Category Archives: General

Parents’ Association Newsletter

A big thank you to the Parents’ Association for their wonderful newsletter. Very informative and enjoyable!

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Parent Association Newsletter

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National Walk On Wednesday

Wednesday, 15th May all children are asked to meet at the Hotel in Robertstown @ 8:30am.  Please make a special effort to walk or park & stride!!

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April in Rang a dó

OUR SPRING FLOWERS: We constructed a vase of flowers during Art. First of all, we looked at the work of an artist in America. Then, we made a plan of the flowers and a vase. We cut the paper out … Continue reading

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Knitting in Ms. O’Gradys

Knitting in Ms. O’Grady’s class!!!!!!    

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Well done to our Cross Country Athletes who Competed at the Hawkfield Centre Today

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Tasty Science Investigation – Materials and How They Change

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Easter Newsletter

Please click on the images below to get a full screen view of our Easter Newsletter    

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There will be confession in the school tomorrow Wednesday 20th of March for children in 3rd class upwards.

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Get your green on

To celebrate St. Patrick’s day this year your child can wear green to school on Friday March 15th. €1 per child can be paid to their teacher to help with a little surprise that the parents are organising for Easter.

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