Digital Schools of Distinction

We have just heard that Robertstown National School has been the first school in Co. Kildare to be awarded the much sought after” Digital School of Distinction” award.
This is not an easy award to achieve and we would like to thank staff, children, parents and Board of Management for their support in helping us.
The children’s knowledge in this area received very high praise on day of inspection.. We will post the written report as soon as it arrives
Well done everyone!!!
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Let’s Wash Our Hands

To help stop the spread of germs in the school please encourage your child/children to do the following:

Lets Wash our hands

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Bird Feeder





From Ms. O’Gradys Class and Deirdre

How to make a simple Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder 1 Bird Feeder 2

You will need a pipecleaner and a breakfast cereal with holes.

Bird Feedere 3  Bird Feeder 4


Thread the cereal onto the pipe cleaner.  When it is full, form a circle.

When your cleaner is made, dip it in warm water.  This softens the cereal for the birds.

Bird Feeder 5

Your Bird Feeder is ready to hang outside.  Can you spot our one in the photograph?



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1st Class Gaeilge – Bréagáin Dheasa


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First Class Art – using fabric & fibre

nov13 2 015 photo (9) nov13 2 016 nov13 2 017

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Junior Infant Art

Strand: Painting & Construction
Strand Unit: Making Constructions

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Second Class Science

Tree 1

Recognising the different parts of a tree presentation

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Second Class Gaeilge Songs

Each fortnight we learn a new song and poem in Second Class. Attached is a sample of songs we have learned….. You may recognise the melody of some!

A Caora A Caora

Ag Teacht Ar Scoil


Is Saighdiúir Mé

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School Photographs

Dear Parents/Guardians,
There is still time to fill in an order form and return it to us with the exact fee for your children’s school photo.

School Photographs will be taken this Friday 15th November. Please ensure that your child is wearing full uniform on this day as every child will be photographed for the class photos.
The photos are being taken earlier this year to make sure all children still have full uniform and to give parents the opportunity to use the photographs as Christmas gifts. This decision was made based on suggestions from parents.
A sample of picture sizes are available in the office.
The cost of one set is €10, this contains: 1: (12” X 8”),  2: (7” X 5”),  4: (3” X 2”) and  8: (2” X 1 ½ “). This can be a set of photos of an individual child, siblings, or family photo. N.B. all photos within the set will be the same.
A class photograph will also be available at €5 for 1: (12” X 8”).
If you are interested please sign and return the form with clear instructions of the photos you want taken. An envelope with form attached was sent home in your child’s schoolbag prior to the mid-term break.
If you have any queries please contact Robertstown Parents Association.
For November why not lighten your load with donating all of your extra coppers to our November Coppers Collection. Each class has their own collection bucket now and are collecting coppers and loose change for the entire month of November.
The class who raise the most money over the month will win a special homework pass.
Regards,Parent’s Association

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3rd Class work during October

Here is some of the wonderful work carried out in 3rd class during October.


We read the story of ”Spud Murphy” and we created our own character profiles on Spud.


We have been brainstorming other words to use instead of ”said”.


We learned all about Australia this month, this is our Australian display.


We learned all about the Aborigines and even did some Aborigine dot painting.


We learned about all the wonderful Australian animals.


Our display was full of all things Australian.


We carved our own scary pumpkin for Halloween.


Some scary costumes …..









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