Influenza Symptoms:

Just some information on the H.S.E. Influenza Symptoms:


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Notices for week: 8th January 2018

Welcome Back to everybody.  Happy New Year to you all.  I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful break.
Tuesday 9/1/18:
Junior Infants parents/guardians – please return your child’s Immunisation Form filled and signed, to the class teacher, if you have not already done so.
Flu Symptoms:
As you are probably aware the H.S.E. has issued a directive asking parents/guardians not to send any child who presents with flu symptoms to school.  This is to prevent the spread of Influenza among the school and local community.  Please adhere to this advice.
Any remaining enrolments for September 2018 should be submitted to the school before the end of January 2018.  Siblings are not automatically enrolled in the school.  Forms are available from Mona in the office or can be downloaded from our school website at

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St. Vincent De Paul, Thank You!!

Dear staff, parents and students of Robertstown School,

The St. Vincent de Paul wishes to thank you most sincerely for the huge donation of food that was received last week.  Your school made a big difference in our effort to help families this year and we are so grateful.  The food that you donated only goes to families that are struggling in our parish.  We were able to do up lots of really good food hampers for those in need last Saturday.

If there is anyone who would like to get in contact with us our number is 0852095220.  Your call will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.  Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.

Kind regards,

Mary (on behalf of SVP)

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A list of winners from our Christmas Raffle:

Thank you to those who donated prizes and/or bought Raffle tickets.  Also thank you to all who helped out in any way to hold our Christmas Show.

1st)       Linda Lenehan                  K Bowl
2nd)     Linda Leeson                     Hair Voucher
3rd)      Emily McCallig                 Indoor Mini Golf
4th)      Jim Sexton                         Kildare Maze
5th)      Jack Stewart                      Chinese Voucher
6th)      T.J. Moore Lyons              Celebrations Sweets
7th)      Danielle O’Neill                 Newbridge Silverware
8th)      Bernie Balfe                        Este Lauder
9th)      Rhona Keatley                   Cosmetics
10th)   Tina Reidy                            Wine
11th)   Grace Roche                         Celebrations Sweets
12th)   Chris Byrne                          Fox’s Biscuits
13th)   Emily McCallig                    Biscuits
14th)   Elise O’Connor Deltour     Biscuits
15th)   Molly Moran                        Praline Chocolates
16th)   Ethan Downey                    Cosmetics
17th)   Matthew Collins                  Biscuits
18th)   Mary O’Mahony                  Christmas Log
19th)   John Paul Price                   Christmas Log
20th)   Shannon Farrell                 Christmas Log
21st)    The Butler Family              Christmas Log
22nd)  Hannah Prior                      Christmas Log

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Notices for week 18th December 2017:

Tuesday 19/12/17:
The Christmas Show will take place in Allenwood G.A.A. hall @ 6:30pm

6:30pm – Junior Infants Nativity Play
6:50pm – Senior Infants Songs
7:05pm – First Class Songs
7:20pm – Second Class Songs

Interval – 7:35pm – 8pm.

8:00pm – 3rd Class songs
8:15pm – 4th Class Songs
8:30pm – 5th Class Songs
8:45pm – 6th Class Songs

Children performing in the first half of the show need to be at the hall at 6:15pm in costume.  These children are free to go home at the interval and should be collected at the dressing room at the back by a parent.  If you have a child performing in the second half, you may collect all children at the end of the show from the dressing rooms.

Children performing in the second half of the show should arrive at the hall in costume at 7:45pm.  If you have a younger child performing in the first half all children should go to the dressing rooms at 6:15pm.

Raffle tickets will be sold tonight for nice prizes.

Plates of treats should be dropped into the bar area before show by parents/guardians of pupils in Junior Infants to Second Class.

Christmas Logs made by 6th class pupils will also be sold @ €8 per log.

