February activities

We have been working with clay this month. We started out by practising with play-doh. It was hard work making our love hearts, names and 3D shapes!

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We have also been looking at capacity in Maths and we had an experiment table in the classroom. We had to find out how much liquid a variety of ‘mystery objects’ held. The children made lots of predictions and learned a lot during this task.

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We carried out a debate titled: School uniforms, a good idea or a nuisance? The children worked in debating teams to prepare their arguments.

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The children argued the case on both sides.


Unfortunately, the team arguing FOR school uniforms won!

We are working on non-fiction booklets at the moment. We’ll keep you posted as to how we’re getting on!



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The Mysterious Balloon

The Mysterious balloon.

By Leanne Lawlor.

Riana was at a funfair at 1 O’clock on Friday.

She slowly walked in.  She saw balloons she sat on the chair where there were balloons.  Riana was shocked.  Every one shouted loudly.

She got higher and higher, the balloon was as strong as an aeroplane.  She tried to find her bag.  The cars were like dots. Suddenly she found a pin.  She put the pin near the balloon.  The balloon burst, she went down.  She landed on the grass.  Everyone was cheering.  She saw a pint sized dog then she asked her Mother to see if she was OK.

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Pancake Tuesday Thanks to the Parent’s Asociation

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Light Investigations















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Cluichí Teanga






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Check out what junior infants have been up to!

Junior infants have been having great fun in school as usual and recently we’ve been learning about toys that our parents used to play with. Children brought in some old and new toys and decided they prefer their own toys! We learned all about the coming of Spring with St. Bridgid’s day.

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Mid-Term Break

The school will be closed on Thursday, 14th and Friday, 15th February for the Mid-Term Break.

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Paper constructions

We made some constructions today using paper. The aim was to make our constructions solid so that they could be made taller. We were not allowed to use any glue or sellotape, and had to really think about how to fold the paper.

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Aidan and his team worked really hard and won the competition! Well done boys!

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After we made our constructions, we used a metre stick to measure them. The tallest was over a metre and a half (150cm / 1.5m) tall!


We had great fun carrying out this task!

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Parent Association

A meeting is being held on Wed 23/1/13 in the school @ 8pm. Any volunteers who want to join or help in any way can attend this meeting. Also anyone willing to assist any events during the school year please advise any committee member

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Christmas Play














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