Patrick Monahan – Para Olympian, T53 Wheelchair Athlete

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth classes had a visit from Patrick Monahan on Tuesday, 5th December.  He gave a talk on how he now in a wheelchair for the last 10 years, onto competing in the Para Olympics.

Thank you for your time and all the questions the children were asking.


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Notices for week 4th December 2017

Monday 4/12/17:
Sincere thanks to everybody who contributed towards the construction of the Christmas Grotto.  The official opening took place this this morning.  We look forward to lots of magical moments this month.

Santa and Mrs. Claus will visit the school before the Christmas Holidays.  Photos will be €3 each.  Order forms will be available from the Parent Association.

Thursday 7/12/17:
6th class will be attending the Gaiety Theatre to see “Rapunzel”.

Sunday 10/12/17:
The turning on of the Vintage Fayre Christmas Lights and opening of the village Crib @ 5:30pm.  The school choir at to meet at the band stand @ 5:15pm.

Tuesday 12/12/17:
Bauble Bonanza takes place and children can wear their own home made Christmas jumper for €2 in aid of St Vincent de Paul.  Lots of prizes for best effort.  If you cannot design your own jumper, it is okay to wear a Christmas jumper.
The Student Council.

Patrick Monahan (Para Olympian, T53 wheelchair athlete) will be visiting the school to deliver a talk about “Resilience” to pupils in 4th, 5th and 6th classes.

Wednesday 13/12/17:
The St. Vincent De Paul Food Drive will be from 1pm to 4pm in the school hall.  Please invite family and friends to come along and visit the Grotto.  Santa and Mrs. Claus will be ready to greet everyone.

Monday 18/12/17:
The school will be closed due to the staff having an In-service Day.

Tuesday 19/12/17:
The Christmas Play/Concert will take place in Allenwood G.A.A. hall @ 6:30pm.

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Opening of our Christmas Grotto

Thank you to all who helped in any way to get our Christmas Grotto ready for Santa and Mrs. Claus.  All children had a sneek peek today.


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Happy Birthday


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Swimming for 1st and 2nd Classes 2018


Swimming begins for all children in 1st and 2nd classes from Friday the 12th of January 2018 to Friday the 9th of February inclusive.  An e-mail will be sent with more details.

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Notices for week 27th November 2017

Thursday 30/11/17:
All classes will perform at our dance assembly, following great work in Dance on the P.E. Curriculum this month.

Sunday 10/12/17:
Lighting of village Christmas light will take place.  More details to follow.

Tuesday 12/12/17:
We are holding our Bauble Bonanza.  Each child can wear a Christmas Jumper and bring in €2 per child.  This money will go towards the St. Vincent De Paul.

Wednesday 13/12/17:
We are holding a Food Drive in consultation with our local St. Vincent De Paul branch and we are accepting donations from 1pm to 4pm.  Any donations will go towards families in the parish who are in need of a helping hand.  Mainly dried foods in date can be sent into the school.  There will be a box inside the main doors for collection.

Monday 18/12/17:
The school will be closed as the staff have an In-service day.

Tuesday 19/12/17:
We are presenting our Christmas Plays/Concert in Allenwood G.A.A. hall @ 6:30pm.  More details closer to the day.

Friday 22/12/17:
The school will close for a half day.  Times to be confirmed.

Christmas Grotto:
Thank you to everybody who has sent in donations for our Christmas Grotto.  The Grotto is almost built and will be officially opened on Monday, 4th December.  Thank you to the Parent Association for arranging this wonderful activity.

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Notices for week 20th November 2017

Science Week:
Last week was Science Week and Robertstown N.S. was very busy.  All classes got active with hands on science activities and experiments in class.  We had the pleasure of three guest speakers, Noel Barbour a aeronautical engineer, Linda Poole a nurse and Sinead and Teresa who taught us all about working with microscopes.  We are working hard to achieve our Discover Primary Science and Maths Award of Excellence this year.

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Wednesday 22/11/17:
Girls Basketball training @ 2:40pm to 3:30pm.
There is no Boys Basketball training this week.

6th class are taking part in Intel Mini Scientist competition – Judges are arriving.
Best of Luck to all!!

Friday 24/11/17:
Swimming will continue for 3rd and 4th classes.

Book Fair:
The Book Fair will be open to Parents/Guardians on Tuesday, 21st and Wednesday, 22nd @ 3pm to 5pm.  Books can be ordered and paid for, if we are down to the last copy.

