Notices for the week of 30th May 2016:

Monday, 30/5/16:
Camogie Semi Final in Robertstown G.F.C. @ 2pm. All support welcome.
There is no football training today.
Wednesday, 1/6/16:
1st, 2nd and 3rd class tour.
Thursday, 2/6/16:
Junior and Senior Infant class tour.
Monday, 6/6/16 and Tuesday, 7/6/16:
The school will be closed for the bank holiday.
Wednesday, 8/6/16:
The school will be closed to facilitate an In-Service Day for teachers.
Thursday, 9/6/16:
The Junior Infants will be going home at 12pm, as there will be an Induction Day for next years Junior Infants.
Student Council/Anti-Bullying:
Every Monday morning the Student Council check each class toilets for Toilet Rolls and Soap.
From the 5/6/16 to 10/6/16 – this is Kindness Week, which will be part of the Anti-Bullying Campaign.
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Notices for week 23rd May 2016

Active Schools Week:
Last week 1st class ran a marathon (26 miles) between them for the Active Schools week. They took it in turns to run a couple of laps in back of school every day.
Well done.
If you have any photographs from the Parish Sports, can you please send them to Mr. Eyres email: Thank you.

Girls Football:
All training and matches are finished for girls for this school year.

U10 Boys Football:
Training after school in Robertstown G.A.A.

Senior Boys Hurling:
Training on Wednesday, 25/5/16 after school in Robertstown G.A.A.
Match on Thursday, 26/5/16 in Allen N.S. Leaving the school @ 12:30pm. Lifts would be appreciated.

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Allen Parish Sports

A big thank you from the Parent Association to all the parents and children who supported the Allen Parish Sports by way of donations and baked goods and also to the local sponsors who provided donations.
There was one prize to raffle and the winner was:- Sham Moran.

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Finn, Oisín and Aidan did a wonderful presentation at IBM today. Our mentors were thrilled with the partnership and want to continue working together next year!




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Book Rental Scheme: Online payment

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Thank you to parents that have already paid for the Book Rental Scheme for next year.  Please note that this money can be paid in installments through our online payment system (a link was already sent to you by email, if you did not receive it please contact Ms. Dillon), which records all monies paid.

Any parents who would like to take up the Book Rental Scheme but are having difficulty paying at this time should contact Ms. Dillon as we have some extra funding available for this.

Please contact the office, if you are NOT availing of our Book Rental Scheme so as you receive a full book list your child/ren.

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Summer Camp 2016


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Notices for week 9th May 2016:

Monday, 9/5/16:

Training for U10 football and camogie after school.

Tuesday, 10/5/16:

Staff Meeting / In-Service @ 1:35pm.  All pupils will be going home at this time to facilitate meeting.

There is no football training today for girls.

Wednesday, 11/5/16:

Hurling training from 3rd to 6th class after school.

Thursday, 12/5/16:

Camogie match in Celbridge @ 2:30pm.  Leaving the school @ 1:45pm, lifts would be appreciated.

Senior Girls football match in Robertstown GAA @ 2pm.  Leaving the school @ 1:45pm, lifts would be appreciated.

Senior Boys football training after school.

Saturday, 14/5/16:

Second class will be receiving their First Holy Communion @ 2pm in Allen Church.  The choir are asked to be at the church @ 1:45pm.

Active Schools:

Please keep an eye out next week on the schools Facebook page for upcoming events.

Parish Sports:

The Parish Sports will be taking place in Robertstown GAA on Wednesday, 18th May @ 5:30pm.  Can ALL raffle tickets sold or unsold please be returned to the school by Wednesday 18th May.


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Allen Parish Sports

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
As you may be aware Robertstown National School will be hosting Allen Parish Sports this year. The event will take place from 5.30p.m. on Wednesday, 18th May 2016 in Robertstown G.A.A.
The Allen Parish Sports has a long standing tradition in the Parish of Allen and each primary school takes a turn in hosting the event. As part of the event children from Robertstown have the opportunity to test themselves against the pupils of Allen, Milltown and both Allenwood schools. Children from preschool to Under -13 take part in races over distances from 50-200 metres. The highlight of the event are the relays where teams from each of the schools battle it out to be crowned Champions for 2016.
The Parish Sports is also a vital fundraising event for our schools, the money raised goes towards the purchase and upkeep of curriculum resources.  As we are hosting this year, the proceeds of the event will go directly to addressing the needs of Robertstown National School.  As part of the fundraising effort, each family will receive a sponsorship card which will be given to your eldest child in the coming week.
Parking will be at a premium due to the numbers involved from each school this year so we encourage our families to carpool or walk to the event to help alleviate the congestion.
We hope to see you all there on the night!
Kind Regards,
Stephen Donovan.
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More notices and reminders!!

Next week the school will be closed for the May Bank Holiday and re-open on Monday, 9th May 2016.

Also on Tuesday, 10th May ALL children will be going home at 1:35pm to facilitate our next Staff Meeting.

On Saturday, 14th May 2016 second class will be making their First Holy Communion in Allen Church at 2pm.

Wednesday, 18th May 2016 the annual Allen Parish Sports is being hosted by Robertstown N.S. this year.  More information to follow.

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Notices for Week 25th April 2016:

Monday 25/4/16:

Camogie match in Robertstown G.F.C.  Leaving the school at 1:10pm.  All lifts appreciated.

U10 training as usual.

Tuesday 26/4/16:

Senior Boys Football match in Robertstown G.F.C.  Be at pitch for 3pm.

Senior Girls Football training @ 2:35pm to 3:35pm

Wednesday 27/4/16:

Senior Girls Football match in Ballysax N.S.  Leaving school @ 1:50pm.  All lifts appreciated

Hurling training as usual

French Class:  This is the last class and parents/guardians of pupils who attend are invited to the class 10 minutes before the end of the lesson.

Thursday 28/4/16:

Hurling match in Robertstown G.F.C. V Kilcullen @ 1pm.  All lifts appreciated.

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