Congratulations to the newly elected Anti Bullying Ambassadors :)

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Notices For Week 17th September 2018

U11  Boys Football Training
Today after school 2-40 – 3.30. Match Robertstown vs Straffan in Straffan tomorrow @1pm. Bus Leaving 12.20. Please have €3 for bus.

U11 Girls Football
Training Wed 19th @ 2.40 – 3.30. Match Next week to be organised and notices to be sent out.

Homework Club
Reminder that there is no homework club tomorrow due to staff meeting. Limited spaces still available so contact Ms, Magrane if you are interested in sending your child to homework club .

Active Schools Interviews
These interviews will be held next week.

Soccer Training
Girls & Boys from 5th & 6th class are invited to attend soccer training on Friday afternoons from 3 –4 pm in the Astro pitch in Robertstown GAA. Training starts this Friday. Sessions will be organised by Ken Phelan.

Parents Association AGM
All parents are invited to attend the upcoming AGM to be held in the school next Monday 24th September @ 7.30. A copy of the RNSPA Consultation will be sent to all Parents this week. A draft copy for consideration was forwarded to all families for comment last term. We intend to present this copy for ratification at the AGM. Afterwards a committee will be elected for this coming year. Please come along on the night even if you do not wish to join the committee.

Please drive & park considerately at the school at drop off & collection times. The gate to the carpark is to be kept clear at all times. This is used as a designated bus bay. We encourage people who live locally to walk to school where possible. Neighbours have requested that cars do not turn in their gateways. We thank you for your co-operation with this matter.

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Notices for week 25th June 2018

Tuesday 26/6/18:

We wish all our sixth class pupils every good wish as they depart Robertstown N.S.  We are very proud of our pupils and know that they are ready for all the adventures and challenges that secondary school will bring.


Friday 29/6/18:

The school will close for Summer Holidays @ 12pm for all classes.  We will be re-opening on Thursday, 30th August 2018.


Fence Painting:

All classes are busy painting images on our school fence this week.  Congratulations to Emily, Kate and Mya who drew the images.


School Choir:

Thank you to our school choir under the direction of Mrs. McCaffrey who have performed at so many school functions this year.


End Of Year:

As we come to the end of a very busy and eventful school year, I would like to thank all staff members, parents and members of the Board of Management for your support and dedication towards the pupils of Robertstown N.S.  over the past year.  I wish you all a very restful and enjoyable summer.

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Notices for week 18th June 2018:

Tuesday 19/6/18:

Mass will take place in the school @ 11am.


Thursday 21/6/18:

The Parish Sports is being held by Allen N.S. in Ballyteague G.F.C. @ 6:30pm.  Please return raffle tickets sold or unsold to the school.


6th class are performing their class play in the school @ 8:15pm.  Parents/Guardians of the pupils are invited to attend.


Friday 22/6/18:

You are invited to join us for a Celebration Assembly at the front of the school from 12:45pm to 1:30pm.  We will celebrate the achievements of the year and raise our new Green Flag during the assembly.


Tuesday 26/6/18:

The Graduation for 6th class is being held in the school @ 10am.  Only two people for each pupil are invited to attend due to the limit in places in the hall.


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Aladdin School “Connect” App

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Our school is delighted to announce that we will shortly roll out the Aladdin Schools Connect to parents/guardians of children in our classes.

Aladdin Connect is a fantastic way to enhance a school’s communication with parents. It enables parents to stay connected and informed about their child’s education by:
– Ensuring that the school has their most up to date contact information
– Keeping parents apprised of their child’s attendance along with late arrival and early collection.
– Keeping parents up to date on school and classroom news via noticeboard messages
– Allowing parents to view what items their child had for homework today
– Keeping parents up to date on what library book their child is currently reading and if it is due/overdue to be returned
– Allowing parents view their child’s approved report card
– Allowing parents to view their child’s latest standardised test results
Along with strengthening our home/school partnership, we also envisage Aladdin Connect helping the school by:
– Helping to improve attendance by allowing parents to keep track of any school days their child may have currently missed, along with late arrival and early leaving information.
– Helping to reduce the amount of class/school notes being sent home
– Helping the school/ teachers communicate with parents when the need arises
– Reducing costs by eliminating the need to send school report cards by post
Reducing costs by reducing the number of text messages that need to be sent
You can rest reassured that Aladdin Schools uses state-of-the-art security to safeguard information entered by the school and data is stored and processed in strict compliance with Irish and European data protection laws G.D.P.R.
In the next few days, you will receive a text/email message containing your registration link.  There will be one link per parent which will allow the parent to access information for all their children in the school from one user account.  Please do not forward this text/email or share this link as this is a unique registration code for each parent for your child/children in this school.  During registration you will choose a password that will be used in conjunction with your email address to securely access the Aladdin Connect going forward.  Once you are registered you will be sent an email with links to download the Aladdin Connect App for your mobile device.  The main advantage of using the App is to receive immediate alerts for app messages sent by your school.  Downloading the App is highly recommended to enhance both the parent and school’s Connect experience.
By default both parents will have access to view their child’s contact information.  If for any reason you do NOT wish to share your own personal contact information within the family circle or if you have any concerns regarding your particular family setup please contact the school in confidence to discuss or have this facility restricted.
We hope that you enjoy using Aladdin Connect.

