Message from Santa !


Santa took time out from his very busy day to send a very special message to the children of Robertstown school.He must be very happy with us all 🙂

Click on link to see listen to his message or cut and paste link into your browser


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A Glimpse at our Talented Students!

We hope you enjoy some of our photos from last night’s show. We will post more as they come inIMG_6245

Congratulations to the staff and children for such a great show last night. A special thank you to Alan Brereton on sound and to Nicola and Lydia for the wonderful window art!

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Christmas Holidays

The school will close tomorrow @ 12 pm for holidays. We would like to thank you for all the help and support you give to the school throughout the year.
We also wish you all a happy, healthy and safe holiday !

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Cake sale and book fair

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Some Christmas work

We have been busy as usual in 2nd class, and have enjoyed working on a wide variety of Christmas-related crafts. Take a look and see what we have been up to!

Cian and Conor paint their wreath plates.

Emma and Niamh printed a pattern using plastic cups and paint.

Adam added lots of glitter to make his print sparkle.

We hung the wreaths outside our room. Ansin, thosaigh muid ag déanamh ár gCartaí Nollag.


We made other types of interesting Christmas cards by baking them! We used: 1 cup of flour, 1 tsp of salt, 1 tsp of baking powder and 3/4 of a cup of water. We had great fun squishing it all together in a sandwich bag! Then we cut a hole and piped the dough mixture out onto a Christmas shape we had chosen. Put it in the microwave and you have a baked Christmas card!

Kyle piping his card.

Emma piping her tree shape onto a card.

Eddie deep in concentration!

Cian piping onto his shape.

Put it in the microwave and you have a baked Christmas card!

It was very messy but great fun – thanks to all the parents that came in to help.




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Christmas Concert

This year our JI, Second /Third class and Sixth classes will perform a short concert on 19th December starting at 5.00pm.

We are asking parents  to please leave front seats for parents of Junior Infants as there will be a short break between their show and the senior classes show. This is to allow the younger children to be taken home,  this will leave front seats free for parents of the seniors.

We look forward to seeing you and that everyone  will have the opportunity to see their children and enjoy the concert.


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Christmas Tree Lighting in Robertstown

Sunday, 2nd December 2012 was such an exciting evening with Santa arriving in Robertstown to view the newly lit Crib and Christmas Tree.

The school choir sang their hearts out, accompanied by Ms. Jennifer Ennis, Ms. Diane O’Grady, Alan Brereton and Ms. Joanne Parle.  Darren did a great job in keeping us all amused throughout the exciting evening.  The rest of the school staff made a great effort to come along and support the children.                                                                                          Jordan Taaffe did a perfect job lighting up the beautiful tree.                                            Thank you to everyone who helped make this event so memorable and special.                                    What a special village community we have in Robertstown!!

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Fabric faces

We made some fabric faces in November.We planned out what we wanted our faces to look like. Then, we chose different materials to use, including buttons, pipe cleaners, hessian cloth, material, string and wool.

We think they turned out pretty well!

Abbie choosing her wool. Karl made a funny face.

Holly uses her plan to help her.

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Maths games in 2nd class

We play Maths games a lot in Second class. They help us improve our Numeracy skills.

Kyle and Ross play ‘What’s the difference?’


Ellen and Aoibhe play ‘Killer snap.’

Seán, Katie and Emma playing a shape game on the 100 square.

James and Finn match numbers to make up 100.

Cian and Kenneth play ‘Four in a row.’


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2nd class Maths

Emma making her shape picture from a plan.






Here are some pictures of us making our shape pictures. We used 2D shapes like triangles, circles, rectangles , semi-circles and squares.









We have also looked at right angles this term. We made some ‘angle eaters’ to help us find right / corner angles in the classroom.

Abbie finds a right angle!



Ellen found lots of right angles in the classroom today!








We looked at symmetry in Maths and used lots of websites to help us learn.

Conor and Scott making a symmetrical pattern

Aidan and Ross working on their patterns.

Katie working with her partner.

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