of the benches.
We expect delivery before end of February!!

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Notices for week 11th January 2016

The following are notices for the week 11/01/16:

Tuesday 12th January 2016:
The Student Council are holding a P.J. Day to raise funds for 2 new Buddy Benches for the school. All children wearing P.J.’s are asked to bring in €1 or 50c on the day.

Wednesday 13th January 2016:
The school choir will be leaving the school at 8:30am. The cost of the bus is €5 per child, if you have paid already we thank you.

Friday 15th January 2016:
There is swimming for 2nd and 3rd classes this week. All children are to arrive in school with their swimsuit under their school tracksuit. Also a reminder there is no jewellery, shampoo, talcum powder or aerosols permitted. Don’t forget your swim hat!!

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