Head Lice Bug Buster

Please take a look at the Head Lice Bug Buster that has been emailed to every family we are starting tomorrow Tuesday, 17th December.  Every member in every family must be checked.
It is suggested that Bug Busting takes place 4 times over 2 weeks at 3/4 day intervals.
Hopefully every family will take part in helping us try to solve this problem!!!!
A copy of the Bug Buster tips is available from the office
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Christmas Concert DVD

DVDs of the concert will be available to parents/guardians of children taking part in the Christmas Concert on Tuesday, 24th December in the school between 2pm – 2:30pm.

They will be €12 if ordered and paid for in advance, otherwise they will be €20 per copy.
If you want a DVD, please put money in an envelope with your child’s name, class and how many required on it and send into the office by Friday, 20th December 2013.
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Second Class Monsters

In Art the children made monsters from the fabrics and materials they brought in in their groups!

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Board Of Management Voting (Mother)

Monday, 16th December 2013 is the last day for voting ballots to be sent into the school.  The ballot box will be opened on Thursday, 19th December 2013 @ 9:15pm for the ballot count.  Our new Board Of Management member will be posted as soon as we have a result.

Best of luck to the candidates!!!

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Calendar Changes

Please note Wednesday, 19th March 2014 the school is closed!!!

Calendar 13 14

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Digital School of Distinction

We have just heard that Robertstown National School has been the first school in Kildare to be awarded the much sought after” Digital School of Distinction” award.
This is not an easy award to achieve and we would like to thank staff, child…See more (4 photos)



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Christmas Concert 2013

Our Christmas concerts will take place on Thursday 19th December.

Ms Murphy’s class will start at 5pm sharp, with Mr Fitzgerald’s class following after a short break at 5.40pm.  Finally Ms O’Grady and Mr Donovan’s class will start at 6.15pm.

Unfortunately our hall is not big enough to accommodate all parents at one time, so in order that everyone is given a chance to see their own child, we are asking parents to leave seats free to front of hall for parents of the Junior Infant children.  These parents are asked to leave with their children at the end of the Junior Infant concert, leaving seats free for the next concert.

Parents of Ms O Grady’s and Mr Donovan’s classes are asked to wait until the first 2 plays are finished before taking their seats.

In the past the hall has been filled very quickly with older children from the village who are not related to children performing. While we would love to accommodate everyone who would like to see the show, we simply do not have the room, and with this in mind we are only admitting children under 16 who are with their families.

There will be parking available to back of the school and we are asking parents to take extra care when moving in or out of parking spaces as there will be a lot of very excited children around during this time.

We are all looking forward to a great night and with your co-operation everyone should get to see their children perform in comfort.

Thank you in anticipation

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Christmas Newsletter

“Nollaig Shona Daoibh go léir”

Dear Parents,
We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Christmas and a peaceful new year. Thank you for all your support and encouragement during the last few months. As you will see from this newsletter things have been very busy! We would like to thank the students and all the staff for their dedication and hard work . The students are lucky to have such talented and hard working teachers! We have been very busy preparing for the Christmas Plays to ensure they will be a resounding success. We would also like to thank the parents for helping children with their lines, making costumes, you’ve been a real support. We’ve some amazingly talented children, they have worked so hard and their enthusiasm is infectious. I’m sure the ‘bright lights’ beckon for some in the future!

Important Christmas Concert Information

Our Christmas concerts will take place on Thursday 19th December.
Ms. Murphy’s class will start at 5.00 pm sharp, with Mr. Fitzgerald’s class following after a short break at 5.40. Finally Ms O Grady and Mr Donovan’s class will start at 6.15 pm. Unfortunately our hall is not big enough to accommodate all parents at one time, so in order that everyone is given a chance to see their own child, we are asking parents to leave seats free to front of hall for parents of the Junior Infant children. These parents are asked to leave with their children at the end of the Junior Infant concert, leaving seats free for the next concert. Parents of Ms O Grady and Mr Donovan’s class are asked to wait until the first 2 plays are finished before taking their seats. In the past the hall has been filled very quickly with older children from the village who are not related to children performing. While we would love to accommodate everyone who would like to see the show, we simply do not have the room, and with this in mind we are only admitting children under 16 who are with their families. There will be parking available to back of the school and we are asking parents to take extra care when moving in or out of parking spaces as there will be a lot of very excited children around during this time.
We are all looking forward to a great night and with your co-operation everyone should get to see their children perform in comfort.
Thank you in anticipation

Digital Schools of Distinction
We have just heard that Robertstown National School has been the first school in Co. Kildare to be awarded the much sought after” Digital School of Distinction” award.
This is not an easy award to achieve and we would like to thank staff, children, parents and Board of Management for their support in helping us.
The children’s knowledge in this area received very high praise on day of inspection.. We will post the written report as soon as it arrives
Well done everyone!!!

Head Lice Outbreak
There has been an outbreak of head lice in the school. Head lice are spread mostly by direct head-to-head contact. The sharing of hats, combs, and other hair accessories can also spread head lice, but this is not common. Anyone can get head lice. A head lice infestation has nothing to do with cleanliness or parenting skills.

It is important that all parents check their children when they return from school. If you find that your child has head lice please begin treatment as soon as possible with a medicated head lice product available from any pharmacy. Prompt action is required to ensure more children don’t get head lice.

Public Heath Nurse is in the process of setting up  two week head lice blitz, when we have more information we will let you know.


Christmas Carol Service
On 1st of December we had a lovely Christmas Carol Service. It was great to see so many children, staff and parents support this. We would like to give a special thanks to Jenny Ennis and Claire Magrane who have been working hard with the choir. The choir sounded beautiful and have worked very hard over the past few weeks so well done all in the choir. Santa arrived to applause, cheers and chanting.  A very enjoyable evening was had by all and everyone was feeling very festive and Christmassy after it.


Giving Tree

Many thanks to everyone who brought in a gift for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Giving Tree. People have been very generous. Please drop unwrapped gifts into Ms. Stynes in the morning. Last day for gifts is Friday December 13th.

Coppers Collection
Well done to all the children who brought in coppers for the copper collection in November.

Important Dates To Remember
December 19th – Christmas Concert

December 20th – Christmas Holidays – All children will be going home at 12pm,

January 6th – School Resumes

March 17th, 18th & 19th – School Closure

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The Giving Tree

The last day for “The Giving Tree” for the St. Vincent De Paul presents is Monday, 16th December 2013.  If you have not already donated to this worthy cause you can still do so.  A big THANK YOU to all children/parents for their kind donations.  They will stay in our parish to help those less fortunate.  🙂20131119_140516(1)

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