Best of Luck to all our pupils performing tonight.
Thursday 21/12/17:
Santa and Mrs. Claus will be visiting the school to meet all the boys and girls.  Orders of family photographs need to be place in advance using the order form.  Please enclose €3.
Friday 22/12/17:
The school will close for a half day.  Junior Infants and Senior Infants with older siblings will finish @ 12pm and the rest of the school @ 12:15pm.

The school will re-open on Monday, 8th January 2018.

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Christmas Logs

Sixth Class were very busy yesterday making lovely festive Christmas logs.

The logs will be on sale Tuesday night at the Christmas Show for €8 each.

Well done Sixth Class.


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St. Vincent De Paul “Food Drive”

Many thanks to all those who donated to our St. Vincent De Paul – Food Drive.
Also to everyone who helped out on the day.  It was a great success.


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Christmas Show:

Allenwood GAA Hall

Tuesday 19th December 2017

Start Time 6.30pm

6.30pm – Junior Infants Nativity Play

6.50pm – Senior Infants Songs

7.05pm – First Class Songs

7.20pm – Second Class Songs

Interval 7.35- 8pm.

8.00pm – 3rd Class songs

8.15pm – 4th Class Songs

8.30pm – 5th Class Songs

8.45pm – 6th Class Songs

Children performing in the first half of the show need to be at the hall at 6.15pm in costume. These children are free to go home at the interval and should be collected at the dressing room by a parent. If you have a child performing in the second half, you may collect all children at the end of the show from the dressing rooms.

Children performing in the second half of the show should arrive the hall in costume at 7.45pm. If you have a younger child performing in the first half all children should go to the dressing rooms at 6.15pm.

Where a family has pupils in both halves of the show the pupils will remain in the dressing rooms with their teachers for the duration of the whole event.

When children come to the hall, they should go to the dressing rooms via the back door. Staff members will be on hand at the door to direct children to the dressing rooms. to meet and stay with their class teachers for the duration of the show. As we are expecting a large crowd, there will not be room for pupils in the audience on the night. Pupils will get to see the show at the dress rehearsal in school on Tuesday. Accordingly, we must limit admissions to 2 adults per family on the night of the show.

Refreshments will be served during the interval in the bar area by parent volunteers.

Raffle tickets will be on sale before the show and during the interval for the raffle at the end of the night.

Christmas logs made in school by sixth class will also be on sale on the night.

We would appreciate if each family in Junior Infants – Second Class could send in a plate of treats for sharing e.g mince pies, biscuits, brownies.  If you send in a plate/ tray, please put your name on the plate and collect it at the end of the show. Ideally send treats in a disposable container.

Each child in the show will receive a Goodie Bag on the night. If your child has allergies, please send in a suitable goodie bag for him /her.

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Notices for week 11th December 2017:

Tuesday 12/12/17:
We are having our Bauble Bonanza for our local St. Vincent De Paul.  Children can design their Christmas jumper (€2 per child).  There will be prizes on the day.

Wednesday 13/12/17:
The St. Vincent De Paul “Food Drive” will take place in the school hall @ 1pm to 4pm.  Entry is a donation to the food drive.  Please invite neighbours and friends for this worthy cause.  There are activities on the day.  Thank you to everybody who has volunteered to help on the day.  Santa and Mrs. Claus are due to visit from 1pm to 4pm.

Friday 15/12/17:
Good Luck to 5th class as they present their business ideas for the Junior Entrepreneur  Programme to the Dragons.

Monday 18/12/17:
The school will be closed due to staff training

Tuesday 19/12/17:
The Christmas Play/Concert will take place in Allenwood G.A.A. hall @ 6:30pm.  Each class will be told what to wear by their teacher.  6th class will be selling Christmas Logs they have made on the night.  Details of show will follow tomorrow when finalised.

Friday 22/12/17:
The school will close for a half day for the Christmas Holidays.  Junior and Senior Infants with their older brothers/sisters will finish @ 12pm and the rest of the school @ 12:15pm.

School re-opens on Monday, 8th January 2018.

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Advent Calendar


An Advent Calendar that can be used at home.


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