Uniform Details

Uniform Details
The school uniform is as follows:
The girls’ uniform consists of a white/grey shirt, wine tie, and one of two options:
a) wine/grey skirt/pinafore with grey/wine jumper/cardigan ;
b) grey slacks with wine jumper/cardigan.

The boys’ uniform consists of a grey/white shirt, wine tie, wine jumper and grey slacks.
We recommend that jumpers are crested. In order to keep the cost down, individual crests will be available for purchase from the school. This will enable parents to purchase generic jumpers and sew crests on themselves.

The sports uniform is a wine tracksuit with crested top. For boys, a grey polo t-shirt should be worn and for girls, a white/grey polo t-shirt. The school tracksuit is only to be worn on P.E. days, on school outings or on occasions designated by principal/teacher.


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