Healthy Eating Campaign:
Thank you for supporting our Healthy Eating Campaign.  Children are now enjoying a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, crackers, sandwiches and other healthy options in their lunch boxes.  We ask that parents continue to provide their children with such tasty healthy lunches going forward.  Classes have designed posters with healthy lunch ideas which are displayed around the school.
Parent Association:
The A.G.M. of the Parent Association will take place on Monday, 2nd October @ 8pm.  All parents/guardians are invited to attend.  We would like to see lots of new faces at the event.
Cyberbullying Talk
A Cyberbullying Talk for parents will take place in the school hall on Thursday, 28th September @ 7:30pm.  A letter of information was sent home to all families last Friday.  Please send back your acceptance slip if you wish to attend.

As the whole staff will be attending a training day on the new Primary Language Curriculum, you are advised that the school will be closed on Monday, 18th December 2017.  Please note this is an extra day of closure not on the school calendar issued previously.
Safety Notice:
Please do not park in the school gateway at any time.  This is a designated bus zone from 8:50am to 8:55am and in the evenings.  This area must be kept clear at all times.  Please do not double park on the road as it blocks the parking zone.  Parents are requested not to stand blocking the path outside the main gateway forcing children to walk on the road in the path of cars.

You are reminded that the school gate beside the tower opens at 8:50am to 9am.  School begins at 8:55am.  There is no supervision on the school premises before 8:50am.
Our school teams have started the year on a strong foot.  We currently have teams competing in the Cumann na mBunscoil league in gaelic football and hurling.

5 boys and 2 girls from 6th class, 1 boy and 2 girls from 5th class and 2 boys and 3 girls from 4th class.  Best wishes to our 15 athletes from 4th to 6th class who will compete in the inter-schools athletics competition in Kilcock Althelics Club next Friday.

Thank you to all the teachers who give so generously of their time to train the children for these events and organise games/competitions.
Monday 18/9/17:
Girls football training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:45pm to 3:30pm.  Please collect your child on time.
Tuesday 18/9/17:
Boys football match in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2pm V Confey.  Leaving the school @ 1:30pm.
Wednesday 19/9/17:
Hurling training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:45pm to 3:30pm from 4th to 6th class.

Thursday 20/9/17:
Hurling match – details will be forwarded when finalised.
Friday 29/9/17:
5th and 6th classes will be starting their swimming lessons @ €35 per child.  Please be sure to be fully paid up before lessons begin.
You can still pay for Insurance for your child @ €9 per child for 24 hour cover.

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Healthy Lunch Ideas

As we continue our campaign to promote healthy eating in our school, here are a few links to websites with lots of lovely suggestions for healthy lunches.

Below are some suitable foods to include in your child’s lunch box:

Salad (no mayonnaise or coleslaw as they contain raw eggs)
Chopped raw vegetables
Fruit e.g. apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, berries, kiwi, plums, peaches (No nuts)

Cooked meats
Popcorn – unsweetened

The following foods are not permitted in school:
Fizzy drinks
Energy Drinks
Sugar laden products

Lunch Pyramid


Food Pyramid



9 to 18 years Pyramid           2 to 7 years Pyramid

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Welcome Back September 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome back to everybody. I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing break.

We welcome twenty-seven new Junior Infant pupils to Robertstown N.S. They all had a very enjoyable start to big school on Thursday.

We also welcome three new teachers to our school:
Ms. Faye Mulqueen (Senior Infants), Ms. Grace Fennelly (S.E.T.) and Mrs. Aoife Monahan (S.E.T.)

Congratulations to Ms. Coughlan on the birth of her beautiful baby boy Fiachra.

Welcome back to S.N.A. Deirdre Anderson, who returns from career break.

The Board of Management and staff of Robertstown N.S. would like to extend their sincere sympathy to Gemma O’Sullivan and her children Emma, Conor and Cillian on the recent death of Joe O’Sullivan R.I.P.

Please note that Robertstown staff will be promoting healthy living five days a week from now on. Friday will no longer be treat day. This is in line with the HSE launch of the revised food pyramid. We ask parents not to send treats to school on Friday going forwards. A number of children in our school are allergic to eggs and nuts. Please be mindful when preparing lunches to avoid including foods with these ingredients (nuts or raw eggs) in children’s lunchboxes.

We would encourage you to pay fees online using Aladdin where possible. This reduces cash coming into the school. Cash is never kept on school premises at night.

Please ensure you label all coats, jumpers and school equipment.

All absences need to be explained by email or written note. A phone call to the school is not sufficient.

Book Rental Scheme: Please note that children are not to write in any books. Rental books should be returned to school in a clean state at the end of the year. All rental books have been covered over the summer to prolong their life. Parents can help their children to look after their books by emptying out bags each weekend.

School starts at 8.55a.m. The gate beside the tower will be open each morning from 8:50am – 9am. Pupils should not to be on the school premises before 8:50am as they are not insured before this time.

