First Aid Kit

Ballyteague Slimming World ran a Facebook competition to win a fully equipped First Aid Kit for a nominated club, group or school. Robertstown National School were nominated on behalf of the Parents Association and we were lucky enough to win!
Tracey is the leader of the Slimming World Group and she can be contacted on: 0861489973 or messaged directly through her Facebook page: Ballyteague slimmingworld co kildare
We are delighted with this lovely prize and hope we rarely have to use it.
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Notices for week 23rd October 2017:

Spooky Witch Walk
Don’t forget to dress up for our Spooky Witch Walk on Friday, 27th October 2017 which is being organised by the Parent Association.  Meeting at the hotel at 8:40am.   Please remember that small children can get scared of very scary costumes.  Please don’t wear any terrifying masks to school.

Children are asked to bring in €2 on the day.  The Parent Association will provide prizes for the best costumes.  All money raised will go towards a shed where we will store our P.E. equipment.

Hallowe’en Games
This year the Parent Association have organised for every class to enjoy some traditional fun Hallowe’en games.  Volunteers from the Parent Association will come into school Wednesday and Thursday morning to work with each class during their individual 45 minute slots.  Thank you to all the volunteers for giving your time and effort.  We look forward to lots of fun.

Thank you to all the parents who have co-operated with the request for considerate parking.  Please continue to park considerately and move off as quickly as possible in the morning to free up space for other families.  There has been a noted improvement especially in the mornings.

U11 Girls Football:
We are very proud of our U11 Girls football team who played in the Cumann na mBunscoil final in Moorefield last Thursday, 19th October.  Unfortunately they were defeated but played with great determination and skill.  Thank you to their coaches Mr. O’Donoghue and Mrs. McCaffrey for all their input.

I.B.M. Grant:
A huge Thank You to Dave Kelly who presented the school with a cheque for €1,900 from I.B.M.  Dave has been working with the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors over last year as part of a mentorship programme.  We are working with Dave from I.B.M. again this year and will continue the anti-bully work.  We hope to buy new technology for school (8 iPads, one for each classroom).  These can also be used by the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors during the weekly meetings.

Maths Week:
This was a wonderful success.  The children enjoyed a wide range of Maths activities including Problem Solving, Coding, Mathematical Activity, Board Games, Maths Quiz and Maths Trails over the 3 days.  Many thanks to Mr. Fitzgerald for co-ordinating the week and to all the individual teachers who organised activities with their classes.

Green Day:
€166 was raised for the school’s sensory garden during our Green Day.  The children learned all about Biodiversity, which is our next Green Schools Flag.  Well done to all entrants of the poster and poetry competitions.

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Thanks to Jeanette and Linda from the Parent Association for attending a meeting today with the Student Council…we have big plans :)


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Thank you to Dave Kelly who presented the anti bullying ambassadors with a cheque for €1,900 from IBM


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Red Weather Warning

In accordance with Department of Education & Skills guidelines, and in the interest of Health & Safety of all staff and families, the school will be closed on Monday, 16th October.


Mrs. M. Sherlock (Principal).

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Hallowe en Walk 2017

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Notices for week 9th October 2017

Monday 9/10/17:
U11 Girls football training after school in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:40pm to 3:30pm
U11 Boys football training is finished for the moment.

Tuesday 10/10/17:
There is no Homework Club due to Staff Meeting.

Wednesday 11/10/17:
U11 Hurling match – Semi-final, details will be forwarded when arranged.

Thursday 12/10/17:
U11 Girls Semi-final match V Moone in Scoil Mhuire, Ballymany, Newbridge @ 1:45pm.  Leaving the school @ 1:10pm, lifts would be appreciated.

Friday 13/10/17:
Swimming continues for 5th and 6th classes.

Maths Week:
Next week is Maths Week Ireland.  Our school will be organising lots of interactive and fun activities for all classes to participate in.

Parent Association:
Many thanks to all the parents/guardians who attended last week’s A.G.M. of the Parent Association.  The outgoing committee are to be highly commended and thanked for all their hard work and dedication to the school over the past year.

The Couch to 5km and the Fun Run, together with the many other activities during the year were hugely successful.

We are delight with the interest shown by so many parents/guardians at the A.G.M.  A new committee was formed on the night for this school year.

School Mass:
Fr. Byrne will say mass in the school this Wednesday 11th October at 11am.

P.E. Strand:
This month all classes will work on the strand of athletics.  We are trialling the whole school working on the same strand at the same time this year.  Swimming will continue as normal for senior classes.

Green Schools:
The Green School committee are planning Green Day to take place on Thursday, 19th October.  Children can wear one piece of green (T-shirt, ribbons, hoodie or tights/socks) on the day.  Each child is asked to bring in €1 each.  There will be activities arranged on the day.

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Notices for week 2nd October 2017:

Reminder : the AGM of the PA will be held in school today at 8pm. All parents are invited to attend.

Girls U11 Football: Monday 2nd Game V’s Athgarvan @ 2.15pm in Athgarvan Wednesday 4th game v’s Newbridge Educate Together @ 12.50pm inRobertstown. Leaving school at 12.35pm

Well done to the new Student Council and Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who attended their first meeting last week. Everybody got the chance to meet them at Assembly last Friday.

Under 11 hurling training Wednesday 2.45-3.30pm in Robertstown GAA (weather permitting) No match this week. Boys Football training U11 today after school.

Walk on Wednesday will be starting again soon along with lots of other active ventures. Keep an eye out for dates in the coming weeks.

We are currently updating our medical records of all pupils. Please return all forms to school this week. Each pupil will receive a form today.

Safety Notice: Parents are requested not to let their children climb or walk on the school walk in the morning or at home time. Pupils dismissed at 1.35pm are not permitted to re-enter and play on school grounds.

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Cross Country Running:


Our successful Cross County runners who took part in the Cross Country in Kilcock recently.

Well Done to all involved!!

Cross Country Kilcock


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Notices for week 25th September 2017:

Monday 25/9/17:
U11 Girls football training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:45pm to 3:30pm
U11 Boys football training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:45pm to 3:30pm
Tuesday 26/9/17:
U11 Boys football match in Derrinturn N.S. @ 2pm. Leaving school @ 1:30pm. Lifts would be appreciated.
There is no Homework Club due to teacher training after school.
Wednesday 27/9/17:
U11 Girls football match in Athgarvan N.S. @ 2:15pm.  Leaving school @ 1:40pm, lifts would be appreciated.
U11 Hurling training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:45pm to 3:30pm
Thursday 28/9/17:
Cyber-Bullying Talk:  Please return form to the office if you are interested in attending the talk.
Friday 29/9/17:
Swimming will commence for 5th and 6th classes during the school day.
Results for last weeks matches:
U11 Hurling: Robertstown N.S. 1 – 0 V Scoil Naomh Uilig, Newbridge 0 – 0.

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