1st class – Light it up gold

Sept13 131

Sept13 128

Sept13 127

Sept13 126

Sept13 125

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Junior Infants Tackling their letters!!!!

Strand: Competence and Confidence in using language.20131009_09591420131009_09590420131009_09580920131009_09575620131009_095736

Strand Unit: Writing: developing competence, confidence and the ability to write independently.

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French Classes

French Classes:
These will be starting on Wednesday, 16th October 2013 for nine weeks,€4 per class, this can be paid upfront €4 X 9 weeks = €36 to Laurence Deltour, (086) 6029573.
Junior and Senior Infants from 1:45pm – 2:45pm
First Class – Sixth Class 2:45pm – 3:45pm


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‘Our Town’ by Mr.Donovan’s 5th & 6th Class

Robertstown Walking Tour

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Music Junior Infants

Strand: Performing
Strand Unit: Playing Instruments



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Aistear Playtime

At the bakery and the puppet show




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Senior Infants Maths

Strand: Algebra
Strand Unit: Patterns


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Junior Infants Maths

20131001_114439 (1)20131001_114426 (7)20131001_11441520131001_11440620131001_11434620131001_114333Strand: Early Mathematical Activities
Strand Unit: Classifying

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Senior Infants Aistear

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Senior Infants Art

Strand:Paint and colour

Strand Unit: Painting


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