Tuesday 31/1/2017: Dancing continues this week with Carla Prestreshi. All students are to wear tracksuits and runners. Wednesday 1/2/2017: Catholic Schools Week: The theme for Catholic Schools Week this year is “Catholic Schools: Learning with Pope Francis to care for … Continue reading
Tuesday 24/1/17: Dance Classes Carla Prestreshi an experienced dance teacher, will begin a block of dance classes for six weeks for all classes in the school. Carla will teach the children a selection of modern dance steps over the block. … Continue reading
Grandparents & Grandfriends Day Wednesday 1st February 2017 12.30pm – 2.30pm. Dear Parents/Grandparents, Third class are delighted to host Grandparents Day, we would like to invite all the grandparents of the children in 3rd class to our school. Mass will … Continue reading
Dear Parent/Guardian, Congratulations to all who are currently taking part in our Couch to 5K program. We have been overwhelmed by your support. We are delighted to announce that Hanlon Concrete will be our title sponsor for our 5K Fun … Continue reading
We are delighted to announce that following the success of the Christmas Disco in the school hall organised by the RCAA (Robertstown Community Amenities Association) that the RCAA has made a contribution of €150 to the school. Well Done to … Continue reading
Monday 16/1/17: French Class and Gymnastics resume this week. Tuesday 17/1/17: Girls Basketball match in the school @ 2:30pm V Rathcoffey. Saturday 21/1/17: Communion Mass in Allen Church @ 6:30pm. Mrs. Kelly: Mrs. Kelly will be finishing up on Friday, … Continue reading
Date: Tues 7th February 2017 (7pm-9pm) Course Code: 17KEC202 Venue: Kildare Education Centre Facilitator: David Dempsey This is a short … Continue reading
Dear Parents/Guardians, Please direct all correspondence by email to robertstownns@gmail.com. The old Principal email is no longer in use. Lost Property There are a lot of coats on the table outside the hall belonging to pupils. These were left here … Continue reading