Swimming 1st & 2nd Classes

swimming clipart

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Swimming commences in April for all children in 1st and 2nd classes in  K-Leisure, Naas.  There will be five sessions and classes run from  Friday the  28th of April to Friday the 26th of May inclusive.

Swimming lessons are during school hours, their session begins at 11.45am.   The cost is €35 per child.  You may pay in instalments or online before swimming commences.  It is crucial that all monies must be paid in full by Monday 22nd of May.   When sending in money please ensure that it is sent to your child’s class teacher only.  Please ensure your money is in an envelope with your child’s name and amount clearly marked.  You can also pay online using the link sent by e-mail.  

Please note that all children will be expected to attend lessons as it fulfils the Aquatics Module of the PE Curriculum as laid down by the Department of Education.  Should a child be unable to attend swimming due to a medical condition a letter must be written requesting  exemption.


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Notices for week 27th February 2017

Shrove Tuesday:

The Parent Association will come into the school tomorrow to provide pancakes for all the pupils.  Pancakes will cost €1 each.  If your child cannot eat pancakes due to allergies, please send a suitable treat for your child.

Dance classes:
Dancing will continue tomorrow for all classes.  All children should wear their tracksuit and runners to school.
Wednesday 1/3/17:
The Penitential Service for 6th class is cancelled, as they have already made their Confession while on the Retreat in Ressurexit House.

Ash Wednesday:
The children will receive Ashes in the school on Wednesday.

Thursday 2/3/17:
World Book Day
Junior and Senior Infants are invited to come to school with their parents from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.  Children should wear their pyjamas and bring a teddy.  Geraldine from Naas Library will read a selection of stories for bedtime.  Children will enjoy making a bookmark while they drink hot chocolate.

Couch to 5km:
Congratulations to the organising committee of the 5km fun run which took place around the village yesterday.  The event was sold out with 500 entries.  Sonia O’Sullivan added a great sense of occasion to the day and continued spreading the joy when she visited school this morning.  The money raised will be used to reinstate the Jungle Gym playground at school.  Children can drop in their sponsorship cards and money this week.
Stay Safe:
All teachers will deliver a six week block of Stay Safe lessons, starting this week.  The lesson contents are available to view online at www.staysafe.ie.  This programme has been revised and the new programme is now compulsory in all primary schools.  Your child may bring home worksheets for you to sign during the six week block.

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For Junior and Senior Infants

WB Day Bedtime Story

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Notices for week 13th February 2017:

Tuesday 14/2/17:
All children will be going home at 1:20pm to facilitate a staff meeting.
No dancing today by Carla.

Wednesday 15/2/17:
Speakers from Cuan Mhuire will be giving a talk to 6th class candidates and their parents/guardians about addiction in Allen Church @ 7:30pm.

Friday 17/2/17 to Monday 27/2/17:
The school will be closed for the mid-term. Normal full day on Friday!

Active Flag:
As part of the Active Schools and in preparation for the Sprint with Sonia, we will hold our won school Run-A-Thom on Wednesday, 15th February. Collectively the school children will run a marathon during the school day. Entrance fee is €1 with a maximum of €3 per family. All monies raised will go towards Active Schools equipment/incentives.
Sports gear can be worn on the day and runners.

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Thank you to the Parent’s Association who donated €227 towards our new goals The Student Council raised €308 on Xmas jumper day. Frances even brought us a new football :)


Posted in General | Comments Off on Thank you to the Parent’s Association who donated €227 towards our new goals The Student Council raised €308 on Xmas jumper day. Frances even brought us a new football :)

Dear Parents/Guardians and Teachers,

We have been working on an online bullying survey with Mr Kelly (Jack’s Dad) from IBM. Can you please give a few minutes of your time to complete the survey. All pupils from 2nd to 6th class will answer the survey on the i-pads this week. The information we receive will be of huge value when informing our next step in the fight against bullying. Please click on the link below.

Thank you for your time,

The Anti Bullying Ambassadors


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Thank you to Mr Kelly for his hard work helping us create our online Anti Bullying Survey...Parents, please check your e-mail and complete the survey for us...The Anti Bully Ambassadors :)

Thank you to Mr Kelly for his hard work helping us create our online Anti Bullying Survey…Parents, please check your e-mail and complete the survey for us…The Anti Bully Ambassadors 🙂

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Notices for week 6th February 2017:

Tuesday 7/2/17:
Dancing will continue for all classes and all pupils should wear their tracksuit and runners.

Wednesday 8/2/17:
We are still continuing our Walk On Wednesday. Well done to all participants. Keep up the good work, working for our next Green Schools Flag “Active Flag”.

Thursday 9/2/17:
5th class are visiting Irish Dog Foods, during the school day for the Junior Entrepreneur Programme.

