Full Book List for those not availing of the Book Rental Scheme Junior Infants to Sixth Class 1 Junior Infants 2 … Continue reading
Wednesday 19th June is National Cycle On Wednesday so we are asking that as many cycle to school as they can. Cycle safely!!!
We had beautiful weather in June and took a lot of our lessons outside! We looked at pointillism in Art this month, and created our own paintings in this style. The wind kept blowing our paintings away but it was … Continue reading
We went outside for quite a few lessons during May as the weather was lovely. Here you can see us carrying out a Maths lesson. We were comparing the weight of various different items, making estimates and then getting an … Continue reading
There will be a school uniform shop in school the 15th of June from 11.00 to 2.00pm. Please click on link below for prices and further details. Price List email(2)