Category Archives: General

Notices for week 2nd May 2017:

Active School Week: Congratulations to the Active School Committee along with Ms. Conroy and Ms Poole who organised and extremely successful and fun-filled Active School Week. Wednesday 3/5/17: The choir will be attending the Navan Choral Competition.  This will take … Continue reading

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Active Week Soccer Final

  Well Done to all who took part in the Soccer League during Active Week. Thank you John Gray for taking photos of the final.  Congratulations to team 2B on your great win.

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Notices for week 24th April 2017:

Welcome back after the Easter holidays.  I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful break.  The next term is very busy with lots of plans for exciting activities for all classes. Friday, 28th April: Swimming starts for 1st and … Continue reading

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3rd & 4th Class School Tour

  Dear Parents/Guardians,  3rd and 4th classes will be going on their school tour to the National Sports Campus in Blanchardstown on Monday 29th of May.  See link for more information Please ensure your child brings swimming gear and … Continue reading

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Notices for week 3rd April 2017

Monday 3/4/17: No football training for Senior girls. Senior Boys training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:40pm to 3:30pm Tuesday 4/4/17: Senior Girls football match in Scoil Naomh Uilig, Newbridge @ 1:30pm.  Leaving the school @ 12:55pm.  Lifts appreciated. U10 boys … Continue reading

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Notices for week 27th March 2017:

Monday 27/3/17: Senior Girls football training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:40pm to 3:30pm.  There will be a match during the week.  When details are confirmed, these will be notified to you. Tuesday 28/3/17: U10 Boys & Girls football training in … Continue reading

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Egg and Nut Allergy!!

Dear Parents/Guardians, It has come to our attention that a child in our school has a severe allergic reaction to eggs and nuts. This allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) can occur through ingestion of egg or nut products, cross contamination and … Continue reading

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Notices for week 20th March 2017:

Tuesday 21/3/17: Senior Girls football training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:40pm – 3:40pm U10 Boys and Girls football training in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 2:40pm – 3:40pm Wednesday 22/3/17: Senior Girls match V Ballymore in Robertstown G.A.A. @ 1:45pm.  Leaving school … Continue reading

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Robertstown G.A.A. Easter Camp:

  Registration Forms are available from the office.

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Notices for week 13th March 2017:

Seachtain Na Gaeilge: Táimid go léir ag tnúth leis an ceolchoirm atá ar súil inniú.  Tá gach rang gnóthach ag ullmhú amhrán, rann nó dráma don ocáid. Tá múinteoir rince gaeilge ag teacht ar schoil ar an Déardaoin. Beidh tráth … Continue reading

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