Communicating with School
Our school secretary (Mona) is available to answer calls and queries from 8:55am to 12:15pm and from 12:45pm to 1:30pm. Please note that the office is closed outside of these hours.

I look forward to working together with you this year.

Yours sincerely,

Marion Sherlock,

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Notices for week 4th September 2017

Notices for week 4th September 2017

5th & 6th classes will commence swimming on Friday, 29/9/17 until 27/10/17. The 5 sessions will cost €35 per child. More details will be sent in a separate email.

Tuesday 5/9/17:
Football training for U11 in Robertstown G.A.A. from 2:45pm to 3:30pm. New members welcome.

Wednesday 6/9/17:
Hurling training for boys and girls from 4th class to 6th class in Robertstown G.A.A., from 2:45pm to 3:30pm. New members welcome.

Monday 11/9/17:
Football training for girls U11 in Robertstown G.A.A. from 2:45pm to 3:30pm. New members welcome.

Homework Club is back on from 2:35pm to 3:30pm. Ms. Magrane will have more details during the week.

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Booklists for 2017/2018

Junior Infant Booklist

Sen Inf







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Credit Union School Vouchers



The Croí Laighean Credit Union Educational Voucher Scheme was first introduced by Edenderry Credit Union in 2009 and was established to help Members with back to school costs in co-operation with local schools.

The Scheme operates as follows:

  • Each child collects their voucher from any one of the 7 Croí Laighean Credit Union branches. For locations and opening hours, please visit or call us on 046-973 1755 / 045 860 554.

  • The child (or parents) present the voucher to the school.
  •  The €10 is then marked off books, art supplies or any other costs, at the discretion of the school.
  •  The school presents the vouchers to Croí Laighean Credit

Union by Friday, October 27th and the value will then be
reimbursed to the School.
In order for a child to qualify for an Educational Voucher, he/she must:

  • Be a member of Croí Laighean Credit Union or join the Credit Union by Friday, September 29th.
  • Must be enrolled in school for the academic year 2017/2018
  • Attend one of the schools within the common bond of Croí Laighean Credit Union.

The following link has more information on the Credit Union website:

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Jungle Gym

Our Jungle Gym and Dino back to good use last week.  Thank you to the Parent Association for funding the re-installation and resurfacing of the Jungle Gym area.


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Notices for week 26th June 2017:

Kindness Week 26/6/17 to 30/6/17:
Monday – Make a Friend Monday (be friendly to someone you don’t usually pal with)
Tuesday – Secret Friend (names in a bag – if teachers have time to participate)
Wednesday – Crazy Hair Day
Thursday – Thank You Thursday – say thank you more often also assembly in the hall
Friday – Free hugs/high fives or a smile as pupils enter school, ambassadors will be at the school door early to welcome the children.
Tuesday 27/6/17:
Parents/Guardians are welcome to attend the graduation for 6th class pupils @ 12pm in the school hall.
Friday 30/6/17:
The school will close for the Summer Holidays.  Junior and Senior Infants with older siblings finish @ 12pm and 1st to 6th classes will finish @ 12:15pm.  This is to alleviate traffic congestion.

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Notices for week 19th June 2017:

Monday 19/6/17:
Our Jungle Gym has been resurfaced and now re-opened.  Dino will be repainted by sixth class next week.  We are all delighted to get to play in this beautiful area for the remainder of the term.  This was funded by the money raised by the Parent Association from the Fun Run.

We are also getting new playground markings on the tar area outside 6th class room during the summer.  In September we intend to start building a Sensory Garden at the rear of the basketball court.

A huge Thank You to Valerie Renehan who has kept the school garden over the past number of years.  The plants will now be incorporated into the new sensory garden as a storage container is arriving this week and will be placed where the old garden was.
Tuesday 20/6/17:
We will have a Mass in the school @ 12pm to celebrate the school year.  Fr. Willie Byrne will celebrate the mass.

Allen Parish Cup for boys against Allenwood B.N.S. in Robertstown G.A.A.  U10’s @ 1pm and U13’s @ 1:45pm.  Bring plenty of water and don’t forget the sun cream.
Wednesday 21/6/17:
6th class will be having their dress rehearsal and will be performing for the school.
Thursday 22/6/17:
6th class will be performing their play “Grease” for their parents/guardians @ 7pm in the school.
Friday 30/6/17:
The school will close for the Summer Holidays.  Junior and Senior Infants with older siblings will finish @ 12pm and the rest of the school @ 12:15pm.  Please be sure to collect and go as this will help to alleviate traffic congestion.
The following policies were ratified by the Board of Management at our recent meeting on Wednesday, 14th June 2017 and are now available on our school website
Enrolment Policy 2017, SPHE Policy 2017, RSE Policy June 2017, Health & Safety 2017, Code of Behaviour June 2017 and Anti-Bullying Policy June 2017.

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Luke and Daniel’s Buddy Bench Video :)

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