Notices for week 9th January 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please direct all correspondence by email to The old Principal email is no longer in use.
Lost Property
There are a lot of coats on the table outside the hall belonging to pupils.  These were left here over the Christmas.  Please ask pupils from 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes to claim their coat.
We are delighted with the painting and cleaning that has taken place over the Christmas Holidays.  Three rooms were painted and all toilets and floors were deep cleaned.  As a result the cleaning of the school planned for this Saturday is now cancelled.
Couch to 5km
The training got off to a wonderful start on Monday.  130 people signed up for the 6 week training session with Dave Matthews in preparation for the big race with Sonia O’Sullivan on Sunday 26th February 2017.  The Parent Association has worked very hard to bring this event to life and we are very grateful for the sponsorship they have received so far from Hanlon Concrete, Signflair and Robertstown G.A.A.  Training takes place each Monday and Wednesday night around the G.A.A. pitch.  Feel free to come along and sign up.  We wish all the athletes and the organising committee every continued success in the lead up to this wonderfully historic event which will raise money for out school.  Money raised will be used to reinstate the Jungle Gym and improve the playground.
Healthy Lunch
As we start back to a new term, you are encouraged to send a healthy lunch to school each day with your child.
Junior Entrepreneur Programme
5th Class have a guest speaker on this Thursday.  The class are looking forward to this.
This will commence on this Friday 13th January for 3rd and 4th classes.  Many thanks to all those who have paid either online or to the class teacher.
No Homework Club
There will be no Homework Club on these date:
16th January, 25th January and 1st February.

Looking for to an eventful term!!

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