Ms. O’Gradys Art


Ms. O’Grady’s Fourth and Fifth Class designed a “City Skyline” in Art using “pastels and chalk”.  Well Done!!!20140121_092641 20140121_092558 Molly 20140113_101813

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Football Training Cancelled

Football training is cancelled today due to weather conditions. Training will resume next Tuesday at the usual time.

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Junior Infants love Magnets!!

Strand: Materials
Strand Unit: Magnetism and Electricity


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Parent/Teacher Meetings

Parent/Teacher meetings will be held on Tuesday the 11th and Wednesday the 12th of February. Teachers will be in touch with time and day. If a time or date does not suit please contact the office and a more suitable appointment can be made.

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Walking To & From School!!!

Could parents/guardians and other drivers please be aware of children walking to and from school when it is raining. Several children had to go home to change their clothes before coming to school, which made them late for the start of the school day.
Thank you for your co-operation!!! P

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Parent/Teacher Meetings

The Parent / Teacher meetings will be held on the week of 10th February 2014. Teachers will be in contact with each parent/guardian with a day and time for their child’s/children’s meeting. If the time and day you are given does not suit you, please contact the office and a new appointment will be given.

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Football Training

Senior Boys and Girls and U10 Boys football training will be start back on next Tuesday, 14/1/14 @ 2:40pm – 3:40pm

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Junior Infant Applications for September 2014

The closing date for the enrolment of Junior Infants for this coming September 2014 is on Friday, 17th January 2014.  


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Non Uniform Day

This Friday 20th December is Non Uniform Day.  All children are asked to wear something Christmasy!!!!

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Christmas Holidays

The school will close at 12pm for all children on Friday, 20th December for the Christmas holidays.  The school will re-open on Monday, 6th January 2014.

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