Reminder: Parent Association A.G.M.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The Robertstown National School Parent’s Association will hold their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday evening, October 1st at 8:15pm in the school. All parents of children at Robertstown National School are automatically members of the Parent Association.  It is an important meeting for your Parent Association, and the greater Parent Body of the school, as it is an opportunity for Parents to hear about the work the Parent Association Committee has been carrying out.

The current Parent Association Committee will be dissolved at the AGM and a new Committee will be elected.  It is important for as many parents as possible to attend and to vote in a new Committee.   We realise not all parents have the time to serve on the Committee and/or have responsibility for the day to day running of the Parent Association, but even if you feel you cannot commit to being on the Committee, come and join us at the AGM, meet the new Committee Members and check out what the Committee does and hopes to do in the future. Your Parent Association plays an important role in your children’s school.

The agenda for the AGM will cover:

  • Welcome & Minutes of 2013 AGM
  • Chairperson’s Report on the work of the Parent Association
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Update from Board of Management
  • NPC News & Updates
  • Election of new Parent Association Committee
  • Events planning for 2014/2015
  • AOB

Every parent is welcome and you might even find that there is some other way you could help the Committee without committing a great deal of your valuable time. For those parents who cannot make the AGM but would like to get involved in some way with the Parent Association, let one of the current Committee know or drop us a quick email at

We look forward to meeting new and old parents on Wednesday evening October 1st at 8:15pm.


RNS Parent Association Committee

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Staff Meeting

There will be a Staff Meeting on next Wednesday, 8th October 2014 @ 1:35pm.       All children will be going home at this time.

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2nd Class : Our School Community

2nd Class drew some very flattering pictures of everyone who works in our school. Can you recognise members of staff?
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U11 Girls Football

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The U11 girls football team played (and won!) an excellent game of football today against Broadford. The girls played brilliantly and did their school proud 🙂 Well done girls!

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Congratulations to all members of the new student council who were elected by their classmates!


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Well done to all the candidates who ran for a seat on the student council!!













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Cereal Bars

Just a reminder that there is a total ban on all types of cereal bars. Thanks for your co-operation on this.

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Parent Association A.G.M.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The Robertstown National School Parent’s Association will hold their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday evening, October 1st at 8:15pm in the school.  All parents of children at Robertstown National School are automatically members of the Parent Association. It is an important meeting for your Parent Association, and the greater Parent Body of the school, as it is an opportunity for Parents to hear about the work the Parent Association Committee has been carrying out.
The current Parent Association Committee will be dissolved at the AGM and a new Committee will be elected. It is important for as many parents as possible to attend and to vote in a new Committee. We realise not all parents have the time to serve on the Committee and/or have responsibility for the day to day running of the Parent Association, but even if you feel you cannot commit to being on the Committee, come and join us at the AGM, meet the new Committee Members and check out what the Committee does and hopes to do in the future. Your Parent Association plays an important role in your children’s school.

The agenda for the AGM will cover:

  • Welcome & Minutes of 2013 AGM
  • Chairperson’s Report on the work of the Parent Association
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Update from Board of Management
  • NPC News & Updates
  • Election of new Parent Association Committee
  • Events planning for 2014/2015
  • AOB

Every parent is welcome and you might even find that there is some other way you could help the Committee without committing a great deal of your valuable time. For those parents who cannot make the AGM but would like to get involved in some way with the Parent Association, let one of the current Committee know or drop us a quick email at
We look forward to meeting new and old parents on Wednesday evening October 1st at 8:15pm.

RNS Parent Association Committee

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Dear Parents/guardians

Just a few reminders:

Could all parents/guardians refrain from entering the school building without letting a member of staff know, this is due to child protection and safety policy.

Could all parents leave pupils at the wooden gate in the morning, especially those with Junior Infants, parents should not be walking their children into the classroom at this stage. This is to promote the children’s independence and confidence.

If any parent/guardian wishes to contact any teacher could you please either use the class e-mail address or phone the office to make an appointment

Many thanks for your co-operation in these matters.

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Kildare Track and Field League Athletics

Lots of our pupils have been competing in the Kildare Track and Field League for the Robertstown and Allen Parish Athletics Club. Last Saturday was the final day of four rounds of the League for 2013/14 and saw the division winners decided. The winners are the clubs and athletes who have got the most points across the four days of competition.

A big well done to all the athletes who competed and helped the Club to top their Division. In particular, congratulations to the following pupils who were the overall age group division winners.

Niamh O’Mahony (U8)
Seanie Whyte (U8)
Orlaith O’Mahony (U10)
Conor Walsh (U10)
Samuel Watson (U11)

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