Category Archives: General

Music Junior Infants

Strand: Performing Strand Unit: Playing Instruments

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Aistear Playtime

At the bakery and the puppet show

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Senior Infants Maths

Strand: Algebra Strand Unit: Patterns

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Junior Infants Maths

Strand: Early Mathematical Activities Strand Unit: Classifying

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Senior Infants Aistear

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Senior Infants Art

Strand:Paint and colour Strand Unit: Painting

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Elections Friday, 4th October 2013

    Reminder:  The school will be closed next Friday, 4th October 2013 to facilitate the elections!!!!

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Junior Infants busy in the morning!!!!


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Dental Nurse Aoife visits all classes to discuss healthy eating and hygiene

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Senior Infant Maths

Strand:Number /Algebra Strand Unit:Counting /Extending patterns

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