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Notices for week 11th June 2018

Kindness Week:
The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will be calling into each class daily with suggested activities.
Monday: Play with someone new
Tuesday: Thank you Tuesday, activities/cards
Wednesday: Cheerful Checkpoint, meet and greet at the gate
Thursday: Crazy Hair Day

Tuesday 12/6/18:
You are invited to attend a training session to be delivered by the National Parents Council in the school from 7:30pm to 9:30pm.  We are looking forward to an informative evening.  Refreshments will be served.

Wednesday 13/6/18:
The school’s Sports Day will be held in Robertstown G.A.A.  Classes will walk to the pitch escorted by their teachers.  We are asking parents/guardians to walk with us if possible, to ensure the safety of the children.  We will depart from the school @ 10:45am.  Thank you to everybody who has assisted with the planning of this enjoyable event.

Friday 15/6/18:
Please send in a stamped addressed envelope for your child/rens end of year report card, which will be issued along with teacher allocation for next year.

Monday 18/6/18:
The pupils from 5th class have been invited to attend a Showcase Day in the R.D.S. for the J.E.P.  We wish the pupils every best wish as they get to view other initiatives from schools around the country as well as showcase their Bonus Boxes.  Please ensure pupils are neatly presented in full school uniform.

Tuesday 19/6/18:
Our end of year school Mass with take place @ 11am.

Thursday 21/6/18:
The Parent Association have kindly taken over the organisation and running of the Parish Sports on behalf of Robertstown N.S. going forward.  The sports will take place in Ballyteague G.A.A. @ 6:30pm.  Raffle cards have been sent today.  Please return to the school if your child is participating in the event.

Relationship and Sexuality Education (R.S.E.)
All teachers are delivering R.S.E. lessons over the next two weeks.  Our school’s R.S.E. Policy is on our school website.

Data Protection:
The General Data Protection Regulation (G.D.P.R.) came into effect on 25th May 2018 under G.D.P.R.  Robertstown N.S. is required to keep you informed of the types of personal data the school holds, the purpose it is used for and your right in relation to how it is processed.  The Board of Management of Robertstown N.S. is currently updating the school’s Data Protection Policy.  We will share the policy with all members of the school community one the revision is completed.

Robertstown Summer Camp:
The camp will run from Monday, 2/7/18 to Friday 6/7/18.  The camp will cater for children from Junior Infants to 6th class.  To book you place you can contact Ms. Conroy and Ms. Lonergan by email to

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Notices for week 5th June 2018:

School Tours:

All classes have enjoyed their school tours over the past couple of weeks.  We were very lucky in all cases with such lovely weather.


Liadain De Buitleir:

Liadain will be working with students from 1st and 2nd classes on art creations for our new school gardens.  Liadain is an accomplished artist with the Irish Arts Council.



Congratulation to both our girls and boys football teams who did the school proud.  Unfortunately the girls were defeated in their  semi-final against   and despite their best efforts the boys lost the final to Ballysax last Thursday in Moorefield.  Thank you to all the teachers who give so generously of their time to train the teams.



Our school athletics team has experienced great success over the past two weeks.  The girls team brought home the cup from Kilcock two weeks ago and lots of children brought home medals from Leixlip las week.  Well done to everybody who took part.  Thank you to Ms. Poole and Deirdre who organised the teams.


Discover Primary Science:

We are delighted to announce that we have recently been awarded the Discover Primary Science and Maths Award of Excellence.  Congratulations to all the pupils and their teachers on such a wonderful achievement.



Congratulations to the pupils of Second Class who received their First Holy Eucharist in Allen Church recently.


Book Rental Scheme:

We are putting together the final details of the Book Rental Scheme.  Letters will be issued to parents/guardians soon.



Please be reminded that classes begin at 8:55am.  Could all pupils please be on time for school to avoid disruption to classes.



As the weather forecast looks promising, pupils may wear plain dark appropriate length shorts to school.  Pupils should continue to wear their school T-shirt and jumper.  Sports tops and jerseys re not permitted in school.


Safety First:

Pupils from Junior and Senior Infants are not permitted to play on the school grounds after 1:35pm.


Art Exhibition:

Thank you to everybody who visited and supported our school exhibition last Wednesday.  The children should be very proud of the standard of art pieces they created.  On the day a class photo was taken of each class.  If you wish to purchase the is photo (5 X 7) please send in €2 in an envelope with your child’s name on the outside to school by Friday. 


