Category Archives: General

4th Class ‘Famine Broth’

In Fourth Class we have been reading ‘Under the Hawthorn Tree’ and how Soup Kitchens worked during the famine. The class teacher used a recipe from a Soup Kitchen to make a famine broth which the children tasted and MOST … Continue reading

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P.J. Day Fundraiser for New Buddy Benches

Thank you to all the children for the superb effort they made today in order to raise money for our two Buddy Benches. €232 was raised and we would like to thank O’Neills Coach Hire for their generous offer to … Continue reading

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Notices for week 11th January 2016

The following are notices for the week 11/01/16: Tuesday 12th January 2016: The Student Council are holding a P.J. Day to raise funds for 2 new Buddy Benches for the school. All children wearing P.J.’s are asked to bring in … Continue reading

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Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

    We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year

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Notices for week 21st December 2015

Tuesday, 22nd December: All children are allowed to wear one festive item eg Jumper / Santa Hat etc The school will close @ 12pm for the Christmas holidays and re-open on Wednesday, 6th January 2016. Don’t forget the RCCA Christmas Disco … Continue reading

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RCCA Disco

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Enrollment Applications for September 2016

Enrollment for September 2016 will be closed on Friday 29th January 2016. Please be sure to have your child’s Enrollment Form in by this date. We cannot guarantee a place for your child for the coming school year.

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Parent Association Bake Sale / Raffle

Dear Parents/Guardians, A reminder about the Parent Association Bake Sale on this Friday December 18th. Please support your school by buying Christmas raffle tickets for sale at the school gate this week, and by donating baked goods to the Bake … Continue reading

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Notices for week 14th December 2015

The following are the notices for week 14th December 2015. Staff Car Park: Children are not allowed to enter or exit the school through the staff car park.  This is for the safety of your child/ren. Christmas Play: The Junior … Continue reading

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Christmas Raffle Prizes

The Parent Association will be selling raffle tickets at the school pickup times this week.  Raffle will take place on Friday Dec 18th at the Bake Sale.  Prizes are: Christmas Cake donated by Frantastic Cakes, valued at €60 2 X … Continue reading

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