Second Class Family Trees

We have been looking at and making our own family trees in history and understanding the roles each member of our family has.

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Second Class Halloween Art

In Second Class we made some scary Halloween paintings using our feet, hands and arms!! You should be able to tell which part of our body we used for the characters in our paintings.

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Hallowe’en WOF


The children all dressed up for our Hallowe’en Walk On Friday!!!!          DSCF5025DSCF5026 DSCF5032 DSCF5045 DSCF5044 DSCF5043 DSCF5042 DSCF5052 DSCF5057 DSCF5056 DSCF5059 DSCF5040

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Happy Halloween From Junior Infants


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Second Class Maths/Art

We were working on our knowledge of 2D shapes to create some lovely pieces of Art!photo(9) photo(10) photo(13) photo(14)

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Second Class Gaeilge

We have been learning all about éadaí (clothes) in our lessons recently. Some children were lucky enough to choose clothes out of Mr O Donoghue’s clothes bag in class!! The children are growing……. just not that quickly!!!

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Can all families please be checked for HEADLICE and treated if necessary!!!!

Girls with long hair must be tied up away from their face as this also helps stop the spread of headlice.   Below is a picture of size.


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Halloween Newsletter 2013

halloween pic

Since September the weeks have flown by, it’s hard to believe it’s now the end of October and Halloween is upon us!!! The children have been busy with their Halloween arts and crafts and pumpkin carving is a favourite, there are some very scary intimidating looking pumpkins in the classrooms and some equally frightening artwork!!

Junior infants are now well settled and Miss Murphy is delighted with their progress, they are even starting work on their Christmas Play. Senior Infants are embracing Aistear and working very hard on their baking skills so Gordon Ramsey watch out!!! 1st class are working very hard and the Station Teaching has been a great success, many thanks to Miss De Araugo and Miss Ennis for supporting and facilitating this. Stephen Speilberg better watch out because 2nd class are making their own films with a little help from Mr O’Donoghue!! 3rd, 5th and 6th classes are already in the throws of preparing for the much anticipated Christmas Concert. 4th Class organised and raised over 1500.00 euro for our very special Princess Leah Fund. Well done 4th class

School Mass
The start of year school mass will take place on Wednesday 23rd of October at 10.45am in the school hall. All are welcome.

Walk on Friday (WOF) 25th October
Make sure you’re all dressed up in your Halloween costumes for the walk to make it all the more spooky and exciting, departs from the hotel at 8.30am.

Dental Nurse Visit
All the children enjoyed a visit from Aoife the Dental Nurse on 25th September, Aoife advised us that eating healthy and brushing our teeth twice a day helps keep our pearly whites white!!!

Princess Leah 5K walk
The Princess Leah Walk took place on 27th of September was a great success and it was wonderful to see the whole school get involved, Well done to all the children and teachers from 3rd to 6th classes for walking, a fantastic achievement.
The younger children waved off the walkers, and were awaiting their return with much applause and cheers. We were wowed by monies raised €1,500 in total. We would like to thank everyone who supported, it further enhanced our school/community spirit.

Student Council
The Student Council is up and running again this year.

Introducing the new Student Council 2013-2014
Chairperson – Maria Price
Assistant Chair – Miriam McDermott
Secretary – Mollie Murphy
Treasurers – Tarah Cassidy and Kenneth McDermott
P.R. Team – Daniel Smal, Anna Murphy, Caoilinn Byrne, Anna Price, Aoife O’Donoghue, Ericka Irvine and Seán Wren


The aims of the student council are the following –

-To represent the student body.
-To promote and encourage activities that encourage student pride and school
-To encourage the children to take pride in their school which further enhances the school spirit.
-To provide an outlet for student expression and a forum to discuss issues and solutions.
-To bring the children’s suggestions to the teachers and the BOM

Green Schools Committee
We would like to thank our Green Schools Committee for all their hard work in making our school a greener more environmentally aware school. A special thanks to Ms. Stynes and Sheila Lynch who oversee this operation on a daily basis and keep us all on our toes to ensure we are putting our rubbish in the correct bins. Sheila also looks after our school garden and some members of the green schools committee helped Sheila dig up our vegetables. Our produce consisted of potatoes, carrots, onions and parsnips. I’m sure you’ll agree a very impressive crop and all organic. Below are some of our budding gardeners Kacey Kennedy, Hannah O’Grady, Sarah O’Kelly, Ailbhe Keatley, Ciara Walsh & Maria Price


Boys & Girls Basketball
Basketball training begins for boys and girls on Thursday 24th of October from 3.30pm – 4.30pm. Miss De Araugo and Miss Poole are training the children.

Homework Club

Homework Club is on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays in school. Please contact Miss O’Grady or Miss Poole for more information on this.

Christmas Concerts
Ms. Murphy’s class will perform ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’, Mr. Fitzgerald’s class are performing ’Hey Ewe’ and Ms. O’Grady’s and Mr. Donovan’s classes will be performing ’Cinderella & Rockefella’.  Their plays will take place on the last week of school before our Christmas holidays.  Practice is well underway and children and teachers are working very hard!!!

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Third Class Work – September

Our project on the Canal in Robertstown

Our project on the Canal in Robertstown

Some work done by Josh, Karl, Kyle and Scott on the fish found in the canal.

Some work done by Josh, Karl, Kyle and Scott on the fish found in the canal.

The canal boat designed by Dominic and Aidan

The canal boat designed by Dominic and Aidan

More research carried out by Ross and Tara on the canal in Robertstown.

More research carried out by Ross and Tara on the canal in Robertstown.

We wrote about our Summer holidays.

We wrote about our Summer holidays.

Some of the work 3rd class have done during September.

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1st Class – Science – Identifying living things around our school!

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