Last Friday we said goodbye to Mr. Brennan.  Mr. Brennan has relocated back to Co. Laois.  We send him our best wishes today as he starts his new job.  Ms. Fennelly will teach fourth class for the remainder of the year.


Welcome to Mr. Joseph Hennessy who joins the staff of Robertstown N.S. as a Special Education Teacher Today.
Christmas Grotto:
Plans are progressing steadily for the construction of a Christmas Grotto.  Our Wish List was circulated last week.  Many thanks to the parents and children who have already donate/sent items for the grotto.  We still need lots of decoration, lights and Christmas trees of all sizes.  All donations are appreciated.  We intend that the Grotto will be open on 1st December 2017 and that it will bring Christmas joy to everybody associated with Robertstown N.S.

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Christmas Grotto

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The Parents’ Association of Robertstown NS have exciting plans for Christmas. Please find attached literature and a wish list relating the building of a Santa Grotto in the school. We hope that this venture will be a magical journey for all involved and allow the pupils of Robertstown to experience the magic of a Christmas Grotto in school.

Please get involved and help in any small way you can.


Marion Sherlock,




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Notices for week 13th November 2017:

Monday 13/11/17:
Basketball training for 5th and 6th class girls after school, from 2:40pm to 3:30pm.

Tuesday 14/11/17:
There is no Homework Club due to a staff meeting being held after school.

Wednesday 15/11/17:
Basketball training for 5th and 6th class boys after school, from 2:40pm to 3:30pm.

Thursday 16/11/17 to Wednesday 22/11/17:
The school will be having a Scholastic Book Fair.  Details were previously emailed by Ms. Murphy.

Basketball for boys and girls in 5th and 6th classes in Rathcoffey @ 2:15pm.  Leaving the school @ 1:40pm.  Lifts appreciated.
Friday 17/11/17:
Swimming will continue for 3rd and 4th classes.

Basketball for boys and girls in 5th and 6th classes, home game during the school day.
Science Week:
All classes will be taking part in various science lessons, talks and experiments this week.

Wednesday: Noel Barbour (Engineer Officer in Air Corp Communications) will be coming in to speak to 3rd to 6th classes about the use of science and technology in the Defence Forces.

Linda and Helen (Nurses) will be giving a talk to Junior Infants to 2nd classes about the very important work they do.

Friday: Sinead and Teresa of Mason Technology will give a talk to 3rd to 6th classes about the science behind microscope design.

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Scholastic Bookfair 16th – 23rd of November


Dear Parents & Guardians,

Mark your calendars for our upcoming Scholastic Book Fair!  The Fair will run for one week beginning next week, from Thursday the 16th – 23rd of November.  Children can browse and buy from 9.20 am – 2.15 pm on that week.  The book fair will be held on the corridor outside the hall  You and your family are invited to visit from 3pm – 5.30pm on Tuesday the 21st and Wednesday the 22nd.   We look forward to seeing you.

To celebrate the bookfair children are to dress up as their favourite character from their favourite book on Friday the 17th, we cannot wait to see this!!


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Notices for week 6th November 2017:

Friday 10/11/17:
Swimming for 3rd and 4th classes will commence.
Book Fair:
The Book Fair will be taking place between 16th of November to 23rd of November 2017.  More information to follow.
Science Week:
Experiments will be taking place during next week, 13th November 2017.  We are looking for any parent/guardian who works in the field of Science/Engineering/Medicine/Maths to come into the school and give a talk to 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes.  You can email Mrs. McCafferey on if you are interested.
Sunday 10/12/17:
The choir will be singing at the Lighting of the Village Christmas Tree this year.  Time will be confirmed closer to the day.
Hallowe’en Week:
Many thanks to all the parents who organised and assisted with the Hallowe’en activities in the school. The children had great fun enjoying the traditional games in hall. The winners of best costumes were presented with trophies sponsored by the Parents Association at assembly on Friday. All money raised on the day will go towards a new shed where which will store P.E. equipment.
P.E., Strand – Dance:
All classes will work on the strand of Dance during the month of November. At our last assembly of the month each class will perform a short dance for the school. We are really looking forward to this event.
Please continue to drive and park considerately at the front of the school. This notice is in the interest of Health and Safety of all members of our school community.

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