Safeguarding Children

The following PDF is a letter from the Board of Management on Safeguarding Children.

Child Safeguarding Statement RNS March 2018

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Notices for week 12th March 2018

Entering the school:

As our school grounds are now clear of snow, school returns to normal this week.  However, please note that in the interest of Health & Safety pupils from Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First class will continue to enter the school through the front door.  All other classes should enter via the gate at the tower.  Both the front door and the gate will be open from 8:50am to 9am.  After 9am pupils should enter school by reception.


Child Protection:

As per Child Protection Guidelines for all school the Robertstown N.S. Board of Management and staff have completed a Risk Assessment and the Child Safeguarding Statement has been approved by the Board of Management.  School staff have considered all activities in the school and the potential risk of harm to children.  A number of relevant policies to Child Protection were reviewed by staff.  Please see attached our revised policy for Arrivals and Dismissal of Pupils.  Please note any changes to procedures.


First Penance:

Congratulations to pupils from Second class who received their First Penance last Thursday.  Thank you to Ms. Murphy, Fr. Willie Byrne and volunteer parents for preparing the children for the ceremony.


Seachtain na Gaeilge:

We are celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge in the school.  We invite all pupils to wear something “glas” on Friday, 16th March.  Students are encouraged to speak cupla focal during the week.  We have lots of exciting activities planned.



Congratulations to our girls soccer team, who are through to the F.A.I. county final on Wednesday, 18th April.  Our boys team also had a very successful day in Kilcullen last Friday.  Thank you to Mr. Fitzgerald for managing both teams.


Football Blitz:

Good Luck to the senior boys and girls participating in the parish G.A.A. blitz in Allen on Tuesday, afternoon and Wednesday afternoon.


St. Patrick’s Day:

The school will be closed on Monday, 19th March to observe St. Patrick’s Day


Cross Country:

Training and team selection is on this Wednesday, 13th March in the school grounds @ 2:35pm to 3:15pm

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Notices for week 5th March 2018

Volunteers for Snow Removal:
Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped clear the snow from school grounds, so we could re-open today.  School will be open to accept children from 8:30am tomorrow morning to help alleviate congestion on dangerous road.  Normal opening times 8:50am will resume from Thursday morning.  Parents/Guardians are asked to continue the “Drop and Go” practice to keep the parking area clear.


Thursday 8/3/18:
Best wishes to the pupils of Second Class who will receive their First Penance at 7:30pm in Allen Church.  Children from Sixth Class are invited to come along to receive the Sacrament of Penance at the same time in preparation for their Confirmation.


Seachtain Na Gaeilge:
We have an exciting agenda of activities planned for next week to celebrate our heritage and culture.


Monday 12/3/18:
The school will be closed to facilitate the staff training day on Child Protection.   This was to be held on Monday 5th March 2018.


Tuesday 13/3/18 & Wednesday 14/3/18:
Boys Mini 7’s on Tuesday @ 11am in Allen N.S.
Girls Mini 7’s on Wednesday @ 11am in Allen N.S.
More details to follow.


Stay Safe Programme:
All classes are now engaging with a six week block of lessons from the Stay Safe Programme.  Content can be reviewed on  Teachers may be sending home worksheets from the programme for discussion at hone between you and your child over the coming weeks.

Community Games:
Well done to all who took part in the Community Games Art and Handwriting Competitions. We had some medal winners.

Cross Country:
Training starts for 4th, 5th and 6th class on Tuesdays in March, 2:35pm to 3:15pm

Student Council:
There is a fundraiser on March 23rd @ €2 per child, to dress as a character from history – get thinking about your costumes.

Swimming is now finished for all classes. We would like to commend all the children for exceptional behaviour. They did Robertstown N.S. proud and we look forward to more swimming lessons next year.

Active Flag:
Well done to all classes for designing the “Do your talking while your walking” posters

Science Showcase:
Well done to all the pupils for taking part in the Science Showcase and a big gthank you to all the teachers for their hard work preparing for the day. We are making great steps towards getting our Discover Science award this year.

School Choir:
Choir practice will be resuming soon for Confirmation and First Holy Communion masses. Mrs. McCaffrey and Ms. Magrane will let you know when practice is back. 3rd class will be invited to join this year.

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Red Alert: Snow Days

School Closures:
The link is from the Department of Education & Skills.
All schools will be closed Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd March 2018.
The school will re-open on Monday 5th March and not Tuesday 6th March as previously stated/texted (Child Protection Course for staff is cancelled).

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Cumann na mBunscoil Quiz Team:

Well Done to our quiz team who came 1st place out of 29 teams, answering 93 out of 100 questions last Friday in Scoil Mhuire, Ballymany, Newbridge.
A great achievement

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Notices for week 19th February 2018

Wednesday 21/2/18:
A “Talk On Alcohol” for the confirmation candidates will take place in Allen Church @ 7:30pm.  Candidates are asked to read through Pledge material and decide what type of pledge they want to take.

Thursday 22/2/18:
Discover Primary Science and Maths:
We are having our Discover Primary Science and Maths.  Parents are invited to visit their child’s classroom to see demonstrations.
Junior & Senior Infants: 12:45pm – 1:30pm.
1st – 6th Class: 1:30pm – 2:30pm

Parent Association:
We are holding an election for – Chairperson of the Parent Association – in the school @ 7:30pm.  All parents are welcome to vote.

