Tasty Science Investigation – Materials and How They Change

2013-03-08 09.31.09 2013-03-08 09.31.14 2013-03-08 09.33.43 2013-03-08 09.59.59 2013-03-08 10.00.22

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Easter Newsletter

Please click on the images below to get a full screen view of our Easter NewsletterNewsletter page1Newsletter page2



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Rang a dó – March 2012

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We have carried out lots of measuring tasks this month, and used metre sticks, string, links and rulers to help us.


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We made 2D and 3D shapes using raisins and toothpicks – the children really enjoyed this task and made some really interesting shapes!

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We use the interactive whiteboard to help us understand money and change activities.


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There will be confession in the school tomorrow Wednesday 20th of March for children in 3rd class upwards.

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Get your green on

To celebrate St. Patrick’s day this year your child can wear green to school on Friday March 15th. €1 per child can be paid to their teacher to help with a little surprise that the parents are organising for Easter. get your green on-6

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World book day

What a wonderful success World book day was. The children brightened up Robertstown that morning walking from the village to the school dressed as their favourite character from their favourite book! Anybody passing Robertstown that morning must have thought they had landed in a magical world filled with fairies, witches, incredible hulks, not to mention Harry Potter and a book eating boy! Take a look at some of the fabulous photos! A big thank you to the parents association for their help organising the event. snow white Senior Infants Reading Princesses Phileus Fogg Percy Jackson P1110684 P1110683

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Green School’s Project!

Next Thursday March 14th Robertstown NS will be taking part in an exciting project called ‘Keeping it Green!’ just in time for St.Patrick’s Day. We are very lucky to be given the oppurtunity to work with local artist Beth Murphy who will visit our school for the day and work with 4th, 5th and 6th Class to build a beautiful dome structure out of willow. The structure will be placed at the front of the school for all the community to enjoy and this project will help towards receiving our 5th Green School’s flag for Biodiversity. For more information on the work that Beth does please visit her website. http://www.willowwonder.net

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World Book Day / Walk On Wednesday

To celebrate World Book Day we are having a fun Walk on Wednesday to school on 6th March 2013.  Children are being asked to either dress up as their favourite character from a book or to bring their favourite book in the walk.  The walk will be from the Hotel @ 8:40pm to the school.  All are welcome!!!


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Important information for parents

A Guide for Parents Textbook Rental Schemes in schools

A new guide from the Department of Education and skills has been published for parents. This publication is a guide for Parents on Textbook Rental Schemes in Schools. Please follow the link below to access an online version of these guidelines


Excellent website to help your kid learn at home

Please have a look at the help my kid learn website . Help my kid learn provides you with lots of simple ideas that you can build into your day to help your child learn more. It mixes the old with the new, from card games and hopscotch that help practice maths, to children’s e-books and apps for reading and pleasure.

Just enter your child’s age and find lots of fun reading, writing and maths activities you and your child can do together.


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World book day

World book day is on the 7th of March. To mark this important day we will have a special walk on Wednesday next week on the 6th of March. Children can either dress up as their favourite character from a book or else bring their favourite book on the walk to school. We will leave the village at 8.40 and walk to school together to mark world book day.

buddy and bird newFirst Confession

First confession is changed to next Monday 4th of March at 8.00pm in Allen Church8Confession

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