School uniform shop.

There will be a school uniform shop  in school the 15th of June from 11.00 to 2.00pm.

Please click on link below for prices and further details.

Price List email(2)

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Fun Day 14th June 2013

funday2013 poster

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Jersey Day

Jersey   Day

At  Robertstown N. S.  Ma y  2 4 t h

Show   your   support   for   your  Club,   County  or  Country! ! !

Wear   the   jersey of your choice to school this Friday, 24th May 2013

Help raise funds or our School Fun Day in June

Contribution of €2 to be given to class teacher

Thanks   for   your   support! !

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Junior infants trip to the canal

The junior infants explored Robertstown village last Friday 17/05. They got to see Robertstown in a whole new light as they hunted for mini beasts close to the canal. The junior infants got to use our lovely science equipment while they tracked down ants, spiders, and other creepy crawlies!189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197

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Parents’ Association Newsletter

A big thank you to the Parents’ Association for their wonderful newsletter. Very informative and enjoyable!

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Parent Association Newsletter

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National Walk On Wednesday

Wednesday, 15th May all children are asked to meet at the Hotel in Robertstown @ 8:30am.  Please make a special effort to walk or park & stride!!


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April in Rang a dó


We constructed a vase of flowers during Art. First of all, we looked at the work of an artist in America. Then, we made a plan of the flowers and a vase. We cut the paper out in the shape of flowers. Then, we got all the paper and glue and stuck it on the background. I enjoyed this task because it was very fun. I would have done more flowers if I were to do it again.

By Eddie Gillespie 

Our flower display

Our flower display

We wrote about our Art

We wrote about our Art

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Knitting in Ms. O’Gradys

Knitting in Ms. O’Grady’s class!!!!!!

2013-02-13 13.43.34 2013-02-13 13.42.37 2013-02-13 13.42.06 2013-02-13 13.41.31 2013-02-11 14.37.35 2013-02-08 14.15.22 2013-01-25 13.48.48 2013-01-25 13.49.18 2013-02-08 13.36.24 2013-02-08 13.36.57 2013-02-08 13.54.05 2013-02-08 13.54.46




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Well done to our Cross Country Athletes who Competed at the Hawkfield Centre Today

2013-03-21 12.39.21 2013-03-21 12.40.02 2013-03-21 13.15.48 2013-03-21 13.16.04

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