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Notices For Week 17th September 2018

U11  Boys Football Training Today after school 2-40 – 3.30. Match Robertstown vs Straffan in Straffan tomorrow @1pm. Bus Leaving 12.20. Please have €3 for bus. U11 Girls Football Training Wed 19th @ 2.40 – 3.30. Match Next week to … Continue reading

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4th Class ‘Famine Broth’

In Fourth Class we have been reading ‘Under the Hawthorn Tree’ and how Soup Kitchens worked during the famine. The class teacher used a recipe from a Soup Kitchen to make a famine broth which the children tasted and MOST … Continue reading

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As part of ‘Code Week 2015’ the children of 4th Class participated in an hour long code tutorial from Microsoft using Minecraft. They then got to code their own characters to complete different activities such as building houses and shearing … Continue reading

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