Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

There are a few cases of Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) in the school.  If you suspect your child/ren may have this condition please go to the doctor for a diagnoses.  This is highly contagious and child/ren must be kept at home for condition to clear.  To help stop the spread we are asking that ALL children practice washing their hands at home.

Thank you for your support!!

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As part of ‘Code Week 2015’ the children of 4th Class participated in an hour long code tutorial from Microsoft using Minecraft. They then got to code their own characters to complete different activities such as building houses and shearing sheep!!!

IMG_3959 IMG_3958 IMG_3957 IMG_3956


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Parent Association Bake Sale & Christmas Raffle

Christmas Raffle Poster 2 CHRISTMAS RAFFLE

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Notices for Week 7th December 2015

The following are notices for the week 7th December 2015.  These are subject to change:

Entering the school grounds:

No pupil is permitted to enter or exit the school grounds through the staff car parking area at any time.  This can be very dangerous

Sunday, 6th December 2015:

We would like to thank the school choir for their beautiful singing at the lighting of the Village Tree and Crib.

Tuesday, 8th December 2015:

There will be school as usual tomorrow.

Saturday, 12th December 2015:

The Communion class have their next Mass on this Saturday in Allen Church @ 7:30pm.

Thursday, 17th December 2015:

The Junior Infants will be presenting their play @ 1pm and First Class will be on afterwards @ 1:45pm.

Friday, 15th January 2016:

The Anti Bully Ambassadors and Student Council have come together to fund raise for two new buddy benches.  They aim to place one in the senior yard and one in the junior yard.  They are holding a P.J. Day @ €1 per pupil on the day.  We will remind you in January.

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Christmas Calendar

The cost of school Christmas Calendar is:

€8 for 1, €12 for 2, €16 for 3 and €20 for 4

Please fill in and return form to your child’s class teacher by Wednesday, 9th December 2016.  Monies can be sent in when calendars are in the school.


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Parent Association Bake Sale

Christmas Bake Sale & Raffle poster

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Village Christmas Lights

Christmas in Robertstown

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Entering school while build is ongoing

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The school build will commence on Monday, 7th December 2015.  Children will not be permitted to use the side entrance at tower they usually use when entering the school, while the build is ongoing.

Junior and Senior Infants classes will enter the school through the Main Entrance (beside the office) each day.

1st, 2nd, 3rd and Mr. Donovan’s 6th class will enter the school through the unused side gate to the right of the main entrance (carpark) and enter their classrooms through the Fire Exit doors at the rear of the school.

4th, 5th and Mr. Fitzgerald’s 6th class will enter the school through the old entrance to centre of school.


The gates will open at the usual time 9:50am in the mornings.  Please note that children are not supervised before that time and there is no responsibility for their safety.  We are asking parents not to drop their children off before this time.  This will be particularly important throughout the building project.

Thank you for you co-operation and continued support.

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Notices for week 30th December 2015

The following are the notices for the week 30th December 2015.  These are subject to change:

Wednesday 2/12/15:

This is the deadline for the St. V. De Paul “Gift Tree” and “Food Appeal” collection, so please send in any donations you may have to this worthy cause.  Thank you to all families who have donated items to these appeals.

There will be Basketball matches for boys and girls in the school @ 11am, weather permitting!!

The photographer for the school calendar will be attending the school to take class photographs, so ALL pupils must wear their full uniform on the day.  Tracksuits can be brought in by children who are doing P.E. or playing basketball on the day.


Thursday 3/12/15:

All children will be going home @ 1:35pm to facilitate a staff meeting.

Playball will be on @ 1:35pm for all children in the one session


Sunday 6/12/15:

The children from the school choir will be singing carols at the Village Christmas Tree and Crib Lighting at 5:30pm.  All parents/guardians are welcome to attend.


Monday 7/12/15:

We have just received confirmation that the “New Build” will start on 7th December.  Every effort has been made to ensure the safety of children during this time, however we are asking all Parents/Guardians to be patient as there will be times when some parking will not be available.  This is an exciting project and hopefully any inconvenience caused will be worthwhile and we ask you to be extra vigilant of children when dropping and collecting from the school.  We also are trying to keep the loss of car parking spaces to a minimum, but  some inconvenience in this regard will be inevitable.  We will keep you informed of progress of build throughout the project.  Details of new entering and exiting will be sent to you before Friday.

Thank you for your continued support.

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Christmas Tree Baubles


We are asking children to bring in a Christmas Tree Bauble to decorate out Christmas tree in the school.  All baubles brought in will be returned on the last day of term, before the Christmas Holidays Tuesday, 22nd December 2015.

Christmas Baubles

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