Notices for week 12th December 2016:

Tue 13/12/16:
There is a Basketball match in Rathcoffey.  Leaving the school @ 1:55pm and should be returning @ 3:45pm approx..

Wed 14/12/16:
The Parent Association are holding a Bake Sale.  If you have any donations, you can drop them into the school on the morning of the Bake Sale.  This is to go towards any events or projects that are ongoing in the school.

Thur 15/12/16:
The following classes will be holding their Christmas Performances.  We look forward to seeing them all – 3rd @ 7pm, 4th @ 7:30pm and 6th @ 8pm.  There will also be a raffle held during the evening.

Fri 16/12/16:
Junior Infants will be performing their Christmas play @ 1pm.  Parents/Guardians are welcome to attend.

Student Council:
The Student Council were delighted with the effort that pupils and staff put into the designing of garments for the Bauble Bonanza Friday 9th December last.  Congratulations to all the winners on the day.  €310 was raised and this will go towards new goals and basketball nets.  Well done to all involved.

Thur 22/12/16:
The school will close @ 12pm for the Christmas Holidays.  Pupils can wear their Christmas jumper (the one that they designed) with their school tracksuit bottoms.

Please check each child’s hair and treat if necessary.  All long hair must be tied up, to help prevent the spread.

Painting of School:
The original wing (front) of the school will be getting a much needed repaint during the Christmas Holidays.

Saturday 14/1/17:
We are hoping that as many parents/guardians can help with our planned Deep Clean of the new wing (back) of the school.  It will be from 10am until 12pm.

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Notices for week 5th December 2016:

Friday 9th December 2016:
Bauble Bonanza will take place, so don’t forget your Christmas Jumper @ €2 per child. These funds go towards new goals for the playground and nets for the basketball boards.

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Notices for week 28th November 2016

These are subject to change.

Tuesday 29/11/16:
The school is closed due to the staff attending an In-service day.

Wednesday 30/11/16:
There is Basketball training after school.

Sunday 4/12/16:
The school choir is delighted to participate in the annual Christmas festivities next Sunday.  The ceremony will commence with the unveiling of a plaque @ 5pm.  The choir will sing @ 5:30pm followed by the blessing of the crib.  Our two youngest pupils will switch on the lights on the Christmas tree followed by further singing.  Santa will arrive in style to meet all the children.  We hope you can come along for this very festive evening.
The school choir are asked to be in the village at the choir stand @ 5pm.

Tuesday 6/12/16:
The school will close @ 1:20pm to facilitate a staff meeting.

Friday 9/12/16:
Don’t forget about the Bauble Bonanza @ €2 per jumper designed.  The funds are going towards new set of goals and basketball nets.

Thank you to all those who have paid for the 3rd and 4th swimming classes in the new year.

Giving Tree / Shoebox Appeal:
The response to the St. Vincent De Paul Giving Tree has been extremely generous.  This is a real sigh of faith in action and will make a real difference to the lives of local people who are less fortunate.  Please continue to send in new gifts for adults and children for under the Christmas tree.  These gifts will be distributed locally by the St. Vincent De Paul.
Thank you to the families who dropped Christmas Shoeboxes for Team Hope.  The shoes boxes were collected from the school last week.

New Staff:
We welcome Ms. Jennifer Hughes to our school today.  We send best wishes with Ms. De Araugo as she goes on maternity leave.  Ms. Coughlan is now teaching Senior Infants for the duration of the maternity leave.  Ms. Hughes replaced Ms. Coughlan as Special Education Teacher.

Enrolment Applications for September 2017:
You are reminded that enrolment applications for September 2017 should be submitted to the school from now until Christmas 2016.  Forms are available on the school website or from the office.

Christmas Plays/Concerts:
Junior Infants will host a Christmas show for their families on Friday 9/12/16 @ 1pm.
3rd (7pm – 7:30pm), 4th (7:30pm – 8pm) and 6th (8pm – 8:30) classes will also take to the stage on Thursday 15/12/16.  At present it is hoped that the prefab at the rear of the hall will be removed by this date.  This structure restricts the maximum number of people the hall can hold due to fire safety regulation.  More details will follow as soon as I know more.  On the date (to be confirmed) that the crane removed the prefab there will be no parking at the front of the school.

Christmas Card:
The final collection of money for the Christmas Cards is on Wednesday 30/12/16 @ 11am.  No monies will be taken after this time and date.

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Notices for week 21st November 2016:

These are subject to change:

Monday 21/11/16:
The Parent Association Committee are having their monthly meeting at the school on Monday 21st November @ 8pm, all parents are invited to come along, we would love to see you and look forward to your inputs and ideas.

Thursday 24/11/16:
Basketball match.  Details will be sent later.

Saturday 26/11/16:
Enrolment Mass for the candidates for Confirmation in Allenwood Church @ 6:30pm.  All candidates must attend.

