Notices for week 30th April 2018:

Friday 27/4/18:
Congratulations to the pupils of Sixth Class who received the Sacrament of Confirmation in Allenwood Church.  Thank you to Ms. Magrane, Mrs. McCaffrey and the school choir who made the ceremony such a memorable occasion.  We are getting ready for the Sacrament of Communion in the coming weeks.

Monday 30/4/18:
Senior girls football match in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 1:20pm.  Training will take place on Friday, 2:45pm to 3:30pm in Robertstown G.A.A.  €3 for bus.

No senior boys football training today.

Tuesday 1/5/18:
Boys football match in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:45pm.  Leaving straight after school @ 2:35pm.  Please arrange lifts.

Wednesday 2/5/18:
Last week our local community Garda, Tom Egan talked to the pupils of 3rd to 6th classes about road safety and cyberbullying.  Sarah O’Connell from the R.S.A. will visit the school to talk to pupils from Junior Infants to 2nd class, about road safety.

Hurling match in St. Patrick’s N.S., Newbridge.  Bus leaving @ 11am, all players to bring in €3.  No training this week.

Thursday 3/5/18:
County Photos will be attending the school to take individual and class photographs.  All pupils are to wear their full school uniform, except Junior Infants will wear their full tracksuit.

Well done to all children who competed in Cross Country.  We did so well, the school will enter into track and field events in May.  Details to follow.

The school will be closed all week next week, 7th May to 11th May, and reopen on Monday, 14th May 2018.

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Notices for Week 23/4/18:

Green School – Active School Week 23/4/18 – 27/4/18:
This week is “Active School Week” and we kick started the week with our “Wake Up, Shake Up” in the junior yard.  Our Active School Committee have a very exciting fun filled and busy agenda planned for the week.  Don’t forget to wear your most dazzling footwear for our Funky Feet Walk on Wednesday.  Meeting at the Hotel @ 8:45am for 8:50am walk.  Children can wear their school tracksuit this week, on this Friday pupils who are in the school choir for the Confirmation are to wear their full school uniform.

Monday 23/4/18:
Senior boys football training today after school (4th to 6th classes).  Match tomorrow V Johnstownbridge.  Leaving school @ 11:50am, €3 for bus.

Senior girls football match in Allenwood G.A.A.  Leaving @ 1:10pm, €3 for bus.

Tuesday 24/4/18:
Cyberbullying and Road Safety:
Our Community Gardai will visit Robertstown N.S. to deliver a talk to pupils from 3rd class to 6th class on Cyberbullying and Road Safety.  As many children are now walking and cycling to school, we are delighted to provide information on road safety to pupils.

Wednesday 25/4/18:
G.A.A. Coaching:
Mark Fitzharris will commence coaching for all classes this Wednesday.  Please wear school tracksuit.

Girls Soccer Final:
Congratulations to our girls soccer team who are now Kildare Champions.  They are now through to the Mid-Leinster finals.  Best of Luck to the girls.  Thank you to Mr. Fitzgerald for coaching the girls.

Thursday 26/4/18:
Choir Practice:
Our school choir will attend Allenwood Church for choir practice for the Confirmation.  A bus will be provided.  On Friday the children in the choir will travel to Allenwood Church by bus and return to the school afterwards by bus.

Training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:45pm to 3:30pm for boys and girls (3rd to 6th classes).  No match this week.

Friday 27/4/18:
Best wishes to 6th class who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in Allenwood Church @ 11am.  The choir will travel to and from the church by bus.  Full school uniform, please.

Thursday 3/5/18:
County Photos will take place in the school.

Bring A Book, Buy A Book:
We are delighted with the success of our fundraiser held last Friday.  We had a huge donation of good quality books.  A total of €658.35 was raised.  Many thanks to everybody who supported this worthy cause, including Ms. Poole and the Student Council.  As we have lots of books left, a stall will be set up outside the front of the school next Friday @ 1pm.  Please, feel free to come along and make another purchase.  Please note we have both adult and children books on sale.

Uniform Survey:
The Uniform Survey is now complete and the results will be posted later.  Thanks to the parents who participated in the survey.

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Notices for week 16th April 2018:

The term got off to a very active and very green start last week.  We took part in lots of exciting activities in school last week and have lots more action planned for the rest of the term.

All classes planted plugs on Thursday.  These will be transferred to our new beds to be built at the front of the school in the coming weeks.

Green Schools – Biodiversity:
We are delighted to receive the news during the week that we are to be awarded our fifth Green Flag for Biodiversity.  Thank you to Ms. Magrane and the Green School Committee for all the hard work and effort in preparing the application for submission.  Congratulations to the whole school community on such a wonderful achievement.

Sensory Garden:
Paddy Madden, a school garden expert, visited the school last Friday, 13/4/18.  Every child was treated to a visit to the nature museum that Paddy brought with him.  After lunch he worked with staff members and senior pupils on plans for the school garden which will include – 1. a woodland area, 2. a sensory garden and 3. a planting area.  We are very excited about this new venture and will update you as we go.  If you would like to get involved with this project, please let Mrs. Sherlock or Mona know.

Senior Boys game today in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 1:30pm V Allen.  Training next Monday, 23/4/18 after school in Robertstown G.A.A.