Wednesday 6/6/18:

The girls football team will play a friendly match against Prosperous N.S.


Monday 11/6/18 – Friday 15/6/18:

This is Kindness Week. The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have put together an exciting agenda of activities for all classes.


Tuesday 12/6/18:

The National Parents Council will deliver a two hour workshop to parents and members of the Board of Management from 7:30pm to 9:30pm.  We encourage as many parents/guardians as possible to attend.  The content of the workshop will include information on the role of the Parent Association and how to set up a Parent Association.


Wednesday 13/6/18:

We are holding our Sports Day in Robertstown G.A.A.  Details to follow.


Thursday 21/6/18:

Sixth class invite their parents/guardians to enjoy their school musical in the school hall @ 7pm.


Tuesday 26/6/18:

Sixth class Graduation will take place on @ 10am in the hall.  Please note the change of time.

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Notices for week 28th May 2018:

Wednesday 30/5/18:
The Art Exhibition will be held in the school hall from 1:45pm to 3:30pm.  One piece of framed work  per child is @ €12 and two pieces for two children in the same family is €20.  This will also include a class photograph which will be taken on the day.

Thursday 31/5/18:
Junior Infants will finish @ 12pm to facilitate the Induction Day for the incoming Junior Infants @ 1pm.

Please send in any orders with money you many have for County Photos, as they are being collected on Friday 1st June 2018.

Monday 4/6/18:
The school will be closed for the Bank Holiday.

Monday 11/6/18:
This is Kindness Week.  There will be activities on during the week.

Please be sure your child/ren are wearing their school T-shirt as other T-shirts/jerseys are not permitted.

Homework Club:
This is the last week for Homework Club this year.

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Notices for week 21st May 2018

Monday 21/5/18:
All children will finish @ 1pm today to facilitate a staff meeting.

Tuesday 22/5/18:
3rd and 4th class will be going on their school tour to Castlecomer Discovery Park.

Thursday 24/5/18:
Some children have been chosen to take part in a school track and field competition based in Kilcock Athletics Track.  We will attend the event with 40 athletes from 3rd to 6thclasses. We will be leaving school at 10am and returning by 1:30pm. Children should bring in €3 for the bus.  All athletes must wear their school tracksuit but may run in their school t-shirt and a pair of shorts, please wear sun cream as we will be outside all day.  Children should pack a healthy lunch and plenty of water to stay hydrated.  Feel free to bring spikes in a packed bag.

Friday 25/5/18:
The school will be closed due to the Referendum.

Monday 28/5/18:
5th and 6th class will be going on their school tour to “Let’s Go Camp”.

Tuesday 29/5/18:
1st and 2nd class will be going on their school tour to Fort Lucan.

Wednesday 30/5/18:
Children’s art will be displayed in the hall for the Art Exhibition.  These will be for sale.  Price to be confirmed.

Friday 1/6/18:
Photograph proofs are being sent home today.  Order form and monies are to be in for collection.

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Notices for week 14th May 2018:

Monday 14/5/18:
Senior boys football match in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 3:15pm V Coill Dubh.  One more match to be played V Kilashee, date and time to be confirmed.

Senior girls football training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:45pm to 3:30pm.

Wednesday 16/5/18:
Senior girls football match in Allen N.S. @ 2pm.  Leaving school @ 1:40pm, €3 for bus, please collect child from
The art for the Art Exhibition will be collected today.

Friday 18/5/18:
Athletics Track & Field trials will take place in school.  Children should wear their tracksuit and runners.

Monday 21/5/18:
The school will close for all pupils @ 1pm to facilitate a staff meeting.

Tuesday 22/5/18:
3rd and 4th classes will be going on their school tour to Castlecomer Discovery Park in Co. Kilkenny.  Can any outstanding monies please be sent into the teacher by the end of this week.

Friday 25/5/18:
The school will be closed due to the referendum.  Voting will take place in the school.

Wednesday 30/5/18:
An Art Exhibition will be held in the school hall.  All pupils will exhibit on the day.  You will be able to buy your child’s framed art work on the day.  Further details will follow next week.  If you would like to volunteer to help with the organising of the event which is a fundraiser for the school, please contact Mona in the office or Suzanne Dodson.  All funds raised will be used to supplement the cost of buses for school activities (not school tours).  Under new Child Protection Guidelines, all teams travelling to events outside of school now travel by bus.

An email will be sent to all families outlining the results of the Uniform Survey.  Please see details about school crests in the email.  Please note crests must be ordered and paid for by 31st May 2018.  Order forms were will be issued to all pupils.

Standardised Tests:
Please note that we will be conducting annual Standardised Tests in school over the next two weeks.  It is very important that all pupils are at school, unless sick.

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