Tuesday 29/11/16:
The school will be closed due to teachers having an In-service day.

Credit Union Art Competition:
The following were winners, well done and best of luck in the next round:-
Niamh Lenihan (6th Class) who won joint 3rd for the 11 – 13 years
Ella Murphy (1st Class) and Trey Govender (2nd Class) who won joint 2nd for U7 years

Bauble Bonanza:
Please see poster from the Student Council

Xmas Jumper Poster

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Rainbows – Allen

This programme is for students who are coping with bereavement, loss etc.
The programme will begin on Wednesday, 11th January 2017 in Allen School @ 7:30pm for 12 weeks. This is also free of charge to all families.
Forms are available from the website and the office and are to be completed and returned to the Principal, Mrs. Sherlock by Friday, 18th November 2016.
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Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please do not park on the footpath near the school.  At present this is an issue and is becoming a Health & Safety concern for the pupils of the school.

Your co-operation would be appreciated to ensure the continued safety of all members of our school community.


Mrs. Sherlock.

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Swimming 3rd & 4th Classes January 2017

swimming clipart

Swimming commences in January for all children in 3th and 4th classes in K-Leisure, Naas. There will be five sessions and classes run from Friday the 13th of January to Friday the 10th of February inclusive.

Swimming lessons are during school hours, their session begins at 11.45am. The cost is €35 per child. You may pay in instalments before swimming commences. It is crucial that all monies must be paid in full by Friday 3rd of February. If you are sending in money please ensure that it is sent to your child’s class teacher only. Please ensure your money is in an envelope with your child’s name and amount clearly marked. You may also pay online by following the link sent by e-mail.


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Notices for week 14th November 2016

Monday 14/11/16:
French Classes as usual today.
Gymnastics will commence today.  You can pay Ella in full, before class today.
Thursday 17/11/16:
The tour for 3rd and 4th classes takes place.  Details have been emailed.
Friday 18/11/16:
Swimming for 5th and 6th classes start.  Details have been emailed previously.
Board of Management Parent (Mother) Representative:
Following the count of votes on Friday 28th October last Suzanne Dodson has been elected as Parents’ nominee to the Board of Management.  Congratulations to Suzanne.  Thank you to the other parents who put their names forward for election.
You are reminded that school gate is open between 8:50am to 9am daily.  School commences at 8:55am and class start at this time.  Please ensure that your child is at school on time daily as a small number of children are arriving at school late on a regular basis.  The roll is called at 10:20am.  Children who arrive at school after this time will be marked absent.  If a child has a note stating that they were at a medical appointment, this will be noted on our on-line system.
School will be closed on Tuesday 29th November, as staff will attend a training day on the new Primary Language Curriculum.
Parent/Teacher Meetings:
With the exception of Sixth Class, Parent/Teacher meetings for all other classes are scheduled to take place next Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd November.  Please ensure that you have received your time slot.  Sixth Class Parent/Teacher meetings will be arranged after Christmas.
New Staff:
Welcome to Mr. Enright who commences his new post as Sixth Class teacher today.
Lighting of Village Christmas Tree:
The village carol service is scheduled to take place on Sunday 4th December.  More details will follow shortly.

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Museum Trip 3rd & 4th Classes


Just a reminder that 3rd and 4th classes will be going on their much anticipated museum trip on Thursday 17th of November.  Children need to be in school at 8.30am as we are departing the school at 8.40am sharp.  Children are to bring a  packed lunch and one treat only. It  may be advisable to pack a raincoat as we have a 10 minute walk between museums.  Monies to be paid in full by Monday 14th November. €7 per child. We should return to the school by 2.30pm.


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Notices for week 7th November 2016

These are subject to change.

Please ensure all pupils in Junior Infants and Senior Infants are removed from school yard at 1:35pm.  Pupils are not permitted to play on school grounds after this time.  Parents/Guardians are responsible for the care of their infant children after 1:35pm.

Monday 7/11/16:
No Homework Club due to the Staff Meeting taking place after school.
No French Class this week, it will resume on Monday 14/11/16 as usual.
No Gymnastics today.  The new term will start next Monday 14/11/16 until 19/12/16, for 6 weeks @ €7 per class.  Full payment (€42 per child) to Ella before class begins on Monday.

Friday 11/11/16:
Swimming will commence for 5th and 6th classes this week.  All monies (€35 per child) must be paid before classes start.

Thursday 17/11/15:
The Museum Tour for 3rd and 4th classes is taking place.  All monies (€7 per child) must be paid by this Friday 11/11/16.

Student Council – are working with the Parent Association on ideas to spend €200, funds that was raised by the Parent Association.
Anti-Bullying Ambassador – are working on a bullying survey in conjunction with Dave Kelly from I.B.M.

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