
Friday, 14th February (full day) until Monday, 24th February.
Also, all children are to have Anti Bacterial Gel, a towel and a packet of tissues in their bag for school. As children who need to use toilet roll are causing a huge disruption to the class.

Anti-Bacterial Gel TowelTissues


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1st Class Visual Arts – Strand – Construction

Construction 1 Construction 2 Construction 3 Construction 4 Construction 5 Construction 6

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The Great Bake Sale

The Student Council led by Ms. Poole held a the very successful Great Bake Sale on Thursday 30th January. They raised a whopping €734.88, this exceeded all expectations. All monies will go towards playground equipment. This bake sale was ‘by the children for the children’. We wish to thank all parents who brought in cakes, we were all taken aback with the amount of baked good that were brought in, your support was crucial to its success and thanks again for your support in making this such a success. These tasty cakes went down very well with all students, teachers and parents!!!


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Bully / Cyber Bullying Talk

It is not too late to put your name down to attend the “Bullying / Cyber Bullying” on Monday, 3rd Jan 2014 in the school @ 7pm – 9pm.  If you are on Facebook you can see the “Event” in our “events page” and “Join” the event, you can email your name or let your child’s teacher know or leave your name in the office.

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1st Class learning some céilí dances!

Irish dancing 1 Irish dancing 2 Irish dancing 3 Irish dancing 4

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Art Community Games Competition

The community games resumes and first off is our Art Competition in which the County Finals will be held in The Patrician Primary School Newbridge Sunday 2nd March 2014. Registration time 9.30am.
On Thursday 13th February Prosperous Primary School will run the Area qualifying round from 3.30 – 5.30pm. Admission fee is €2 per child. The Art teachers will oversee the compieition and will judge the entries.

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World Book Day 6th March

World Book Day will be celebrated on Thursday 6th of March. We would like to invite children to dress up as their favourite character from their favourite book, or bring in their favourite book. Junior and Senior Infants may bring in their favourite pillow, teddy and book if they wish. Each child on the day is to bring in €2 and funds raised will go towards the Princess Leah Bench. The bench will be placed in the willow dome at the front of the school. We will give you more information on this in the coming weeks but for now think about what costume to wear!!!!

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Please Slow Down in Wet Weather


Could parents/guardians and other drivers please be aware of children walking to and from school when it is raining. Several children had to go home to change their clothes before coming to school, which made them late for the start of the school day.
Thank you for your co-operation!!!

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Special Visitor

Second Class were delighted to have John Mac in to talk about how Robertstown has changed since he was a boy (not that long ago!!). The children were engrossed listening to John discuss the dreaded ‘cane’ and how lemonade was a treat only received once or twice a year!! From all in Second Class, thank you for your time and wisdom!!  Check out the blog to find out what else the children learned from John!

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1st Class Gaeilge – Our new poem ‘Cairde’

IMG_8768 (1)

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