Author Archives: admin

When I Grow Up…….

In Second Class wee have been discussing all about growing up and what we will be doing at ages 12, 18, 25 and 30!! There were some very interesting predictions!!      

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Communion Class

Well done to all the children who made their First Holy Communion!! The children were brilliant on the day and hopefully despite the weather everyone had a brilliant day!! Thanks to all those who helped make the day so special … Continue reading

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2nd Class Science

We have been looking at how materials react when mixed together. We added water to some haribo’s, as well as carrying out how different liquids react with an egg!! Ask the children about the results and which liquids they would/would … Continue reading

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2nd Class Character Profiles

We have been busy making Character profiles for our friends to see just how well we know each other for our ‘Profile Wall’!!!

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PE In Second Class

Through February we have been working on our gymnastics skills. We have practiced three types of rolls (forward, log and teddy bear rolls) as well as perfecting our balances on the floor and on the benches!!

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Second Class Wind Experts

Weather Vanes in Second Class In Second Class we have learned the different instruments we can use to help understand weather. To aid our knowledge of wind direction we made our very own Weather Vanes in class!!

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Special Visitor

Second Class were delighted to have John Mac in to talk about how Robertstown has changed since he was a boy (not that long ago!!). The children were engrossed listening to John discuss the dreaded ‘cane’ and how lemonade was … Continue reading

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Football Training Cancelled

Football training is cancelled today due to weather conditions. Training will resume next Tuesday at the usual time.

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Second Class Monsters

In Art the children made monsters from the fabrics and materials they brought in in their groups!

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Second Class Science

Tree 1 Recognising the different parts of a tree presentation

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