Friday 10/2/17:
This is the last swimming lesson for 3rd and 4th classes. Swimming will commence for 1st and 2nd classes in the near future. More details will be given at a later date.

Saturday 11/2/17:
The First Holy Communion class will have the next Mass in Allen Church @ 7:30pm.

Tuesday 14/2/17:
There will be a Staff Meeting and all children will be going home at 1:20pm to facilitate this meeting. There will also be no Dance Class from Carla on the day.

Wednesday 15/2/17:
We are doing a Run-A-Thon during the school day as part of our Active Flag for the Green Schools. More details at a later date.

Sunday 26/2/17:
As we draw closer to our school Fun Run, you are reminded that training continues every Monday and Wednesday nights in Robertstown G.A.A. @
You can register for the event at www.popupraces.ie Places are limited so don’t delay.

Catholic Schools Week:
Congratulations to 3rd class pupils, Ms. Murphy, Maria Moran (S.N.A.) and Patricia Fitzsimons (S.N.A.), who hosted an amazing Grandparents Day last Wednesday. The event was organised as part of Catholic Schools Week 2017. Fr. Byrne celebrated mass in the hall for the whole school along with grandparents. Afterwards the grandparents engaged in some art and I.T. activities in the classroom before returning to the hall for high tea.
Many thanks to all the parents who sent in the lovely refreshments. There were gratefully received. We were delighted that 33 grandparents attended on the day from far and wide. We hope you had a memorable afternoon.

The gates open every morning from 8:50am to 9am. Classes start at 8:55am, please be on time for start of school day.

All absences must be explained by a note. We have a legal obligation to report any child who have been absent 20 days or over to the The Child and Family Agency (TUSLA) at the end of every term.

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Notices for week 30th January 2017

Tuesday 31/1/2017:
Dancing continues this week with Carla Prestreshi.  All students are to wear tracksuits and runners.

Wednesday 1/2/2017:
Catholic Schools Week:
The theme for Catholic Schools Week this year is “Catholic Schools: Learning with Pope Francis to care for our Common Home”.
Grandparents/Grand Friends Day:
Grandparents/grand friends Day will take place for 3rd class with Mass @ 12pm.
6th class have their Retreat in the Ressurexit House, Kilmeague.  Please drop and collect at the Ressurexit House.
Walk On Wednesday:
Don’t forget the Walk On Wednesday.  Leaving the Hotel @ 8:45pm.  W.O.W. was an astounding success for the first week and we hope to see more walking this week.  The Chart for taking part in the W.O.W. is outside the hall.
Homework Club:
There is no Homework Club as there is staff training today.

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Notices for week 23rd January 2017

Tuesday 24/1/17:
Dance Classes
Carla Prestreshi an experienced dance teacher, will begin a block of dance classes for six weeks for all classes in the school.  Carla will teach the children a selection of modern dance steps over the block.  The Parent Association are covering the cost of these sessions.  We wish to express our gratitude to the Parent Association for such generosity.

Wednesday 25/1/17:
Green Schools:
As part of our Active and Green School Incentive “Walk On Wednesday” will re-commence.  Children and parents are asked to meet at the hotel at 8:45am sharp to arrive at the school at 8:50am.  To launch the walk this year, children are asked to decorate a brightly coloured flag or streamer to bring along and wave and you’d never know, perhaps there might even be a few homework passes or spot prizes up from grabs.  A monthly “Golden Boot” class award will be presented for the most dedicated class.
More update about Active School activities to follow.

Homework Club:
There will be no Homework Club, this is to facilitate the staff attending a course.

30/1/17 – 3/2/17:
Catholic School Week:
During the week all classes will engage in activities to celebrate the week.  Mass will be celebrated in the school for all pupils, staff and grandparents/grand friends of 3rd class pupils on Wednesday, 1st February 2017 @ 12:30pm.

Tuesday 14/2/17:
Staff Meeting:
All pupils will be going home @ 1:20pm to facilitate a staff meeting.

Sunday 26/2/17:
Couch to 5km:
Training continues on Monday and Wednesday nights @ 8pm in Robertstown G.A.A. pitch in preparation for the 5km run.  It’s not too late to sign up!!

The Parent Association are seeking your support on the day to help run the event.  Please contact any members of the Parent Association if you can help.

Thursday 9/3/17:
First Confession:
Second class will be receiving their First Confession @ 7:30pm in Allen Church.

5th class have been busy carrying out market research for their business idea.  The research covered 3rd to 6th classes including all staff.  They will be calculating the data received and will some be preparing for the next stage.

Lost Property:
There are still coats unclaimed outside the assembly hall.  They will be going into the Clothes Bank this Friday if they are not claimed.

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