Christmas Shoe Box Appeal

Dear Parents/Guardians,
The closing date for the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal is Monday 10th November 2014.
Suggested Items include:
TO WRITE – Items for school – like a pen, pencil, copy book, paper, colouring book, felt pens, sharpener, eraser, solar calculator.

TO WASH – Some hygiene items – toothbrush and toothpaste, soap (wrapped please), facecloth, hairbrush, comb, bobbins & clips (for girls).

TO WEAR – Small clothing items (new) – a hat, scarf, gloves, socks or underwear

WOW ! – A treat – sunglasses, game, small Irish gift, a photo of yourself, sweets (must be in date until at least March 2015), make up, a small musical instrument, toys like a doll, a car, cuddly toy, skipping rope, yo-yo, a finger puppet.

Don’t forget to put on the label outside and place €4 in the envelope and put into the box!!
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