Senior Girls training Tuesday, 17/4/18 in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:45pm – 3:30pm and Monday 23/4/18 @ 2:45pm – 3:30pm.  Waiting on next game notification.

Cross Country:
Good Luck to the two teams of 8 (boys and girls) who will attend Hawkfield on Friday, 20/4/18 to run.  Bus leaving the school @ 11:45M, €3 per child for bus, returning before 2pm.

Girls are due to take part in soccer final on Wednesday 18/4/18.  More details to follow.

Due to have hurling match this Thursday, more details to follow.  Training on Wednesday 18/4/18 after school @ 2:45pm – 3:30pm on Astro in Robertstown G.A.A.

6th Class Retreat:
6th Class are going on their Confirmation Retreat tomorrow 17/4/18 in Mount St.Annes.

Fundraiser – Friday 20/4/18:
Bring A Book, Buy A Book.  You can start sending in used books in good condition to the front door near the office.  Books will be sorted on Thursday evening.  On Friday we will hold our book sale in the hall.  Parents are welcome to come along from 1pm.  All books cost €2.  All support for this worthy cause is much appreciated.  Funds raised will go towards Special Education Support in the school.

Green Schools – Active School Week:
Next week is Active School Week and we have an action packed agenda planned for all classes.  Updates will follow.

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Fundraising Event:

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Internet Apps:

Hi Parents/Guardians,

Due to the ever increasing number of apps children are becoming involved in it may be of help to be aware of the following;

Attached is a photo of 10 apps teens are using that parents need to know about. There are also useful links below to the parents section of the site which offers lots of information and tips on internet safety for children. Simple things like making sure safety settings are turned on on Google or YouTube etc. can make a big difference to the content your child might be exposed to.

Most apps now a days have interaction/chat features which means children are interacting constantly with both friends and in certain circumstances strangers. Apps such as, Snapchat, Instagram, messenger, imessages and even email etc. offer this interaction so it is vital parents know passwords and check these apps regularly.

Webwise Parents Section

Advice for Parents

How to section

Apps Explained

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Notices for week 4th April 2018:

Thursday, 12/4/18:
Choir practice for the Confirmation will be in Allenwood Church.  Leaving the school @ 9:45am, a bus is provided.
Robertstown G.A.A. in conjunction with Kildare G.A.A. Partnership will provide a coach to the school every Wednesday for a six week block, starting Wednesday, 18th April 2018.  All classes will participate in G.A.A. and agility training.  We are delighted to welcome Mark Fitzharris G.A.A. coach to our school.
The Board of Management has approved two upcoming fundraisers.  The fundraising committee will organise the two events in conjunction with volunteer parents who wish to get involved.  Our first fundraiser “Bring A Book, Buy A Book” is scheduled for Friday, 20th April 2018 in the school.  The proceeds of this event will go towards the provision of Special Education services in the school.  If you are available to help on the day, please give your name to Suzanne Dodson or to Mona in the office.
Student Council:
Congratulations to the Student Council on their recent fundraiser in aid of “Our Lady’s Crumlin Hospital”.  €308 was raised on the History Dress Up Day.
Maintenance in the School:
Lots of upgrading has happened in the school over the Easter Holidays.  New flooring was laid in three classrooms and the kitchen off the hall is being refurbished at present.  It has been dry lined and plastered to date.  Thank you to all who helped with this project.  Next steps are retiling the wall and painting.
Food Dudes:
This healthy eating programme starts for Junior Infants, Senior Infants, First and Second Class on Tuesday 10th April.   And the programme will start for Third Class to Sixth Class on Friday 20th April.  Children will taste a variety of fruit and vegetables daily and will earn rewards.  Any allergies should be notified to the school.
Sensory Garden:
We plan to commence work on our school Sensory Garden at the rear of the basketball court this term.  Paddy Madden from Marino College of Education will visit the school on Friday to guide us on our first steps.  He will also deliver local nature workshops to First and Second Classes on the day.
Well Done to 5th class who completed their Junior Entrepreneur Programme.  It was a great success.
Playground Friends:
We welcome 5th class to our Playground Friends.  6th class will help to guide our new recruits to be great future Playground Friends.
County Photos:
The photographer will visit the school on Tuesday, 3rd May to take photos of pupils.  Prices lists will be issued at a later date.

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Notices for week 19th March 2018:

Wednesday 21/3/18:
Girls football blitz in Allen N.S.  Leaving @ 10:30am

Friday 23/3/18:
Student Council Fundraiser:
Children can dress up as a character from History.  We are asking for €2 per child as this is going to Our Lady’s Children Hospital, Crumlin, a worthy cause!!

Easter Holidays:
The school will close for a half day, for the Easter Holidays.  Junior and Senior Infants with older siblings will finish @ 12pm and the rest of the school @ 12:15pm.  The school will re-open on Monday 9/4/18.

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St. Vincent De Paul

Congratulations to these five wonderful children who recently raised €30.37 for St. Vincent de Paul. The money was presented to Mary on behalf of St. Vincent de Paul  yesterday in School.

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Ceil Choirm

Our Ceol Choirm that was held today in the school.
Well done to teachers for organising this event and to the pupils for their wonderful performances.




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Ceili Mór

Just a few photos from our Ceili Mórwith the help of Carmel Somers.



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