Monday 5/3/18:
All staff will be attending a Child Protection Programme (part 2).  Junior and Senior Infants with older siblings will finish @ 12pm and the rest of the school @ 12:15pm.

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Discovery Primary Science and Maths

Dear Parents/Guardian,

This year Robertstown N.S. have been working toward achieving their first ever ‘Discover Primary Science and Maths’ award. As part of this project each class have conducted a number of fun and interesting Science experiments. The school will be hosting a ‘Science Showcase’ during which parents are invited to visit their child’s classroom for a demonstration of these experiments.

The ‘Science Showcase’ will be held on Thursday 22nd February.
Junior & Senior Infants:12:45 – 1:30pm.
1st – 6th Class: 1:30 – 2:30pm

This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to share their learning with parents and we hope to see you there!

Mrs. McCaffrey

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Notices for week 12th February 2018

Mid Term:
The school will be closed this Thursday 15/2/18 and Friday 16/2/18.  The school will reopen on Monday 19/2/18.

Thursday 22/2/18:
The Board of Management will facilitate a meeting for the election of Chairperson of Parent Association at 7:30pm in the school.

Credit Union Quiz:
Congratulations to the eight pupils of our two school teams that recently took part in the Credit Union School Quiz.  Our U13 team came 3rd and our U11 had a great game.  We are very proud of this wonderful achievement.

CraftEd Programme:
Ms. Fennelly’s class will be working with a Fashion Designer every Wednesday morning after the Mid Term.  They will be working with fabric and fibre.

School Uniform Survey:
Please complete our survey on School Uniforms that was emailed to you recently.

P.E. for February:
The theme for P.E. this month is playground games.  Each class will create their own playground games.  We will focus on skills, teamwork and on inclusion.

Monday 5/3/18:
A reminder of a half day to facilitate staff training on Child Protection.  The pupils in Junior and Senior Infants with older siblings will finish @ 12pm and the rest of the school @ 12:15pm.

Parental Involvement:
We have had an increased offer of help from parents recently.  Parents have offered support with a number of school activities including sports, school activities, talks, gardening, building works, sponsorship and helping out at school events.  This is a wonderful development in school partnership and I am sure that there are many other parents/grandparents who have lots of skills/talents/resources that they would like to share with the school.  Please arrange a meeting with Mrs. Sherlock if you would like to discuss the matter further.

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Notices for week 29th January 2018:

Wednesday 31/1/18:
Grandparents Day:
This week is Catholic School Week.  We will launch the week in school with a prayer service this morning.  Third and Sixth classes are getting ready to welcome their grandparents to school.  Fr. Willie will say mass at 11am for the school and invited grandparents.

Friday 2/2/18:
Swimming will continue for 1st and 2nd Classes.

Reminder of Child Protection Course:
The children will be finishing for a half day on Wednesday, 7th February and Monday, 5th March.  Junior and Senior Infants with older siblings will be finish @ 12pm and the rest of the school @ 12:15pm.

Active School Flag:
We are nearly ready to apply for our next Active School Flag.  All classes will work on creating games in their classes for the month of February.  We will be bringing more information to you about upcoming initiatives soon.

Health and Safety Notice:
School gates open @ 8:50am each morning.  Please do not send your children onto the school grounds before this time.  We do not provide supervision on the grounds before 8:50am.  Children are not insured on the ground before 8:50am.

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Notices for week 21st January 2018:

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Catholic School Week:
Next week is Catholic School Week.  On Wednesday last, Bishop Denis Nulty launched the event in the Cathedral Carlow.  5 representatives from every school in the Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin were invited to attend a special prayer service.  Our 6th class made a special Prayer Petition Box which was blessed by the Bishop during the service and all schools were given an icon of the Holy Family in preparation for the World Meeting of Families taking place in Dublin next August.   We hope to use our Prayer Petition Box over the coming weeks.

Grandparents Day 2018
Wednesday, 31st January is Grandparents Day.  Pupils in 3rd and 6th classes are getting ready to welcome their grandparents to this special occasion.  The celebration will start at 11am when Fr. Willie will say mass in the school hall.

New Child Protection Procedures
Since 11th December 2017, all registered teachers are now “Mandated Persons” who have new legal obligations with regard to reporting child protection concerns to TUSLA.  All schools have in instructed to close for two half days to complete training in this area over the coming weeks.

Robertstown N.S. will close at 12pm for Junior and Senior Infants with older siblings and 12:15pm for the rest of the school on the following two days:
Wednesday, 7th February 2018 & Monday, 5th March 2018.

Enrolments for September 2018
Applications for enrolment for September 2018 are now being accepted.  Please submit all application by 31st January 2018.  You can download an application from from our website  or collect a form from Mona at the office.

School Uniform Review
Over the coming weeks, the Board of Management will conduct a review of our School Uniform Policy.  Please return ballot papers when you receive them.

All classes are working on the area of gymnastics in P.E. for the month of January.

School Painting
We are delighted to announce that three classrooms (Aistear room, 1st class and 2nd class) were painted over the Christmas Holidays and new colourful noticeboards were installed.  We are in the process of replacing some flooring at present in toilets and wet areas.

Credit Union Quiz
We have two teams competing in the Credit Union Table Quiz on this Saturday, 27th January 2018 in the Westgrove Hotel @ 3pm in the U13 and U11.  We wish them the best of luck.

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