Author Archives: teacher

May – Rang a dó

We went outside for quite a few lessons during May as the weather was lovely. Here you can see us carrying out a Maths lesson. We were comparing the weight  of various different items, making estimates and then getting an … Continue reading

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April in Rang a dó

OUR SPRING FLOWERS: We constructed a vase of flowers during Art. First of all, we looked at the work of an artist in America. Then, we made a plan of the flowers and a vase. We cut the paper out … Continue reading

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Well done to our Cross Country Athletes who Competed at the Hawkfield Centre Today

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Tasty Science Investigation – Materials and How They Change

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Rang a dó – March 2012

We have carried out lots of measuring tasks this month, and used metre sticks, string, links and rulers to help us.   We made 2D and 3D shapes using raisins and toothpicks – the children really enjoyed this task and … Continue reading

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February activities

We have been working with clay this month. We started out by practising with play-doh. It was hard work making our love hearts, names and 3D shapes!   We have also been looking at capacity in Maths and we had … Continue reading

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Pancake Tuesday Thanks to the Parent’s Asociation


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Light Investigations


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Cluichí Teanga


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Paper constructions

We made some constructions today using paper. The aim was to make our constructions solid so that they could be made taller. We were not allowed to use any glue or sellotape, and had to really think about how to … Continue reading

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